Page 11 - Minister Mike de Meza
P. 11
2015 Green Aruba will bring many experts together
to brainstorm and discuss numerous concepts
THE 6th Green Aruba Conference The 6th Green Aruba Conference is with a special interest or talent in the ways that will better suit utility compa-
where many experts from different technology or engineering area as for nies in their effort to create a balance
taking place upcoming October is an countries will meet to share their expe- business owners or house owners look- between sustainable investments and
extremely important conference for riences, and to study the ‘Casus Aruba’ ing for opportunities to introduce green trustworthy investments.
Aruba. and brainstorm with other experts and energy methods to their company or The client remains the main focus in ev-
The path to achieve 100% indepen- local participants on ideas that will household. ery aspect that will be discussed and the
dence of fossil fuels (Heavy fuel oil and contribute to how they move forward. desired balance can only be achieved if
other crude oil products) when it comes Utilities Aruba N.V. along with WEB Aruba Renewable Integration Study the cost of energy production remains
to electric current and drinkable water Aruba N.V. and Elmar will showcase (ARIS) is a study currently being con- the same or is reduced.
production is not an easy process for any Aruba’s progress and present the chal- ducted by the partners in the Aruba
utility company. lenges that quick introduction of renew- utility sector along with internation- The 6th annual Green Aruba will be a
able such as windmills, solar panels and ally renowned institutions which will very interesting conference for Aruba
We need to keep in mind that Aruba be- the total mix of energy bring along. be presented during the Green Aruba and other countries in our region be-
longs to the SIDS (Small Island Develop- Conference. cause of its international and local
ment States) category, which are small Green Aruba will also serve as an exhi- ARIS includes models that outline speakers and active exchanges between
population islands that are growing but bition platform where the experience Aruba’s ambitious goals regarding sus- experts on all sustainable energy sub-
have limited resources and depends a and knowledge of other islands and tainable energy as long as the network jects.
lot on international commerce, such institutions will be presented. This will remains stable and the system costs are The conference will take place on
islands are vulnerable to numerous un- contribute to the Share Sustainability minimalized. October 27 and 28 at Aruba Marriott
controllable factors and share the same theme’s angle’s being fully extended. Resort & Stellaris Casino. Visit the
challenges as other countries trying to By sharing experiences of the best prac- Aruba is currently doing more research webpage for more
develop sustainable energy. tices and technologies that have yielded on innovative technology or business information.
the best results or are currently being
Remarkable and much discussed among developed or are going through the test-
international experts is that Aruba is ing phase will present the opportunity
standing out the most out of all the for interesting discussions maybe even
SIDS countries. Aruba shows the most lead towards important decisions and
progress with an admirable goal and deals between many countries includ-
developments that serve as an example ing Aruba.
for many other regions and countries.
Recognizing the challenges that Aruba Green Aruba is conference that is open
faces on their path to achieve the Aruba to general public participation and
2020 goal: 100% fossil fuels indepen- includes interesting presentations and
dence, the 2015 Green Aruba Confer- discussions both for young students
ence will focus on Share Sustainability,
4 LOCAL Thursday, August 6 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER