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A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Monday 19 deceMber 2022

            People line up inside the migrant welcome center across from the bus station in Brownsville, Texas,
            on Friday, Dec. 16, 2022.                                                               A sign advises airline travelers not to bring their firearm through
                                                                                  Associated Press  the  Transportation  Security  Administration  checkpoint  on,
                                                                                                    July  28,  2022,  during  a  media  event  about  traveling  with
            Texas border cities plan for cold, busy                                                 firearms at the Brownsville-South Padre Island International
                                                                                                    Airport in Brownsville, Texas.
            end to Title 4                                                                                                                Associated Press

            By  GIOVANNA  DELL’ORTO,  city access to additional lo-   try. ...We are not asking for  TSA raising fines after
            MORGAN LEE and ACACIA  cal and state resources for  direction we are asking for         finding record guns in
            CORONADO                     building shelters and other  resources.”
                                                                      county officials have been  carry-ons
            ASSOCIATED PRESS             urgently needed aid.         Samaniego  said  city  and
            EL  PASO,  Texas  (AP)  —  Samaniego  said  the  or-
            Texas  border  cities  were  der  came  one  day  after  working  closely  with  NGOs
            preparing  Sunday  for  a  El  Paso  officials  sent  Texas  to provide temporary hous-  By DEE-ANN DURBIN
            surge  of  as  many  as  5,000  Gov.  Greg  Abbott  a  letter  ing for migrants while they   AP Business Writer
            new migrants a day across  requesting      humanitarian  are  processed  and  given     The  Transportation  Security  Administration  is  raising
            the  U.S.-Mexico  border  as  assistance  for  the  region,  sponsors,  as  well  help  in   the fine for people caught with a gun in their carry-on
            pandemic-era immigration  adding  that  the  request  relocating  them  to  bigger      bag after intercepting a record number of firearms at
            restrictions expire this week,  was  for  resources  to  help  cities  where  they  can  be   security checkpoints this year.
            setting  in  motion  plans  tend  to  and  relocate  the  flown or bussed to their final   The  TSA  said  Friday  it’s  raising  the  maximum  fine  to
            for  providing  emergency  newly arriving migrants, not  destinations.                  $14,950. Previously it was $13,910.
            housing, food and other es-  additional security forces.  City and county officials will   TSA officers have found 6,301 firearms in carry-on bags
            sentials.                    Samaniego said he has re-    join forces with NGOs at a    so far this year, surpassing the previous record of 5,972
            El  Paso  County  Judge  Ri-  ceived no response to the  one-stop emergency com-        detected in 2021. The numbers have been increasing
            cardo Samaniego told The  request and plans to issue a  mand  center  beginning         steadily over the last decade; in 2012, 1,549 firearms
            Associated Press the region,  similar  county-wide  emer-  Wednesday,    Samaniego      were detected at security checkpoints.
            home  to  one  of  the  busi-  gency  declaration  speci-  said. Similar command cen-   Eighty-eight percent of the guns found this year were
            est  border  crossings  in  the  fying  the  kind  of  help  the  ters have been established   loaded, the TSA said.
            country,  was  coordinating  area needs if the city does  previously  for  COVID-19     Firearm possession laws vary by location, but guns are
            housing and relocation ef-   not get state aid soon.      response  and  following      never allowed in carry-on bags at any airport security
            forts  with  NGOs  and  other  The  City  of  El  Paso  an-  the  deadly  2019  Walmart   checkpoint,  even  if  a  passenger  has  a  concealed-
            cities, as well as calling on  nounced  Wednesday  it  shooting in El Paso. Abbott      weapon permit. Passengers transporting firearms must
            the state and federal gov-   received  a  new  $6  mil-   has  committed  billions  of   do  so  in  a  locked  case  in  checked  baggage.  They
            ernment  for  humanitarian  lion  commitment  from  the  dollars to “Operation Lone     also must declare them to the airline, the TSA said.
            help as they prepare for an  Federal  Emergency  Man-     Star,”  an  unprecedented     At a congressional hearing earlier this year, some law-
            onslaught  of  new  arrivals  agement  Agency,  but  Sa-  border  security  effort  that   makers  and  airport  administrators  called  for  higher
            once public health rule Title  maniego  said  the  area  is  has  included  bussing  mi-  fines, gun safety classes for violators and other mea-
            42 ends on Wednesday.        still  short  millions  of  dollars  grants to so-called sanctu-  sures.  They  said  the  maximum  fines  were  rarely  im-
            The  rule  has  been  used  to  it needs to house and pro-  ary cities like New York, Los   posed and clearly weren’t working as a deterrent.
            deter  more  than  2.5  mil-  vide  food  and  aid  to  the  Angeles  and  Washington,   But other lawmakers said most of the passengers who
            lion  migrants  from  crossing  new arrivals. He urged the  D.C.,  as  well  as  a  massive   get caught simply forgot they were carrying a gun,
            since March 2020.            state  and  federal  govern-  presence of state troopers   and higher fines won’t stop that problem.
            Temperatures in the region  ments to provide the addi-    and National Guard along      When the TSA finds a gun, it generally checks to see if
            were  set  to  drop  below  tional money.                 the Texas-Mexico border.      it was stolen or involved in a previous crime. The agen-
            freezing this week, and on  “The  strategy  is  in  place,  Additionally,  the  Repub-  cy may also confiscate the gun.
            Sunday  people  wrapped  we  know  how  to  do  this,  lican  Texas  governor  has      In addition to the fine __ an amount determined by
            in Red Cross blankets were  all we need is the resourc-   pushed  continued  efforts    the  TSA  based  on  the  circumstances  of  each  case
            seen  walking  near  the  air-  es,”  Samaniego  said.  “We  to  build  former  President   __ the TSA will revoke PreCheck eligibility for at least
            port.                        do  not  need  someone  to  Donald  Trump’s  wall  using   five years for anyone caught with a gun at a secu-
            On Saturday, El Paso Mayor  determine  how  it  is  being  mostly  private  land  along   rity checkpoint. Passengers may also be arrested for a
            Oscar Leeser issued a state  done  or  how  it  is  going  to  the  Texas-Mexico  border   firearms violation depending on the state or local laws
            of  emergency  declaration  be  done.  We  are  one  of  and  crowdsourcing  funds      in the airport’s location.q
            allowing  the  Texas  border  the safest cities in the coun-  to help pay for it.q
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