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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 28 February 2023
            Big reception for survey “Literary Life on Aruba”

            (Oranjestad)—Recently,  sons why literary life on the  can  be  found  one  click
            there  has  been  a  survey  island is stuck and perhaps  away.
            published for the public, in  suggest  way  to  improve  In  the  past,  there  have
            which investigators explore  this.                        been  many  talks  and  in-
            the reasons for the decline                               sinuations  about  the  liter-
            in literary life on Aruba and  This  commission,  consist-  ary life on Aruba, but there
            ways to fix this.            ing of Dr. J. Pereira, Dr. W.  were no data to substanti-
                                         Rutgers  and  Dr.  F.  Guade-  ate these statements. There
            The  commission  leading  loupe,  revised  all  the  sur-  are a lot of factors that play
            the investigation regarding  veys  and  gave  their  rec-  a  role  and  attention  must
            literary life on Aruba reunit-  ommendations. The enthu-  be  paid  to  this.  However,
            ed to work on three points  siasm within the community  with  this  investigation,  it  is
            of interest. This investigation  to participate in this survey  finally possible to point out
            covers  a  variety  of  areas  was overwhelming. This was  the  weaknesses  and  look
            like  secondary  schools,  li-  evident  from  the  number  for  ways  to  remedy  these.
            braries, book shops, authors  of  people  who  registered  According to Mr. Nicolaas,
            and readers.                 their  email  survey.litera-  this  investigation  is  the  first
            For  each  area,  the  inves- to receive  of its kind and is something
            tigator  Mr.  Nicolaas  de-  the  survey.  Soon  there  will  that  needs  to  continu-
            signed  a  list  of  questions,  be an online version of the  ally  take  place  every  5  to
            specifically   about   their  survey on different websites  10  years.  This  way  we  can
            field. Based on the answers  like the ‘Lanta Papiamento  keep  monitoring  this  field
            for these questions, investi-  Foundation’ (FLP) and Ca-  and  build  a  healthy  and
            gators may explain the rea-  reer  IQ,  where  the  survey  strong country.q

            Minister Endy Croes meets with the FEPA foundation

                                                                                                   Besides  this,  they  also  Bonaire  will  also  assist  in
                                                                                                   made a petition to open 5  this  project,  seeing  as  it
                                                                                                   new studies on ABO 1 lev-    already  has  these  studies
                                                                                                   el,  which  is  equivalent  to  and  FEPA’s  intention  is  to
                                                                                                   the level MBO 1 in Bonaire.  buy these from Bonaire and
                                                                                                   Those  who  may  or  may  establish them in Aruba.
                                                                                                   not  have  finished  primary
                                                                                                   school only can enroll in this  Before realizing this project,
                                                                                                   study, and hence improve  FEPA  must  turn  in  a  study
                                                                                                   their chances for better job  guide  to  see  how  these
                                                                                                   opportunities.               studies  will  be  structured.
                                                                                                                                Afterwards,  the  Depart-
                                                                                                   These  5  studies  are  as  fol-  ment  of  Education  Aruba
                                                                                                   lowed:  1.  Assistant  service  and  Education  Inspector-
                                                                                                   and  care  worker;  2.  Sales/  ate  Service  Aruba  need
            (Oranjestad)—Recently,  spectorate  Service  Aruba,  tions that they have made  Retail Assistant; 3. Hospital-      to  evaluate  these  in  order
            Minister of Education, Endy  Mr. John Hessen and direc-   since last October. One of  ity,  food  or  food  industry  to  make  sure  that  the  di-
            Croes, met with the director  tor of the Department of Ed-  these  concerns  the  estab-  assistant;  4.  Building,  living  plomas  are  recognized.
            of the FEPA foundation, Mr.  ucation  Aruba,  Mrs.  Anne  lishment  of  a  MAVO  sec-  and  maintenance  assis-     Finally, the Minister of Edu-
            Randolf  Vrolijk,  and  policy  Marie Proveyer.           ondary  school  completely  tant; 5. Assistant plant, ani-  cation, Mr. Endy Croes, will
            officer  Mr.  Jerehm  Capm-                               in  Papiamento  for  drop  mal  or  (green)  living  envi-  be advised whether to give
            bell.  Also  present  were  di-  During  this  meeting,  FEPA  outs  with  a  difficulty  with  ronment worker.     aprovable to this petition or
            rector  of  the  Education  In-  brought forth different peti-  the Dutch language.                                 not.q

            Minister Glenbert Croes meets with House Representative for

            New Hampshire, USA, Mr. Brian D. Cole

            (Oranjestad)—Minister  of  Energy  Representative  Cole  in  contact
            Glenbert Croes met with Represen-   with state energy businesses.
            tative Brian D. Cole during his visit
            on the island. During his stay, Rep-  There  will  be  a  follow-up  meeting
            resentative  Cole  took  the  time  to  so  Representative  Cole  can  intro-
            share with the Aruban government  duce  the  government  to  Ameri-
            his  vision  for  new  technological  can companies interested in help-
            projects  concerning  generating  ing  Aruba  with  this  technological
            electricity using tidal movements.  method called Tidal Generation of
            Seeing  as  the  government  pos-
            sesses  an  interest  in  generating  Minister Croes is very grateful to be
            electricity through more economic  able  to  host  Representative  Cole
            means,  this  indeed  captured  the  and for his interest to help develop
            minister’s attention. This will also put  the island. q
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