Page 21 - bon-dia-aruba-20250207
P. 21

obituArio                  Diabierna 7 Februari 2025

              “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he   My sweet boy, our swordfish                    “Dios ta amor…y amor
              shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the   killer, our son, Kyle Ri’s                 ta Dios,maske mi no
              LORD.” - Psalm 27:14                            brother, a super friend to                     ta na e mundo aki,
                                                              many, knowledgeable beyond                     tur dia lo mi ta banda di boso
              It is with deep sadness that we announce the    expectations, dare devil,                      Curazon,mi por steuns di loke
                                                                                                             Senjor ta haci”
                                                              adventurous and a joker, none of
              passing of our beloved: husband, father, brother,   us were prepared for this news.
              brother-in-law, uncle, cousin, and friend:      None of us saw this coming. You                Conforme cu boluntad di
                                                              had holidays coming but did not                Dios y agradecido pa tur
                                                              want us to know when you were                  locual e la significa pa nos.
                                                              coming.                                        Nos ta anuncia fayecimento
                                                                                                             di nos querido Tata, ruman,
                                                                                                             welo, suegro y omo stima:

                                                                 Bryon Shaughn Richardson,
                                                                  better known as Perla, Pelly, Black Pearl, Blacky  Sr. Michael Jacobus Croes
                                                                          *20-06-1996 – 31-01-2025                      *11-06-1972 - † 04-02-2025

                                                              Left to mourn are:                             Na nomber di su :
                                                              His Parents:                                   Mama: †Maria Treesje Croes
                                                              Paulino “Plons” Richardson                     Tata: †Mario Lugo
                                                              Federica “Ica” Jones
                                                              His Brother: Kyle Richardson                   †Margarita Croes- Paesch y †Jacobus Croes
                 Edward Alexander Anderson                                                                   †Arbolina Susanna Paesh y †Adan de Jesus Lugo
                  Better known as “ Andy, Eddy or Adarn”      His Aunts and Uncles:                          Yiunan:
                    * April 4, 1950 - † January 18, 2025      Esther Jones & Jamil Wever
                                                              Consuelo Adema                                 Aisheline Jansen
                                                              Josanne Fingal                                 Esmeralda Croes y pareha
              Let to mourn are:                               Benjamin “Ben” Jones                           Ricardo Croes y Stacey Ras
              His wife: Vanito Anderson née Williams          Henry “Jerry” Jones & Jenny Bernal Alzate      Corienne M Croes y pareha
              Children: Dalmarie Anderson and Nicole          William “Tochin“ Richardson
              Anderson                                        Alberto “Buchito” Richardson                   Nieto(a)nan:
                                                              Nelson Richardson                              Nieto nan na Hulanda
              Brothers:                                       Edmundo Marlin y Lei Wong                      Ashton Croes
                                                                                                             Jared Zahir Croes
              †Lawrence Turner and family                     His Cousins:                                   Mama di su yiunan:
              †Kenneth Royal and family                       Gianella, Rihana, Ixabelle, Leanne, Melissa, Cinara,   Shahaira Jansen
              †Oscar Royal and family                         Vanessa, Kimberly, Ryan, Benji, Xandy, Raiden, Marc,   Maria Da-Luz Viera Costa De Jesus
              Ezekiel Anderson and family                     Alexander, Sherwin, Joshua, Marisol y Astrid.  Mercedes Ortiz Builes
              †Obediah Anderson and family                                                                   Rumannan:
              Charles Anderson and family                     His Great Aunts and Uncles:                    Sharin y Abelo C de Andrade-Croes y yiunan
                                                              Gilda and Peter Ijff and family in Holland
              Rufus Anderson and family                       Mieke van Dijke and family in Holland          Francis y Natasha Croes y yiunan
                                                              Santiago “Chago” & Christina Jones and family in
              Sister: Eliza Turner and family                 Holland                                        Tanta:
                                                              Kennith Jones and family in Holland            Vicky Paesch y Fernando Figaroa famia
              Brother-in-laws: Wester Mc Leish and family,    Benencia “Nen” Jones in Holland                Maria y Juan Wernet y famia
                                                                                                             Ludwina Croes y Elgio Ras y yiunan
              Calvin Dwyer and family, Cerbert Williams and   His Godmother:                                 Trina Croes y yiu
              family, Delroy Williams, George (John) Williams   Madeline “Dina” Geerman, Andre, and family   Lucia Croes y Eloy Petrochi y yiunan
              and family                                                                                     Adriana Croes y yiunan
                                                              Like Uncles:
              Sister-in-law: Vivine Barrett and family        Andre Loonstra & Family                        Omo:
                                                              Don de Veer & Family                           Armando y Fermina Lugo y famia
              Cousins, nieces and nephews are too numerous    Eric Mansur & Family                           Martin Lugo
                                                                                                             Juan Paesch
              to mention.                                     Bincho Mansur & Family                         Damasco Paesch
                                                              Carlo Mansur & Family
                                                              Hurbertje Merryweather & Family                † Jossy Paesch
              Members of Seventh Day Adventist Church,        Deryl Kock                                     † Rudolfo Paesch y Lina
              neighbours and friends in the community.        Arthur Dowers                                  † Leandro Croes
                                                              Rene Solognier                                 † Feli Croes
              Other Families:                                 Sidney Ponson & Family                         Benito Croes y Amanda Heronimo y famia
                                                                                                             Patricio Croes
              Brown, Carridice, Deebles, Hall, Hibbert,       His Teams: Team Alina, Team Driftwood, Team
              Powell, Reids, Royals, Turners, and Wrights.    Hadicurari, Team Varadero, Team Moonray, Team Ola,   Iha nan:
                                                              Team Tranquilo, Team Nautical, Team Bucuti, Team   Suzy Petrochi
              The Funeral service will take place on          Teaser, Team Tropic King, Team Bali, Team Marina, Team   Suehail Werleman
              Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 at the San       Zeerover, HH Private Affairs Office, Team Bon Bini   Abelo jr. C de Andrade
              Nicolas Seventh Day Adventist Church located at   Cargo.                                       Sue-Ann Petrocchi
              Dr. Schaepmanstraat 3.
                                                              Family: Richardson, Jones, Ras, Wever, Fingal, Bernal   Amigo: Matheo Werleman
                                                              Alzate, van der Plasse, Adema, Clough, Ijff, van Dijke,   Mihor amiga di cas: Geraldine (Sheila) Danje
              The body of the late Edward Alexander Anderson   Geerman, Loonstra, de Veer, Mansur, Merryweather,   Demas famianan: Croes, C. de Andrade, Thiel, Paesch,
              will be laid out from 1:00pm. The service will   Kock, Dowers, Solognier.                      Lugo, de Freitas, Wernet, Figaroa,  Segura, Pourier,
              start at 2:00pm. Followed by the burial service at                                             Jansen, Morel, Ras, Wiersma, Werleman, Petrochi,
              the Sabana Basora Cemetery.                     An invitation is extended to all his family, neighbors,   Dijkhoff, Felicia, Henriquez, Peña, Gonzales, Panneflek,
                                                              friends (too numerous to mention), school colleagues   Vrolijk, Erasmus, Baarh, Lacle, Pak, Martijn, Lampe, de
              Address for Condolences:                        Mon Plaisir Basis School, EPB, and acquaintances to   Cuba, Angela, Chong, Consales, Wever, Kelly.
                                                              attend and pay their respects at Aurora Funeral Home on
              The Pray Funeral Home in San Nicolas            Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 12:00 PM to 4:00   Ta invita pa acto di despedida cual lo tuma lugar
              Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, from 7:00 - 9:00   PM. Cremation will take place in an intimate circle.  diabierna 7 di februari 2025 na Aurora Funeral Home
              pm.                                                                                            di 7or pa 9or di anochi. Cremacion lo tuma lugar
                                                              Bryon is a happy person and therefore we ask that you   despues.
              We apologize if during our time of sorrow, we   come in happy colors.                          Si en caso den nos tristeza nos por a lubida algun persona
              may have overlooked any family or friends.      We apologize if in our sorrow we might have forgotten to
                                                              mention someone.                               of famia,nos ta pidi nos mas sincero disculpa.
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