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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 15 augusT 2023

            Aruba Tourism Authority

            honored loyal visitors at La

            Cabana Beach Resort & Casino

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  visiting Aruba)
            ity  recently  had  the  great  Goodwill   Ambassador
            pleasure    to   recognize  (20>years     consecutively
            Goodwill  Ambassadors  of  visiting Aruba)
            Aruba. These Ambassadors  Emerald          Ambassador
            were respectively honored  (35>years      consecutively
            with a certificate acknowl-  visiting Aruba)
            edging  their  years  of  visits,
            loyalty, and love for the is-  The honorees were:
            land of Aruba.               Goodwill  Ambassadors  Mr.
                                         Louis  &  Michaele  Risbrook
            The  honor  certification  is  from  New  York,  United
            presented on behalf of the  States.
            Minister of Tourism as a to-
            ken  of  appreciation  and  Ms.  Kimberley  Richardson  them for choosing Aruba as  “Reuniting  with  our  Aruba
            to  say  “Masha  Danki”  to  representing   the   Aruba  their favorite vacation des-  family and friends”          On  behalf  of  the  Aruba
            guests  who  have  visited  Tourism    Authority,   and  tination  and  their  home-   The  wonderful  treatment  Tourism     Authority,   we
            Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or  staff  members  of  the  La  away-from-home.             from  the  staff  members  at  would  like  to  express  our
            more consecutively.          Cabana  Beach  Resort  &                                  the La Cabana Beach Re-      sincere  gratitude  and  ap-
            The  three  honoring  levels  Casinobestowed  the  Am-    Top  reasons  for  returning  sort & Casino               preciation to the honorees
            are as follows:              bassador certificate to the  to  Aruba,  provided  by  the  “Our  wedding  anniversary  for  their  continued  visits  to
            Distinguished        Visitor  honorees,  presented  them  honorees were:               celebration”                 the “One Happy Island”. q
            (10>years    consecutively  with gifts, and also thanked  Weather, sand, & sea         “ARUBA”

            Prohibited by law:
            leaving the island with seashells, white

            sand or corals

            (Oranjestad)—Often  times,  the  customs  fore  leaving.  This  is  surely  not  a  pleasant
            department at the airport intercepts many  experience  for  the  tourist.  This  also  leads
            tourists  leaving  the  island  with  seashells,  to a negative reaction which can put our
            white sand and/or corals as souvenirs.     tourism in a negative light.
                                                       Though  we  love  to  accommodate  our
            Conforming  to  the  international  treaty  of  visitors,  let’s  all  give  nature  the  respect  it
            CITES  and  our  local  law  which  protects  deserves  by  protecting  our  environment.
            our Flora & Fauna, it is absolutely prohib-  Stop collecting seashells, white sand and
            ited to take any seashell, sand and coral  corals from our shores and stop buying or
            outside of Aruba. This is to protect our en-  accepting these from local sellers or com-
            vironment.  The  high  number  of  seashells,  panies.
            coral and amount of sand confiscated is
            very  strange  and  it  is  suspected  that  our  We want our future generations and visitors
            own locals are the ones selling these to the  to enjoy the beauty of our beaches, shells
            tourists, which is unacceptable.           and  corals  in  a  sustainable  way,  without
            Upon confiscation at the airport, you can  destroying  or  disrupting  the  Aruban  eco-
            also face a fine that they have to pay be-  system. Help us protect what is ours!q
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