Page 16 - DESPA
P. 16
CLASSIFIED Friday 18 august 2017
Dr. Jansen
Tel. 585 0939
San Nicolas
Dr. Boderie
Aruba Beach Club
week 30 July 29/ aug.5th EMERGENCIA 911
units 4 pers. kitchen
2 qsize bedr
Close to the beach $650
Call: 583 4403 /560 3297
Complete renovated STA. CRUZ 527-2900
Divi Dutch Village SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
wk 27, pool floor studio unit POLICE TIPLINE 11141
13, all special asessment pd, FIRE DEPT. 115
$4200 week 26 divi Villa and FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
golf unit 5509, 1 br 6/25 start DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
Mark Johnson, right, stands next to public defender Rosie Chase, center, during his arraignment, $3900 and week 29 unit 5503, AMBULANCE 582-1234
Thursday, Aug. 17, 2017, in North Hero, Vt., on charges he sprayed liquid manure on a marked
U.S. Customs and Border Protection car on Aug. 3 in Alburgh, Vt., after confronting an agent about July 16 IMSAN 524-8833
immigration enforcement. Seated at left is state’s attorney Doug DiSabito. Johnson pleaded not RED CROSS 582-2219
guilty to charges. 508 651 0016 Women in Difficulties
(Tonya Poutry/The Islander via AP, Pool) ________________________________207549 PHARMACY
Man denies purposely spraying manure HOUSE FOR SALE Oranjestad:
This beautiful family home
Eagle Tel. 587 9011
on border patrol car Features 3 bedrooms, 2 bath- San Nicolas
San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
rooms, kitchen fully fenced
backyard, pool entertainment
areas. Property land $247,000
By WILSON RING Johnson told The Associ- with the law, said he didn’t For info call 00297 594 1496 INFORMATION 118
Associated Press ated Press on Wednesday know the car was nearby TAXI-TAS 587-5900
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — A that his livelihood was hurt when he turned on his ma- PROF. TAXI 588-0035
man pleaded not guilty by people working on Ver- nure spreader. ________________________________207737 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
SERVICE AUA 583-3232
Thursday to charges he mont farms who could be Border Patrol agent Robert FOR RENT A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
sprayed liquid manure on in the country illegally. He Rocheleau said in an affi- an executive 2 bedroom 280-2828
a marked U.S. Customs and said he asked the agent davit that Johnson sprayed + 2 bathroom. Home in Pos CruisE sHiP
Border Protection car af- why he wasn’t doing more his car after a profanity- Chiquito fully furnished with
ter confronting an agent to arrest people working in laced tirade Aug. 3 in Al- a big garage, alarm system,
about why he wasn’t do- the U.S. illegally. burgh, just south of the camara, jacuzzi. Complete aC
ing more to arrest people in Customs and Border Pro- Canadian border, in which for $1,600
the country illegally. tection says the job of the Johnson complained the Call 563 1449
Mark Johnson, 53, of Al- border patrol is to keep border patrol wasn’t doing ________________________________207904 August 23
burgh, entered the plea in people from entering the enough to combat illegal PARADISE BEACH VILLAS adventure of the seas
Vermont Superior Court in country illegally. U.S. Immi- immigration. Aug. 5-12 wk 31 Zenith
North Hero to state charg- gration and Customs En- At one point, Johnson aug.12-19 wk 32 Aruba Airport 524-2424
es of disorderly conduct forcement is responsible for “wrapped his arms around two bedroom, pool ocean/view American Airlines 582-2700
and simple assault of a law enforcing immigration law himself and yelled ‘Every- Call 941 -343-1088 usa Avianca 588-0059
Aruba Airlines 583-8300
enforcement officer with inside the country. one is squeezing me to ... or 587 4000 Fred Jet Blue 588-2244
fluids. He declined to com- Johnson, who has a long death,’” Rocheleau’s affi- _________________________________207903 Surinam 582-7896
ment afterward. history of minor brushes davit said.q FOR SALE Venezolana 583-7674
Casa del Mar Aruba Foundation
wk 1 +deed For those Visually Incapasitated
2bedroom and 2 bath #1313 Tel. 582-5051
Presidential / ocean view AL-ANON group
$21,000 Sabana Liber #8, Noord
e-mail: Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
_________________________________206677 FUNDACIONS
Tel. 582-4433
Centro Diabetic Arubano
Tel. 524-8888
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583-8989
Tel. 525-2672
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583-5400
Bloodbank Aruba
Tel. 587-0002