Page 17 - ATA
P. 17

locAl           Monday 11 June 2018

            English couple tied the knot

            at One Happy Island and

            name their firstborn ‘Aruba’

            ORANJESTAD  –  Aruba  is  a   ready  joking  about  the
            popular  vacation  desti-    next  Aruba-related  name
            nation  for  people  from  all   for their second born.
            over the world, but once in
            a  while  you  meet  people   Mrs. Luidens-Daryanani ex-
            who are so in love with the   pressed  her  big  gratitude
            island that it rubs off in their   for the trust in and dedica-
            personal lives. For an Eng-  tion to Aruba of this young
            lish  couple  our  island  was   couple. “We hope they will
            the  place  to  be  to  tie  the   visit  us  many  more  years
            knot  7  years  ago,  which   and  many  more  genera-
            is  already  a  very  special   tions  long  and  we  wish                                                  TOLL FREE 1 866 978 61 92
            occasion  in  life.  Matthew   them all the happiness with                                                       + 297 699 29 79
            and Natalie Woods took it    the little Aruba and soon to
            a bit further though as they   born sister or brother.”q                                             FOLLOW US ON:        @arubaslife
            called  their  firstborn  child                                                             |
                                         Like Us on Facebook!
            Recently the Woods visited
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-
            ity  (ATA)  where  the  Chief   ORANJESTAD  -  Aruba  To-  cohol addicts in the streets
            Marketing    Officer,   Mrs.   day  has  a  new  Facebook  of Aruba. He has a creative
            Sanju  Luidens-Daryanani,    page and website. We like  mind  with  always  a  social
            gave  them  a  warm  wel-    to welcome you to our on-    twist. His style is very natural
            come.  It  was  a  spontane-  line community!             and pure.
            ous  visit,  initiated  by  the
            couple themselves. It is the   The  cover  picture  of  the  Aruba To Me Is
            fifth time for the Woods to   Facebook  page  will  show  We  would  also  like  to  por-
            be  on  the  island,  the  first   another  picture  of  a  lo-  trait you! By inviting you to
            visit was in 2007 where they   cal  photographer  every  send  us  your  favorite  va-
            fell deeply in love with Aru-  couple of months. We love  cation  picture  while  en-
            ba. Four years later they re-  culture and like to support  joying  our  Happy  Island.
            turned  together  with  their   our  local  talents,  therefore  Complete  the  sentence:
            family and their inner circle   Aruba  Today  chooses  to  Aruba to me is …….  Send
            to make the deep love for    be a platform for showcas-   your  picture  with  that  text
            each other official.         ing  art.  Photographer  Mi-  (including  your  name  and
                                         chael-Anthony Fowler took  where  you  are  from)  to:
            18  months  ago  Nathalie    the  new  cover  picture  of
            Woods gave birth to ‘Aru-    Aruba  Today’s  Facebook  and  we  will  publish  your
            ba’. “We have a very hap-    page,  following  the  for-  vacation   memory.     Isn’t
            py baby, named after One     mer  local  talent  that  shot  that a special way to keep  Speed  Printers  and  any  of  website is live, check it out
            Happy Island”, the mother    the  cover  picture:  Anuar  your  best  moments  alive?  its  affiliated  companies  to  please!
            says.  “The  island  of  Aruba   Habibe.  Michael  is  a  mul-  Please do note: By submit-  use  said  materials,  as  well
            means  a  lot  to  us,  it  gives   titalented   photographer  ting photos, text or any oth-  as names, likeness, etc. for  Thank  you  for  supporting
            us  happiness.”  Nathalie    who  shoots  weddings  and  er  materials,  you  give  per-  promotional purposes with-  our  free  newspaper,  we
            Woods  is  pregnant  at  the   families, but also made an  mission to The Aruba Today  out compensation.            strive to make you a happy
            moment  and  they  are  al-  impressive series of drug/al-  Newspaper,    Caribbean  Last but not least: our new  reader every day.q
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