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               Wednesday 2 OctOber 2024

            The grace period for student loan payments is over.

            Here’s what you need to know

                                                                                                                                What if I can’t pay?
            Continued from Front                                                                                                If  your  budget  doesn’t  al-
                                                                                                                                low  you  to  resume  pay-
            Around  eight  million  of                                                                                          ments,  it’s  important  to
            those  borrowers  had  en-                                                                                          know how to navigate the
            rolled in the SAVE plan, the                                                                                        possibility  of  default  and
            newest  income-driven  re-                                                                                          delinquency  on  a  student
            payment plan that extend-                                                                                           loan.  Both  can  hurt  your
            ed  the  eligibility  for  bor-                                                                                     credit  rating,  which  would
            rowers  to  have  affordable                                                                                        make you ineligible for ad-
            monthly  student  loan  pay-                                                                                        ditional aid.
            ments.  However,  this  plan                                                                                        If  you’re  in  a  short-term  fi-
            is currently on hold due to                                                                                         nancial  bind,  you  may
            legal challenges.                                                                                                   qualify  for  deferment  or
            With  the  on-ramp  period                                                                                          forbearance  —  allowing
            and  a  separate  program                                                                                           you to temporarily suspend
            known as Fresh Start ending                                                                                         payment.
            and the SAVE plan on hold,                                                                                          To  determine  whether  de-
            student   loan   borrowers                                                                                          ferment  or  forbearance
            who are struggling to afford                                                                                        are  good  options  for  you,
            their  monthly  payments                                                                                            you can contact your loan
            have fewer options, added                                                                                           servicer. One thing to note:
            Yu. Student loan borrowers   UCLA  students  celebrate  during  a  commencement  ceremony  inside  Pauley  Pavilion  on  UCLA   interest  still  accrues  during
                                         campus, in Los Angeles, June 14, 2024.
            who haven’t been able to                                                                           Associated Press  deferment or forbearance.
            afford  their  monthly  pay-                                                                                        Both  can  also  impact  po-
            ments  must  consider  their  and then being subject to  and  eventually  default.  qualify  by  visiting  the  Fed-  tential   loan   forgiveness
            options to avoid going into  forced collections. Howev-   That  can  badly  hurt  your  eral Student Aid website. If  options.   Depending   on
            default.                     er, if you missed payments,  credit rating and make you  you’ve  worked  for  a  gov-  the  conditions  of  your  de-
            If  you  have  student  loans,  you  still  be  falling  behind  ineligible for additional aid  ernment agency or a non-  ferment  or  forbearance,  it
            here’s  what  you  need  to  ultimately on repaying your  and government benefits.     profit   organization,   you  may make sense to contin-
            know.                        loans,” said Abby Shaforth,  If  a  borrower  missed  one  could  also  be  eligible  for  ue paying the interest dur-
            What was the on-ramp pe-     director  of  National  Con-  month’s payment, they will  the Public Service Loan For-  ing  the  payment  suspen-
            riod?                        sumer  Law  Center’s  Stu-   start  receiving  email  no-  giveness  Program,  which  sion.
            The Education Department  dent  Loan  Borrower  Assist-   tifications,  said  Shaforth.  forgives student debt after  What  is  an  income-driven
            implemented  this  grace  ance Project.                   Once the loan hasn’t been  10 years.                      repayment plan?
            period to ease the borrow-   Since this grace period has  paid for three months, loan  What happens when a loan  The U.S. Education Depart-
            er’s transition to make pay-  ended,  student  loan  bor-  servicers notify to the credit  goes into default?       ment offers several plans for
            ments  after  a  three-year  rowers  who  don’t  make  reporting  agencies  that  When you fall behind on a  repaying  federal  student
            payment pause during the  payments  will  go  delin-      the  loan  is  delinquent,  af-  loan by 270 days — roughly  loans.  Under  the  stand-
            COVID-19  pandemic.  Dur-    quent  or,  if  their  loans  are  fecting  your  credit  history.  9  months  —  the  loan  ap-  ard  plan,  borrowers  are
            ing  this  year-long  period,  not  paid  for  nine  months,  Once  the  borrower  hasn’t  pears on your credit report  charged  a  fixed  monthly
            borrowers  were  encour-     go into default.             paid  the  loan  for  nine  as being in default.          amount  that  ensures  all
            aged to keep making pay-     Borrowers  who  cannot  af-  months, the loan goes into  Once  a  loan  is  in  default,  their debt will be repaid af-
            ments since interest contin-  ford  to  make  payments  default.                       it goes into collections. This  ter 10 years. But if borrowers
            ued to accumulate.           can apply for deferment or  If  you’re  struggling  to  pay,  means  the  government  have  difficulty  paying  that
            “Normally,  loans  will  de-  forbearance, which pause  advisers  first  encourage  can  garnish  wages  (with-     amount, they can enroll in
            fault  if  you  fall  about  nine  payments,  though  interest  you to check if you qualify  out  a  court  order)  to  go  one  of  several  plans  that
            months  behind  on  making  continues to accrue.          for  an  income-driven  re-  towards  paying  back  the  offer  lower  monthly  pay-
            payments,  but  during  this  What  happens  if  I  don’t  payment  plan,  which  de-  loan, intercept tax refunds,  ments  based  on  income
            on-ramp  period,  missed  make my payments?               termines your payments by  and seize portions of Social  and  family  size.  Those  are
            payments would not move  Borrowers  who  can’t  or  looking  at  your  expenses.  Security  checks  and  other  known  as  income-driven
            people towards defaulting  don’t pay risk delinquency  You  can  see  whether  you  benefit payments.               repayment plans.q
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