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A6   U.S. NEWS
            Thursday 14 sepTember 2017
             Officials:                                                                                                         Cop: Man asked

             Student killed confronting shooter at high school                                                                  stepdad to leave,
                                                                                                                                then shot mom

            BY NICHOLAS K. GERANIOS      Michael Harper, a 15-year-   Bad.” He also said the sus-  A  two-lane  road  into  the
            Associated Press             old  sophomore,  said  the   pect  was  obsessed  with    town of about 500 people     By MICHAEL CASEY
            ROCKFORD,  Wash.  (AP)  —    suspect had brought notes    other school shootings.      near the Idaho border was    Associated Press
            A student who opened fire    in  the  beginning  of  the   Students  say  the  shooter   clogged  as  worried  par-  NORTH  HAVERHILL,  N.H.
            in a hallway at a Washing-   school year, saying he was   was  armed  with  a  pistol   ents  sped  to  the  school.   (AP)  —  A  man  charged
            ton state high school killed   going  to  do  “something   and rifle and had carried a   Some people abandoned      with  killing  his  70-year-old
            a  classmate  who  con-      stupid”  and  might  get     duffel bag to school. After   their  cars  on  the  street  to   mother  in  her  room  at  a
            fronted  him  Wednesday      killed or jailed.            shots  were  fired,  students   make it to their children.  hospital intensive care unit
            and wounded three others       Some  students  alerted    went running and scream-     Cheryl Moser said her son,   had  asked  his  stepfather
            before  being  stopped  by   counselors,  the  teen  told   ing  down  the  hallways,   a  freshman,  called  her   to leave so they could be
            a staff member, authorities   AP,  but  it  wasn’t  clear   Harper said.               from  a  classroom  after    alone  and  then  aimed  a
            said.                        what school officials did in   Authorities  didn’t  release   hearing shots fired.     gun  at  her  and  fired  sev-
            The  suspect,  who  a  class-  response.                  the  suspect’s  identity  or  a   “He  called  me  and  said,   eral times, according to a
            mate  described  as  be-                                                                                            police complaint released
            ing  obsessed  with  previ-                                                                                         Wednesday.
            ous  school  shootings,  was                                                                                        Travis  Frink,  of  Warwick,
            taken  into  custody.  The                                                                                          Rhode Island, pleaded not
            wounded victims were ex-                                                                                            guilty to a first-degree mur-
            pected to survive, officials                                                                                        der  charge  in  the  death
            said.                                                                                                               of his mother, Pamela Fer-
            The  shooter  brought  two                                                                                          riere.  He  was  being  held
            weapons      to   Freeman                                                                                           without   bail.Ferriere,   of
            High  School  in  Rockford,                                                                                         Groton,  was  fatally  shot
            south of Spokane, but the                                                                                           Tuesday  at  Dartmouth-
            first  one  he  tried  to  fire                                                                                     Hitchcock Medical Center
            jammed, Spokane County                                                                                              in Lebanon, where she was
            Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich told                                                                                        being treated for an aneu-
            reporters.                                                                                                          rysm. She was expected to
            “He went to his next weap-                                                                                          be released Friday.Frink, 48,
            on,”  Kzenovich  said.  “A                                                                                          was  handcuffed  and  said
            student walked up to him,                                                                                           nothing during the brief ar-
            engaged  him,  and  that                                                                                            raignment  Wednesday  in
            student was shot. That stu-                                                                                         Grafton  Superior  Court  in
            dent did not survive.”                                                                                              North Haverhill.
            The sheriff said the shooter                                                                                        Prosecutor  Jane  Young
            fired  more  rounds  down                                                                                           asked  that  Frink  have  no
            the  hallway,  striking  the                                                                                        contact with his stepfather,
            other  students,  before  a                                                                                         Bob Ferriere, who told po-
            school  staffer  could  stop                                                                                        lice he saw Frink shoot her.
            him.  Kzenovich  called  it  a   Parents gather in the parking lot behind Freeman High School in Rockford, Wash. to wait for their   Defense  lawyer  Rebecca
                                         kids, after a deadly shooting at the high school Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017.
            courageous  act  that  pre-                                                 (Dan Pelle/The Spokesman-Review via AP)  McKinnon  agreed  to  the
            vented further bloodshed.                                                                                           request.  She  declined  to
            Elisa  Vigil,  a  14-year-old   A  call  to  the  school  was   possible  motive.  The  vic-  ‘Mom, there are gunshots.’   comment afterward.
            freshman,  told  The  Asso-  not immediately returned.    tims also were not named.    He sounded so scared. I’ve   A police affidavit says Frink
            ciated  Press  that  she  saw   Harper  said  the  shooter   Luis Prito, an assistant foot-  never heard him like that,”   told officers he went to the
            one  male  student  shot     had  many  friends  and      ball  coach  at  Freeman     Moser told The Spokesman-    hospital  to  kill  his  mother.
            in  the  head  who  janitors   was  not  bullied,  calling   High,  called  the  shooting   Review  newspaper.  “You   No  reason  or  motive  was
            covered  with  a  cloth  and   him  “nice  and  funny  and   devastating.              never  think  about  some-   given.“Who  shoots  their
            another  female  student     weird”  and  a  huge  fan    “This  is  a  real  close-knit   thing happening like this at   mother?  Who  does  that?”
            wounded in the back.         of  the  TV  show  “Breaking   community,” he said.       a small school.”q            said Patti Oakley, a neigh-
            Officer:                                                                                                            bor  of  the  Ferrieres’.  She
                                                                                                                                said her heart broke when
            Slender Man stabbing victim says teen obsessed                                                                      she heard the news.
                                                                                                                                The  town  of  Groton  put
                                                                                                                                out a statement saying Pa-
            WAUKESHA,  Wis.  (AP)  —  A  grader  classmate  Morgan  even  after  she  stabbed  families.  Jurors  saw  clips    mela Ferriere was active in
            detective who interviewed  Geyser  and  Anissa  Weier  her, the Milwaukee Journal  Wednesday  of  investiga-        town  government  and  in
            a  12-year-old  girl  after  she  to  stab  Payton  Leutner  19  Sentinel reported.    tors questioning Weier after   her  local  church,  and  she
            was  stabbed  repeatedly  times in a Waukesha park.       Fisher testified in the trial of  the  attack,  during  which   enjoyed  gardening  and
            and left for dead in a Wis-  Leutner  became  so  con-    Weier,  now  15.  Jurors  will  Weier  moved  from  appar-  biking  with  her  husband.
            consin park in 2014 testified  cerned  about  the  stories  determine  whether  Weier  ent complete belief in Slen-  Oakley  said  she  loved  to
            Wednesday that one of the  Geyser was telling her that  was mentally ill and there-    der Man, to some doubt, to   bake  Halloween  cookies
            two classmates accused of  she  asked  her  mother  if  fore  not  criminally  respon-  a realization by the end of   for  children.“Pam  will  be
            attacking  her  had  been  they  were  real,  Waukesha  sible  at  the  time.  Geyser,  her  interrogation  that  she   missed,  but  we  know  she
            scaring  her  beforehand  Police Detective Shelly Fish-   who  did  the  actual  stab-  had  been  duped.“I  know   is  with  her  Lord  and  Sav-
            with  stories  about  charac-  er  said.  Leutner  told  Fisher  bing, is scheduled to go on  now it’s just teenagers who   ior,”  the  town  said.  “She
            ters from a horror website.  her  mother  tried  to  assure  trial  next  month.Weier  told  really  like  scaring  people   was  looking  to  be  home
            It was their devotion to the  her it was all fiction, but she  investigators she and Gey-  and  making  them  believe   from the hospital soon and
            fictional  horror  character  also told the detective that  ser believed they had to kill  false  things,”  Weier  told   back to her home that she
            Slender  Man  that  authori-  she still was uncertain and  Leutner or else Slender Man  Waukesha  Detective  Mi-    and Bob shared and to her
            ties  say  motivated  sixth-  wanted  to  believe  Geyser  would  kill  them  and  their  chelle Trussoni. q        normal activities.”q
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