Page 2 - KPA 22 SEPT 2015
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U.S. NEWSTuesday 22 September 2015
Barry Bertolet, right, the brother of Toni Henthorn, walks with his wife Paula from a federal courthouse Former peanut exec gets 28
following closing arguments in the murder trial of Harold Henthorn, charged with killing his second years in prison for outbreak
wife, Toni Henthorn, on a hike they took to celebrate their 12th wedding anniversary in 2012, in
Denver, Friday, Sept. 18, 2015. RUSS BYNUM
Associated Press
(AP Photo/Brennan Linsley) ALBANY, Georgia (AP) — A former peanut company
executive was sentenced Monday to 28 years in
Man guilty of pushing wife off Colorado cliff prison for his role in a deadly salmonella outbreak,
the stiffest punishment ever handed out to a
SADIE GURMAN prove he killed her. would have gone willingly producer in a foodborne illness case.
Associated Press But prosecutors argued into such dangerous terrain, The outbreak in 2008 and 2009 killed nine Americans
DENVER (AP) — A federal during a two-week trial that investigators testified. A and sickened hundreds more, and triggered one of
jury on Monday found a Henthorn carefully staged coroner said he could not the largest food recalls in U.S. history.
man guilty of murder for Toni Henthorn’s death determine whether she Before he was sentenced, former Peanut Corporation
pushing his wife to her to look like an accident fell or was pushed, but he of America owner Stewart Parnell listened from his
death off a cliff as they because he stood to benefit said he found no evidence courtroom seat as nine victims testified about the
hiked in Colorado’s Rocky from her $4.7 million in life that Harold Henthorn terror and grief caused by peanut butter traced to
Mountain National Park to insurance policies, which actually performed CPR the company’s plant in southwest Georgia.
celebrate their wedding she didn’t know existed. on his wife, despite what One of the victims was 10-year-old Jacob Hurley,
anniversary, rejecting his They seized on Harold he told dispatchers. And who was just 3 when he was stricken by salmonella
claim that her fall was a Henthorn’s inconsistent park rangers said Henthorn from peanut butter crackers that left him vomiting
tragic accident. It took the accounts of the fatal fall could not explain why he and rushing to the toilet for nearly two weeks.
jury about 10 hours to find and said the evidence had a park map with an “I think it’s OK for him to spend the rest of his life in
Harold Henthorn, 59, guilty did not match his shifting “X’’ drawn at the spot prison,” Jacob told the judge.
of first-degree murder in the stories. Harold Henthorn where his wife fell. Jeff Almer said his 72-year-old mother was battling
death of his second wife, a scouted the remote area Prosecutors argued the back from cancer when she died in December 2008
wealthy Mississippi native. of the popular park 75 miles fatal fall was reminiscent of after eating peanut butter from Parnell’s plant.
She died after plummeting (120 kilometers) north of the death of Henthorn’s first “You took my mom,” Almer said. “You kicked her
about 130 feet off a cliff in a Denver nine times before wife, Sandra Lynn Henthorn, right off the cliff.”
remote, rocky area where bringing his wife with him. who was crushed when a When a jury convicted Parnell and two co-
the couple had been hiking He was searching for the car slipped off a jack while defendants a year ago, experts said it was the first
on Sept. 29, 2012, their 12th “perfect place to murder they were changing a flat time American food processors had stood trial in a
wedding anniversary. someone,” where there tire in 1995 — several months food-poisoning case.
Henthorn told investigators would be no witnesses and after their 12th wedding A federal jury convicted Parnell, 61, of knowingly
that his wife paused to take no chance of her surviving, anniversary. Henthorn has shipping contaminated peanut butter and of faking
photo of the view and fell prosecutor Suneeta Hazra not been charged in that results of lab tests intended to screen for salmonella.
face-first over the ledge. said. Toni Henthorn, 50, case, but police reopened Judge W. Louis Sands estimated Parnell faced up to
His attorney, Craig Truman, wasn’t an avid hiker, so it the investigation after Toni 803 years in prison for his crimes.
said prosecutors failed to didn’t make sense that she Henthorn’s death.q “These acts were driven simply by the desire to
profit and to protect profits notwithstanding the
known risks” from salmonella, the judge said. “This is
commonly and accurately referred to as greed.”
Federal investigators found a leaky roof, roaches
and evidence of rodents at the plant, all ingredients
for brewing salmonella. They also uncovered emails
and records showing food confirmed by lab tests
to contain salmonella was shipped to customers
anyway. Other batches were never tested at all, but
got shipped with fake lab records saying salmonella
screenings were negative.
Emails prosecutors presented at trial showed that
Parnell once directed employees to “turn them
loose” after samples of peanuts tested positive for
salmonella and then were cleared in another test.
Several months before the outbreak, when a final lab
test found salmonella, Parnell expressed concern to
a Georgia plant manager, writing in an Oct. 6, 2008,
email that the delay “is costing us huge $$$$$.”q