Page 8 - MIN.VOS 17 OCT,2015
P. 8


UP FRONTSaturday 17 October 2015

Conservative Canadian leader fighting to stay in power 

ROB GILLIES                    States, that has been            secutive elections and            Liberals would be per-                           Harper, Harper will just go
Associated Press               so soured over the past          nudged a traditionally            sonally devastating. For-                        through the roof or maybe
TORONTO (AP) — Conser-         10 years between our             center-left country to the        mer colleagues say his                           he’ll melt like the Wicked
vative Prime Minister Ste-     prime minister and Presi-        right. He gradually low-          long-term goal is nothing                        Witch of the West.”
phen Harper’s nearly 10                                                                                                                            The Liberals lead the Con-
years in power could end       Conservative leader Stephen Harper pauses for a moment as he attends a campaign event at                            servatives by almost 6 per-
next week, along with his      the J.P. Bowman tool and die company in Brantford, Ontario, Canada.                                                 centage points.  Accord-
dream of shattering Can-                                                                                                                           ing to the CTV/Globe and
ada’s image as a liberal                                                                             (Jonathan Hayward/The Canadian Press via AP)  Mail/Nanos Nightly Track-
bastion.                                                                                                                                           ing Poll, the Liberals are at
Harper, one of the lon-        dent Obama especially,           ered sales and corporate          short of redefining what it                      36.5 percent, followed by
gest-serving Western lead-     is much larger than just         taxes, avoided climate            means to be Canadian,                            the Conservatives at 30.6
ers, is seeking a rare fourth  the Keystone XL pipeline,”       change legislation, sup-          killing the long-held no-                        percent. The New Demo-
term in Monday’s election      Trudeau said. “That has          ported the oil industry           tion that the Liberals — the                     crats, a leftist party that
but polls show him narrow-     actually been a point of         against environmentalists         party of long-time leaders                       moved to the center in a
ly trailing Liberal leader     frustration for the Ameri-       and backed Israel’s right-        Pierre Trudeau and Jean                          bid to get elected for the
Justin Trudeau, the son of     cans that I’ve spoken with,      wing government. He has           Chretien — are Canada’s                          first time, are at 23.5 per-
late Prime Minister Pierre     that all this government         put a more conservative           natural party.                                   cent. The margin of error
Trudeau, one of Canada’s       wants to talk about is a         face on the nation of 35          “His whole being is about                        for the survey of 1,200 re-
most charismatic politi-       single pipeline project.”        million, deemphasizing            destroying the Liberals,”                        spondents is 2.8 percent-
cians.                         Harper has done what             health care and multicul-         said Robert Bothwell, a                          age points.
A Trudeau victory could        many thought impossible          turalism as the things that       Canadian history profes-                         A minority government in
ease Canada’s tensions         since coming to power in         make Canadians proud.             sor at the University of                         the 338-seat Parliament
with the administration of     2006: He won three con-          For Harper, a loss to the         Toronto. “If Justin beats                        appears likely no matter
President Barack Obama,                                                                                                                            which party wins the most
whose reluctance to ap-                                                                                                                            seats. That would mean
prove the Keystone XL                                                                                                                              the winning party would
pipeline has damaged                                                                                                                               have a shaky hold on
ties between the two ma-                                                                                                                           power and need to rely
jor trading partners. The                                                                                                                          on another party to pass
Alberta-to-Texas pipeline                                                                                                                          legislation. Harper has said
is important to Canada,                                                                                                                            he’ll step down as Conser-
which needs infrastructure                                                                                                                         vative leader if his party
to export its growing oil                                                                                                                          loses.
sands production.                                                                                                                                  But Antonia Maioni, a po-
Trudeau supports the proj-                                                                                                                         litical science professor at
ect but it’s not a do-or-die                                                                                                                       Montreal’s McGill Univer-
issue like it is for Harper,                                                                                                                       sity, is not counting Harper
who represents a district                                                                                                                          out, noting the Conserva-
in oil-rich Alberta. The Lib-                                                                                                                      tives have a strong and
eral candidate said Friday                                                                                                                         growing base and “after
repairing relations will be a                                                                                                                      10 years of power, per-
top priority.                                                                                                                                      haps against all odds, is at
“The relationship between                                                                                                                          least competitive to form
Canada and the United                                                                                                                              a government.”q

UN chief marks World Food Day at Expo 2015 world’s fair 

COLLEEN BARRY                  United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, left, shakes hands   also at the U.N. General                         Press that there is concern
Associated Press                                                                                  Assembly last month when                         that the current refugee
MILAN (AP) — Calling hun-      with Italian soccer legend Roberto Baggio, at the Expo World’s     world leaders backed the                         crisis is just “the tip of the
ger “a terrible injustice,”                                                                       U.N.’s 17 sustainable goals,                     iceberg” if issues of pover-
U.N. Secretary-General         Fair on the occasion of the UN World Food Day in Rho, near Milan,  which include eliminating                        ty and hunger are not ad-
Ban Ki-moon on Friday                                                                             poverty and hunger in 15                         dressed. By 2040, he said,
marked World Food Day          Italy, Friday, Oct. 16, 2015. 	  (Stefano Porta/ANSA via AP)       years. The papal encycli-                        an estimated 83 percent
with a visit to the Milan                                                                         cal on the climate in June                       of the population will live
Expo World’s Fair, which is    With nearly 800 million peo-     malnutrition is emerging as       also addressed the issue.                        in more vulnerable Africa,
focused on food security       ple hungry in the world,         a global focal point, not         “Hunger is more than a                           Asia and Latin America.
and nutrition. Bidding to in-  combatting hunger and            just at World Food Day but        lack of food,” Ban said.                         Italian officials presented
vigorate a global commit-                                                                         “It’s a terrible injustice.”                     the secretary-general with
ment to eradicating hun-                                                                          Speakers Friday also noted                       the Milan Charter, signed
ger by 2030, Ban called for                                                                       that hunger is a factor be-                      by more than 1 million
a pledge “for food security                                                                       hind the migrant crisis.                         people, including some
for all the people around                                                                         “People seek refuge or                           but not all of the visiting
the world — to build a                                                                            migrate to other lands, to                       national delegations dur-
global movement to end                                                                            other countries when there                       ing the six-month world’s
hunger. This will go hand in                                                                      is no opportunity, no food                       fair, containing individual
hand with greater health,                                                                         and no hope at home,”                            commitments aimed at
economic development                                                                              WFP Executive Director Er-                       helping secure food and
and social inclusion for in-                                                                      tharin Cousin said.                              water for the world’s grow-
dividuals and societies.”                                                                         Cousin told The Associated                       ing population.q
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