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U.S. NEWS Friday 5 august 2022
U.S. declares public health emergency over monkeypox outbreak
By ZEKE MILLER, MIKE STOB- outbreaks have increasing-
BE and MICHAEL BALSAMO ly faced legal challenges
Associated Press in recent years, but Gostin
WASHINGTON (AP) — The didn’t expect that to hap-
federal government de- pen with monkeypox.
clared a public health “It is a textbook case of a
emergency Thursday to public health emergency,”
bolster the response to the Gostin said. “It’s not a red
monkeypoxoutbreak that or a blue state issue. There
has infected more than is no political opposition to
6,600 Americans. fighting monkeypox.”
The announcement will A public health emergency
free up money and other can be extended, similar to
resources to fight the virus, what happened during the
which may cause fever, COVID-19 pandemic, he
body aches, chills, fatigue noted.
and pimple-like bumps on The urgency in the current
many parts of the body. response stems from the
“We are prepared to take rapid spread of the virus
our response to the next coupled with the limited
level in addressing this virus, Jonathan Parducho, a pharmacist, removes a tray of vials of of the Jynneos vaccine for availability of the two-dose
and we urge every Ameri- monkeypox from a box containing 20 doses, in the vaccine hub at Zuckerberg San Francisco vaccine called Jynneos,
can to take monkeypox se- General Hospital, July 29, 2022, in San Francisco. which is considered the
riously,” said Xavier Becer- Associated Press main medical weapon
ra, head of the Depart- against the disease.
ment of Health and Human tic diagnostic capacity to Agency and the Centers control the virus. The doses, given 28 days
Services. 80,000 tests per week. for Disease Control and For example, the an- apart, are currently be-
The declaration by HHS The monkeypox virus Prevention to serve as the nouncement should help ing given to people soon
comes as the Biden admin- spreads through prolonged White House coordinators the federal government after they think they were
istration has faced criticism skin-to-skin contact, includ- to combat monkeypox. to seek more information exposed, as a measure to
over monkeypox vaccine ing hugging, cuddling and Thursday’s declaration is from state and local health prevent symptoms.
availability. Clinics in ma- kissing, as well as sharing an important and overdue officials about who is be- Becerra announced the
jor cities such as New York bedding, towels and cloth- step, said Lawrence Gostin, coming infected and who emergency declaration
and San Francisco say they ing. The people who have a public health law expert is being vaccinated. That during a call with reporters.
haven’t received enough gotten sick so far have at Georgetown University. information can be used During the call, Food and
of the two-shot vaccine to been primarily men who “It signals the U.S. govern- to better understand how Drug Administration Com-
meet demand, and some have sex with men. But ment’s seriousness and pur- the outbreak is unfolding missioner Robert Califf said
have had to stop offering health officials emphasize pose, and sounds a global and how well the vaccine regulators are reviewing
the second dose to ensure that the virus can infect alarm,” he said. works. Gostin said the U.S. an approach that would
supply of first doses. anyone. Under the declaration, HHS government has been too stretch supplies by allowing
The White House said it has Earlier this week, the Biden can draw from emergency cautious and should have health professionals to vac-
made more than 1.1 million administration named top funds, hire or reassign staff declared a nationwide cinate up to five people in-
doses available and has officials from the Federal to deal with the outbreak emergency earlier. Public stead of one with each vial
helped to boost domes- Emergency Management and take other steps to health measures to control of Jynneos.q
U.S. proposes to increase refund protections for air travelers
WASHINGTON (AP) — The by switching to a different usually cost less and are fa- ed with complaints by pas- Currently, airlines are re-
Transportation Department type of plane. vored by many leisure trav- sengers whose flights were quired to offer refunds to
is proposing to require air- The rule would apply even elers. canceled or changed or passengers whose flights
lines to offer passengers a for travelers who buy non- The proposal comes after who were afraid to fly dur- are canceled or signifi-
refund if their flight sched- refundable tickets, which the department was flood- ing the early months of cantly changed, but it has
ule is changed significantly the pandemic and who never defined a cancella-
or the airline makes major couldn’t get refunds. tion or significant change.
changes to their itinerary. Airlines prefer to hand out Because of that, airlines
The proposed rule an- travel vouchers instead of have challenged the Trans-
nounced Wednesday refunds. portation Department’s au-
would require airlines to The department proposes thority to force them to pay
give refunds if their depar- to require that airlines and refunds.
ture or arrival time changes ticket agents give vouchers “When Americans buy an
by three hours or more for that don’t expire for pas- airline ticket, they should
a domestic flight or at least sengers who are told not to get to their destination
six hours for an international travel during a pandemic safely, reliably, and afford-
one. for health reasons or be- ably,” Transportation Sec-
Refunds would also be due cause borders are closed. retary Pete Buttigieg said in
if the airline changes the The proposal faces a pub- a statement. “This new pro-
passenger’s departure or lic-comment period and posed rule would protect
arrival airport, adds stops likely opposition by airlines. the rights of travelers and
in their itinerary, or causes A flight shows cancelled on the departures board at Ronald Their trade group, Airlines help ensure they get the
“a significant downgrade” Reagan Washington National Airport, Wednesday, Dec. 29, for America, did not imme- timely refunds they deserve
in the travel experience 2021, in Arlington, Va. diately comment. from the airlines.”q
Associated Press