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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 15 december 2020

            'Relieved': U.S. health workers start getting COVID-19 vaccine

            By LAURAN NEERGAARD          with  staggered  deliveries   enough  of  both  vaccines
            AP Medical Writer            set throughout the day and   together  to  vaccinate  20
            The    biggest    vaccina-   Tuesday. A few other coun-   million  people  by  the  end
            tion  campaign  in  U.S.  his-  tries  have  authorized  the   of  the  month,  there  won't
            tory kicked off Monday as  vaccine,  including  Britain,   be enough for the average
            health  workers  rolled  up  which  started  vaccinat-    person  to  get  a  shot  until
            their sleeves for shots to pro-  ing people last week, and   spring.
            tect  them  from  COVID-19  Canada, which began do-       "This is the light at the end
            and  start  beating  back  ing so on Monday.              of the tunnel. But it's a long
            the pandemic — a day of  For  health  care  work-         tunnel," New York Gov. An-
            optimism  even  as  the  na-  ers,  who  along  with  nurs-  drew Cuomo said.
            tion's  death  toll  closed  in  ing  home  residents  will  be   Now the hurdle is to rapidly
            on 300,000.                  first  in  line  for  vaccination,   get  vaccine  into  the  arms
            "I  feel  hopeful  today.  Re-  hope  is  tempered  by  grief   of  millions,  not  just  doctors
            lieved,"  critical  care  nurse  and  the  sheer  exhaustion   and nurses but other at-risk
            Sandra  Lindsay  said  after  of months spent battling a   health workers such as jani-  Sandra  Lindsay,  left,  a  nurse  at  Long  Island  Jewish  Medical
            getting a shot in the arm at  coronavirus that still is surg-  tors  and  food  handlers  —   Center, is inoculated with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine
            Long Island Jewish Medical  ing in the U.S. and around    and then deliver a second    by Dr. Michelle Chester, Monday, Dec. 14, 2020, in the Queens
            Center in New York. "I feel  the world.                   dose three weeks later.      borough of New York.
            like healing is coming."     "This  is  mile  24  of  a  mara-  "We're  also  in  the  middle                                   Associated Press
            With a countdown of "3-2-    thon. People are fatigued.   of a surge, and it's the holi-  Americans  say  they  want  the data in a daylong pub-
            1,"  workers  at  Ohio  State  But we also recognize that   days, and our health care  to  get  vaccinated,  while  lic  meeting  last  week  for
            University's Wexner Medical  this  end  is  in  sight,"  said   workers have been working  about a quarter don't and  scientists  and  consumers
            Center gave the first injec-  Dr.  Chris  Dale  of  Swedish   at an extraordinary pace,"  the  rest  are  unsure,  ac-  alike to see.
            tions to applause.           Health Services in Seattle.  said  Sue  Mashni,  chief  cording to a recent poll  by  "Please, people, when you
            And  in  suburban  New  Or-  Packed in dry ice to stay at   pharmacy officer at Mount  The Associated Press-NORC  look  back  in  a  year  and
            leans,  Steven  Lee,  an  in-  ultra-frozen  temperatures,   Sinai Health System in New  Center  for  Public  Health  you  say  to  yourself,  'Did  I
            tensive  care  unit  pharma-  the  first  of  nearly  3  million   York City.          Research.                    do the right thing?' I hope
            cist  at  Ochsner  Medical  doses    being  shipped  are   Plus,  the  shots  can  cause  The  FDA,  considered  the  you'll  be  able  to  say,  'Yes,
            Center,  summed  up  the  a  down  payment  on  the       temporary  fever,  fatigue  world's  strictest  medical  because  I  looked  at  the
            moment as he got his own  amount  needed.  More  of       and  aches  as  they  rev  up  regulator,  said  the  Pfizer-  evidence,'" Dr. Francis Col-
            vaccination: "We can final-  the  Pfizer-BioNTech  vac-   people's  immune  systems,  BioNTech  vaccine,  which  lins, director of the National
            ly  prevent  the  disease  as  cine will arrive each week.   forcing hospitals to stagger  was  developed  at  break-  Institutes  of  Health,  said
            opposed to treating it."     And  later  this  week,  the   employee vaccinations.     neck  speed  less  than  a  Sunday on NBC's "Meet the
            Other hospitals around the  FDA will decide whether to    A wary public will be watch-  year  after  the  virus  was  Press."  "People  are  dying
            country, from Rhode Island  green-light the world's sec-  ing  closely  to  see  whether  identified,  appears  safe  right  now.  How  could  you
            to  Texas,  unloaded  pre-   ond rigorously studied CO-   health  workers  embrace  and  strongly  protective,  possibly say, 'Let's wait and
            cious frozen vials of vaccine  VID-19  vaccine,  made  by   vaccinations.  Just  half  of  and  the  agency  laid  out  see'?"q
            made by Pfizer Inc. and its  Moderna Inc.
            German partner BioNTech,  While  the  U.S.  hopes  for

              U.S. COVID-19 deaths

              top 300,000 just as

              vaccinations begin

              By ADAM GELLER and         “The  numbers  are  stag-
              H. HOLLINGSWORTH           gering -- the most impact-
               Associated Press          ful  respiratory  pandemic
              The  U.S.  death  toll  from  that  we  have  experi-
              the  coronavirus  topped  enced in over 102 years,
              300,000  Monday  just  as  since  the  iconic  1918
              the  country  began  dis-  Spanish  flu,”  Dr.  Anthony
              pensing  COVID-19  shots  Fauci,  the  government’s
              in  a  monumental  cam-    top infectious-disease ex-
              paign  to  conquer  the  pert, said days before the
              outbreak.                  milestone.
              The  number  of  dead  ri-  The  U.S.  crossed  the
              vals  the  population  of  threshold  on  the  same
              St. Louis or Pittsburgh. It is  day  health  care  work-
              equivalent  to  repeating  ers rolled up their sleeves
              a  tragedy  on  the  scale  for   Pfizer’s   COVID-19
              of  Hurricane  Katrina  ev-  shot, marking the start of
              ery day for 5 1/2 months.  the  biggest  vaccination
              It is more than five times  campaign  in  American
              the number of Americans  history.  If  a  second  vac-
              killed in the Vietnam War.  cine  is  authorized  soon,
              It is equal to a 9/11 attack  as  expected,  20  million
              every day for more than  people  could  be  immu-
              100 days.                  nized by month’s end.q
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