Page 14 - AHATA
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                                                                                                                           Saturday 12 May 2018

            ArubaCoin: A Social Experiment, Just Like Bitcoin

            ORANJESTAD  –  New  initia-  Anybody  and  everybody  will  be  seamless  and  you  nobody  knows  who  the  costly and timely, while lo-
            tives  give  energy,  but  you  can  contribute.”  “It’s  also  won’t  know  you  are  us-  creators  of  the  genesis  cal  bank  transfers  takes  2
            need  to  understand  them  programmable  money  so  ing  cryptocurrency  in  the  block  are,  which  eventu-      days.”
            to be willing to participate.  there are allot of use-cases,  backend  of  an  applica-  ally  doesn’t  matter.  It’s  a
            Aruba Today had the plea-    ArubaCoin could have nu-     tion. Many are skeptical of  grassroots project, it’s been  How  many  and  which
            sure to interview the people  merous purposes:            Bitcoin or ArubaCoin which  released  for  the  public.  companies  work  with  Aru-
            of ArubaCoin, out of curios-                              is  very  normal  if  you  don’t  The  community  has  grown  baCoin so far?
            ity  about  the  new  crypto-  1)  means  of  cheap  and  fully understand the funda-  substantially,  from  bitcoin  “Currently  in  Aruba  there
            currency.                    instant  exchange  without  mentals.    Cryptocurrency  advocates       to   Aruban  are  16  businesses  accept-
            What is ArubaCoin and how  any 3rd party involved         was created out of neces-    cryptocurrency    commu-     ing ArubaCoin:
            does it work?                                             sity to solve a problem.”    nity  members.  The  same  Linda’s Dutch Pancakes
                                         2) e-commerce and online                                  as  Satoshi  Nakamoto  left  Aruba E-Bike Tours
            “ArubaCoin  is  a  decen-    platforms instant payments  “ArubaCoin did 2 rounds of  bitcoin  to  the  community  Casalina  Garden  Apart-
            tralized  social  cryptocur-  without  the  risk  of  charge-  free Airdrops to the Aruban  members,  this  happened  ments
            rency,  there  is  no  central  backs                     Community  where  hun-       to ArubaCoin also. The pur-  New  Image  Spa  Aruba  @
            authority. It’s an ERC-20 on                              dreds  of  participants  re-  pose is to solve a problem  Barcelo Hotel
            the ethereum block chain.  3)  a  censorship  resistant  ceived free 200 ArubaCoin  and have an alternative.  A  Alfie’s Burger joint & Bar
            The  benefit  of  that  is,  Aru-  scarce digital asset   (at  today’s  market  price  social  experiment  just  like  Mi Desayuno Restaurant
            baCoin  can  be  sent  and                                $2.30 = $460)                bitcoin.”                    Cunucu 297
            received on any ethereum  4) financial sovereignty        and 50 ArubaCoin airdrops                                 Tennis  School  Aruba  Palm
            wallet. Transaction fees are                              current total value of $115.  What is your goal with Aru-  Beach
            paid in ether and it is sup-  5)  automated  settlement  This  is  how  we  wanted  to  bacoin?                     ArubaCanoe  water  activi-
            ported  by  popular  hard-   layer                        reach broad distribution for  “The goal of the ArubaCoin  ties & paddle school
            ware  wallets  Legder  and                                the  local  Aruban  commu-   community  in  general  is  Motivami
            Trezor.  You  control  your  Its  a  new  technology  that  nity. And in this way create  to  have  a  wide  adoption  Dog Hotel Aruba
            wealth  by  controlling  the  many still don’t understand  a low barrier of entry for the  and active community and  Gomes  Air-conditioning  &
            private key, which you can  nor  need  to.  Many  don’t  rest of the community.”       slowly  but  surely  grow  the  services
            backup  numerous  ways  understand  what  TCP/IP  is  Who  started  ArubaCoin  eco-system.  Sustainability  InvenTech Aruba
            and  multiple  times.  It’s  an  but you use it every day, it’s  and with what purpose?  is  priority.  An  easy  and  in-  Best Buy Family Store
            open  source  and  fully  au-  called the internet. Eventu-  “ArubaCoin  has  the  same  stant  means  of  exchange.
            ditable on the block chain.  ally  the  user-experiences  mystique  that  Bitcoin  has,  Physically  bringing  cash  is    Continued on Page 14
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