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LOCAL Saturday 14 OctOber 2017
Fruit Loose & Veggie Boost
ing. With cooking, the long Caribbean pumpkin reci-
Continued bean’s bean flavor intensi- pes year round. A popular
fies. Long beans are low in dish in Aruban restaurants
Bonchi’ Cunucu calories, about 45 calories is Sopa Di Pompuna, don’t
A long, small bean, boiled per cup, and rich in vitamin miss it. This dish is made of
for a side dish or snack. A and also contain vitamin pumpkin soup, and pars-
Long beans have a chewy, C and potassium. Season: ley. Pumpkins are rich in
crunchy texture–more so year-round. flavonoid polyphenolic
than snap beans–and a fla- antioxidants such as xan-
vor reminiscent of the dry Pompuna thin, lutein and carotenes
navy bean or asparagus. In the endless summer of and also contain vitamins.
Besides stir-fry, soups and Caribbean living we only Pumpkin seeds are a good
salads, the long bean is a have to concern ourselves source of omega-3 fatty
good choice for stewing, with a wet season and a acids, vitamins, minerals
braising (to remain chewy dry season. Still we do in- and proteins. Pumpkins
and firm), sautéing, shal- dulge heavily in the plea- are used to make desserts,
low frying, and deep fry- sures of pumpkin and enjoy breads and soups.q