Page 11 - ATA FEB 18,2015
P. 11
Wednesday 18 February
La Cabana Celebrates Valentine’s:
Resort Associates Learn the Five Languages of Love!
EAGLE BEACH – In celebra- cal Touch. “When you Five Love Languages, you nication altogether, not associates, the Green &
tion of Valentine’s Day, learn to recognize The will improve your commu- only in words but in acts,” Health Committee con-
La Cabana Beach Resort Mirthania explained. tinued to spread the love,
& Casino’s Green and Mirthania also touched setting up a Valentine’s
Health Committee invited on the different types of Day corner in the Chit
public speaker Mirthania love, as described by the Chat Café, where com-
Rasmijn to give a presen- Greeks: love of family, mittee members handed
tation on the Five Lan- love of friends, the love of out heart-shaped Dulce
guages of Love, helping couples, and the uncondi- de Leche caramels to
associates discover their tional love for humanity. their lovely colleagues.
own love language, as The presentation ended Our photos show the love-
well as that of their loved with a moving short film filled celebration of Valen-
ones, friends and col- about a father who had to tine’s Day at La Cabana
leagues. choose between saving a Beach Resort & Casino.
Mirthania gave a short ex- train full of people and his For more information
planation of each of the only son, who had fallen on The Five Languages
Five Languages of Love, between the train tracks. of Love, take the Gary
which are made up of After thanking Mirthania Chapman’s test on the
Words of Affirmation, Acts for sharing her passion and www.5lovelanguages.
of Service, Receiving Gifts, time with La Cabana’s com.q
Quality Time and Physi-
Wednesday 18 February
La Cabana Celebrates Valentine’s:
Resort Associates Learn the Five Languages of Love!
EAGLE BEACH – In celebra- cal Touch. “When you Five Love Languages, you nication altogether, not associates, the Green &
tion of Valentine’s Day, learn to recognize The will improve your commu- only in words but in acts,” Health Committee con-
La Cabana Beach Resort Mirthania explained. tinued to spread the love,
& Casino’s Green and Mirthania also touched setting up a Valentine’s
Health Committee invited on the different types of Day corner in the Chit
public speaker Mirthania love, as described by the Chat Café, where com-
Rasmijn to give a presen- Greeks: love of family, mittee members handed
tation on the Five Lan- love of friends, the love of out heart-shaped Dulce
guages of Love, helping couples, and the uncondi- de Leche caramels to
associates discover their tional love for humanity. their lovely colleagues.
own love language, as The presentation ended Our photos show the love-
well as that of their loved with a moving short film filled celebration of Valen-
ones, friends and col- about a father who had to tine’s Day at La Cabana
leagues. choose between saving a Beach Resort & Casino.
Mirthania gave a short ex- train full of people and his For more information
planation of each of the only son, who had fallen on The Five Languages
Five Languages of Love, between the train tracks. of Love, take the Gary
which are made up of After thanking Mirthania Chapman’s test on the
Words of Affirmation, Acts for sharing her passion and www.5lovelanguages.
of Service, Receiving Gifts, time with La Cabana’s com.q
Quality Time and Physi-