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a26    condolencia
             Diaranson 30 augustus 2017

                                                             The LORD is my shepherd;
              Verbaas je daar niet over, want de tijd komt dat alle   I shall not want.
              mensen die in de herinneringsgraven zijn, zijn stem   He makes me lie down in green pastures.
              zullen horen en tevoorschijn zullen komen.     He leads me beside still waters.               Caminda Dios ta, ei mi kier biba.
              Joh.5 : 28,29                                  He restores my soul               Psalm 23 vers. 1 & 2  Señor ta mi luz y salbacion, di ken mi lo tin miedo?
              Met verdriet in ons hart, en in dankbare herinnering,                                         Señor ta Fortaleza di mi bida, pa ken lo mi tembla?
              geven wij kennis van het plotselinge overlijden van:  With deep sorrow we announce the passing away of:  -Salmo: 27
                                                                                                            Conforme cu boluntad di Dios, nos ta participa fayeci-
                                                                                                            mento di:

                  Petronella van Staaijeren
                           Beter bekend als “Nel”                   Oscar Thomas Wilson
                          28-08-1941 - 27-08-2017                        Sunrise: March 20, 1950
                                                                         Sunset: August 27, 2017
              Uitvaart wordt op een later tijdstip bekend gemaakt  Passed away peacefully at the age of 67
                                                                                                              Juana Rufina Jansen-de Mey
                                                             He is survived by his:
                                                                                                                      Mihor conoci como “Annie”
                                                             Loving wife: Maria Rodriquez and family.                  *09-07-1936 – †27-08-2017

                                                             Son: Giovanni Busby.                           Na nomber di su:
              Mita Alsa mi bista na serunan;                                                                Esposo:       Gregorio “Ceril” Jansen
              Di unda mi yudansa lo bini?                    Daughter: Vanessa Janssen and family.
              Mi yudansa ta bini di Señor ku                                                                Yiunan: Jorge Anthony y Tineke Jansen-Werleman
              A traha shelo I tera!                                                                                Andy y Ingrid Jansen-Hill
                                                             Sisters:   Veronica Landsmark Roy .(Frances).         Gregory y Gyseth Jansen-Arends
              Cu  inmenso  dolor  na  nos  curason,  nos  ta  anuncia  fayeci-     Ilona Wilson Warner (Frankie) and family.       Michael y Susan Jansen-Portillo
              mento di:                                             Ingrid Wilson Dejesus and family               Ivan y Tamara Jansen-Wever
                                                                    Jacqueline Warner and family.

                                                             Brothers: John and Jeff Gario .                Nieto y nietanan:
                                                                                                                   Annely Jansen y Nigell Tromp
                                                             Stepmother: Emilse Wilson and  family.                Cindy Jansen
                                                                                                                   Alyssa, Christopher Jansen
                                                             Aunt: Dorothy and family                              Chelsy,  Jesmae Jansen
                                                                                                                   Naycheal, Hanier, Bryant y Arelly Jansen
                                                             Uncle: Ivon and family                                Jayvan, Ian Jansen
                    Juan Eusebio Wouters                     To a great lady Santa Altagracia Blyoden and family.  Bisanietonan:   Marshean Tromp
                        Cariñosamente yama: “Pa Janchi”      To Landsmark family,The Jones and the brown fam-             Arqion Jansen
                          * 16-12-1943   † 24-08-2017        ily .
                                                                                                            Rumannan:          †Walti y Alida De Mey-Croes
              Na nomber du su esposa: Deltha Hasham          For the host of nephew and nieces and  for the many          †Rufi de Mey
              su yiunan: Nella Wouters                       friends near and far. We thank you for your prayers          Livia y Rufo Lampe-de Mey
                       Zulma Wouters                                                                                      †Ika y Freddy Ruiz-de Mey
                                Miriam Wouters               during this difficult time.
              Manera yiu: Lucaskjo Schmidt, Mirella Gomez                                                   Sobrino y sobrinanan: Rowy, Natasha, Jeanine, Rina,
              Nieto y nietanan:                              We apologize if during our grief we forgot to mention   †Rena, Zairo y Michaella y nan famia:
                     Rochendly Wouters y Rosaina Ammerlaan   any name or family
                     Christopher Richardson y Sheneequa Yrausquin
                     Stacey Kock                             The funeral will take place on Friday 1st September   Ex yerna: Belkins Marquez del Toro
                     Christy-Rose Villanueva                 2017 at 4:00 pm at Ad Patres Funeral Home and from
                     Tracey Kock                             there to the Central Burial Ground in Sabana Basora.   Swa y Cuñanan, Primo y primanan, Ihanan y demas
              Bisanieta: Rosiendly Wouters                   The body of Mr. Oscar will be laid out from 2:00 pm   famianan. Amistadnan y bisiñanan. Staff y personeel
              Rumannan: Ninita Toppenberg esposo y yiunan    at Ad Patres.                                  di Huize Maristella. Si encaso den nos tristeza, nos por
                              Silvia Kock esposo y yiunan                                                   a lubida algun persona of famia, nos ta pidi disculpa.
                              Mery Henriquez esposo y yiunan
                              Frida Baars esposo y yiunan(NL)  Opportunity  for  condolences:  Ad  Patres  Funeral   Acto di entierro lo tuma lugar diahuebs 31 augustus
                              Lenny Van der Wijden esposo y yiunan (NL)  Home                               2017
                              Robert Wouters esposa y yiunan   Thursday 31 August 2017 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm  For di 2’or pa 4’or na aurora funeral home y despues pa
              Ayudante (primo): Juancito Henriquez
                                                             Staff  and  Management  of  Ad  Patres  funeral  home   santana catolico na paradera
              Subrino y subrinanan, primo y primanan, comer y comper-  extend their most sincere condolences to the family.
              nan, swa y cuñanan y demas famianan: Wouters, Henriquez,   Condolences can be sent through our e-mail address   Lo  tin  un  box  disponibel  pa  un  donacion  na  Huize
              Martijn, Koolman, de Cuba, Van der Linden, Thijsen, Go-  or website                           Maristella.
              mez,  Noguera,  Schwengle,  Toppenberg,  Maduro,  Kock,               Despues di entiero no ta ricibi bishita na cas.
              Ras, Angela, Baars, Van der Wijden, Pietersz, Hasham, Vil-
              lanueva, Richardson, Yrausquin, Zievinger, Lacle y Geerman
              Si en caso den nos tristeza nos por a lubida algún persona of
              famia, nos ta pidi nos mas sincero disculpa
              Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar Diaranson 30 Augustus 2017
              pa 11or di mainta na Ad Patres Funeral Home y despues sa-
              liendo pa Santana Central na Sabana Basora. Nos defunto
              stima lo ta reposa for di 9or di mainta na Ad Patres.
              Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home ta extende
              nos mas sincero condolencia na famia di e fayecido.
              Condolencia por wordomanda riba nos website:
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