Page 23 - AHATA
P. 23
Wednesday 16 OctOber 2019
Tierra del Sol Restaurant gets Incredible Makeover
NOORD — The Restaurant at Tierra island’s rugged north coast and
del Sol will create a whole new Blue Ocean forming your pan-
look just for you! The restaurant will oramic from a masterfully sculpted
be closed for renovations which is 18 beautiful holes of championship
due to be ready beginning of De- golf by Robert Trent Jones II. Your
cember. Do not worry to miss out play field combines the elements
on the delicious food though be- of wind, sea, and earth in perfect
cause lunch and early dinner can harmony. You may even encoun-
daily be enjoyed at the 19th Hole ter goats and the local burrowing
Bar at the pool from 11:00 AM to owls named ‘shocos’. Welcome to
8:00 PM. nature, welcome to the greatness
of a new experience.
In case you are a golf fanatic,
playing on Tierra del Sol’s 18th hole After Game Delight
course is a must. The ONLY 18th You can play your round of golf
hole golf course on this island has and then head to the 19th Hole
a uniqueness that is the reason to bar at the pool for a nice relaxing Testimonials
visit it. Added to that is an over- lunch. Not a golfer? No problem. “Awesome golf course. Had a
whelming nature and outstanding The food at Tierra del Sol stands out blast!!” TIERRA DEL SOL RESORT & GOLF
service. There is no way you can and is yet a reason to hop into your “Wonderful golf and you will see
miss out on this experience. Imag- car and drive to that perfect pic- goats on the course. You may be Phone: (+297) 586-7800
ine: a drive to the North end of the ture landscape where the chef will fortunate and see Shoco owl. Just Email:
island where you encounter the pamper your tasting buds. know it will be very very windy.q
Aruba is our home away from home
PALM BEACH — Recently, Mr. Jonathan Boek-
houdt had the great pleasure to honor loyal and
friendly visitors of Aruba as Distinguished Visitors
at their home away from home. The symbolic
honorary title is presented on behalf of the Min-
ister of Tourism, as a token of appreciation to
the guests who visit Aruba between 10-20-35
and more consecutive years.
The honorees were the lovely lady Kathleen
Smothers, resident of Decatur Georgia and
the great couple William & Sonia Giannetti
residents of West Chester Pennsylvania.
The honorees had many reasons why they keep
coming back to the island year after year. They
love the warm inviting sun, the kindness of the
people of Aruba, the absolute feeling of safety
everywhere and anytime and the great selec-
tion of restaurants.
Boekhoudt together with Jenny Boekhoudt,
member of Marriott Surf Club, thanked them for
choosing Aruba as their vacation destination
and as their home away from home for so many