Page 13 - AWM 6JAN2018
P. 13
Diasabra, 6 Januari 2018 AWEMainta 13
Den 2018 DTI ta
re-introduci sticker
pa vehiculo di motor
cu pasa keurmento
DIENST Technische In-
spectie (D.T.I.) kier informa ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba
pueblo di Aruba en general
y specialmente nos automo- THURSDAY
bilistanan lo siguiente.
February 8, 2018
On Thursday February 8, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the Chamber
Despues cu DTI a stop di uza sticker pa of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be auctioned in public:
varios aña a dicidi pa re-introduci sticker
den 2018. E sticker ta indica cu e vehicu-
1. A residential house locally known as:
lo di motor ta aproba, den boca di pueblo CATIRI 12-E
gekeur. Riba e sticker, di color oranje, ta
para e aña cu e auto ta aproba, e seccion cu standing on a parcel of public land, 741 m2 in size, situated at Catiri in Aruba,
locally recorded as First Division Section L number 2958. The lease rights expire
ta VK, nomber di e departamento cu ta on May 11, 2048
Starting price: Afl. 171.000,--
Dienst Technische Inspectie y e controle
nummer. Esaki ta peg’e unda tin un lugar 2. A residential house locally known as:
riba e banda drechi di e windshield ora un SABANA BASORA 126
vehiculo keda aproba. Vehiculo sin sticker
standing on a parcel of public land, 197 m2 in size, situated at Sabana Baso-
tin e declaracion, documento color geel, si e ra in Aruba, locally recorded as third Division Section G number 2735. The lease
ta valido, como prueba di ta aproba. rights expire on December 14, 2065
Starting bid: Afl. 148.450,--
3. A residential house locally known as:
PARTICIPACION standing on a parcel of public land, 808 m2 in size, situated in Seroe Blanco in
Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section P number 2290. The lease rights
expire on September 30, 2052.
AWEMainta ta acepta publicacion di comunicado
di prensa (press release) acompaña cu foto digital Starting bid: To be announced
asumiendo cu e persona of e instancia cu a somete
e comunicado di prensa pa publicacion tin derecho Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson
of autoridad pa publica of usa e material digital cu • The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions
a ser somete pa publicacion. and special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary
E presentacion di e comunicado di prensa pa T.R. Johnson.
publication den AWEMainta ta ensera cu e • The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by
persona of instancia ta asegura cu e tin derecho • decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
of autoridad pa publica e material digital y cu • Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
e ta acepta sin ningun reserva pa indemnifica bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount
y proteha AWEMainta por completo contra di equal to the auction costs.
cualkier demanda of causa pa daño y prehuicio • A private written bid can be submitted until January 24, 2018.
cu ta ser alega contra AWEMainta pa motibo di
cualkier violacion di derecho di autor, cualkier
otro derecho intelectual of otro derecho civil of For more information: