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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 2 OctOber 2024
            National Park Arikok: Aruba’s biggest nature conservation

            The  National  Park  Arikok  com-                                                                           Prins and Dos Playa.
            prises  almost  18  %  of  the  island.                                                                     Arikok  is  also  home  to  Conchi,
            Its  rugged  terrain,  desert-like  hills                                                                   Aruba’s most important natural at-
            filled  with  tall  cacti,  breathtaking                                                                    traction;  also  known  as  The  Natu-
            coastline and protected local flo-                                                                          ral Pool. The journey to the Pool is
            ra and fauna welcome you to be                                                                              and  adventure  by  itself  and  only
            explored. There are numerous ani-                                                                           possible by foot, horse, ATV or 4×4
            mals to discover, for example the                                                                           vehicle.
            sea turtle who lays his eggs on the
            park’s beaches.                                                                                             Cultural and Historical components
                                                                                                                        There are a number of sites within
            The national park Arikok takes you                                                                          the  park  that  attest  to  the  history
            on  a  memorable  journey  of  the                                                                          of Aruba. The Caquetío Indians left
            islands  past  offering  unique  geo-                                                                       rock  paintings  in  Cunucu  Arikok
            logical, cultural and historical sites.                                                                     and Fontein Cave. The bird draw-
            These can all be enjoyed and ex-                                                                            ing  in  the  park  logo  is  a  copy  of
            plored either on your own or dur-                                                                           one  of  these  historical  artistic  ex-
            ing  guided  tours.  A  wide  variety                                                                       pressions.
            of  educational  and  informative
            programs and fun activities is avail-                                                                       Old plantation (Cunucus) sites tell
            able.                                                                                                       the story of an active yet challeng-
                                                                                                                        ing agricultural past.
            Did you know that four of the in to-
            tal  seven  species  of  sea  turtle  lay                                                                   These Cunucus were also residen-
            their  eggs  on  Aruba's  beaches?                                                                          tial areas for the few families that
            In  the  national  park,  a  Least  Tern                                                                    worked  the  land.  These  families
            (Sternula antillarum) keeps a strict                                                                        found ways to survive in the difficult
            eye on a very special event taking                                                                          conditions, and were able to erect
            place below on the beach: a ma-                                                                             their  homes  with  materials  found
            jestic  Leatherback  (Dermochelys                                                                           in  the  area.  Two  of  these  adobe
            coriacea) heads back to sea after                                                                           houses  have  been  restored.  Park
            laying her eggs, while another nest                                                                         rangers  are  learning  many  of  the
            laid  2  months  ago  by  the  same                                                                         old building techniques in order to
            female  hatches—a  very  rare  oc-                                                                          preserve this unique Aruban mud-
            currence  of  daytime  nesting  and                                                                         house. At Cunucu Arikok and near
            hatching. Sea turtles prefer nesting                                                                        Plantation Prins you can find these
            in the cool and dark hours of the                                                                           adobe houses.
            night.  And  hatchlings  usually  wait   that approximately 18% of the to-  tallest  hills  on  the  island  are  situ-
            for the cue of cooling surface sand   tal land area of Aruba is assigned  ated within the park. Jamanota hill   Park Management
            before emerging.                    as a National Park, to protect and  188  meters  (617  ft)  and  Arikok  hill   For the management of the park,
                                                preserve the flora, fauna, geology  176 meters (577 ft), from which the   a  dedicated  foundation  “Fun-
            Nature Conservation                 and historical remains present with-  name of the park is derived.      dacion  Parke  Nacional  Arikok”
            The  protected  area  of  National   in Arikok National Park.                                               (FPNA),  known  today  as  the  Aru-
            Park  Arikok  was  officially  estab-                                   The line of the permanently wind-   ba  National  Park  Foundation  was
            lished in 2000. Arikok National Park is   The Landscape                 and-wave  beaten  North  Coast  is   established  in  July  2003.  In  Febru-
            a 34 square kilometers (7907 acres)   There is a great geological variety  broken  by  several  bays  (boca’s).   ary  2017,  mangrove  and  wetland
            of  natural  area,  located  at  the   within the park. The main aspects  Most of them are small yet impres-  RAMSAR site #198 Spanish Lagoon
            north-eastern part of Aruba which   are the rough hills of the volcanic  sive inlets at the mouth of dry river-  was  annexed  to  Arikok  National
            contains  examples  of  most  of  the   Aruba lava formation, the mysteri-  beds. Some of these bays (boca’s)   Park  due  to  its  importance  as  a
            island’s  flora  and  fauna  against   ous rocks of the batholithic quartz-  are  spectacular  sights,  adorned   feeding and breeding area for wa-
            a  backdrop  of  great  geological   diorite/tonalite, and the limestone  with  white,  sandy  beaches  and   ter birds and as a nursery area for
            complexity. We are proud to state   rocks from fossilized coral.  The two  sand dunes, as is the case at Boca   a variety of marine organisms. With
                                                                                                                        this addition, the areas under FPNA
                                                                                                                        management  increased  by  70
                                                                                                                        hectares while the amount of spe-
                                                                                                                        cies of flora and fauna to be con-
                                                                                                                        served to over 250. On December
                                                                                                                        21st,  2018  (AB  2018  no.  77)  Parke
                                                                                                                        Marino  Aruba  –  currently  consist-
                                                                                                                        ing of four marine protected areas
                                                                                                                        (MPAs) – was officially established
                                                                                                                        and  subsequently  brought  under
                                                                                                                        management  of  FPNA.  In  2019
                                                                                                                        management plans will be estab-
                                                                                                                        lished for the new MPAs which in-
                                                                                                                        clude: coral reefs, sea grass beds,
                                                                                                                        mangrove systems, a large diversi-
                                                                                                                        ty of breeding seabirds. Parke Ma-
                                                                                                                        rino Aruba also contains potential
                                                                                                                        shark  nursery  areas,  endangered
                                                                                                                        sea  turtle  nesting  beaches  and
                                                                                                                        marine mammal nursery areas.q
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