P. 15

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Monday 17 July 2017
            Ex-player sues Ohio St. for using                                                                                     dOCTOR ON dUTY
                                                                                                                                         Dr. Anthony
            image in marketing program                                                                                                   Tel. 585 8017
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
                                                                                                   TIME SHARES FOR SALE                  Dr. Luchmun
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 584 0299
                                                                                                   Caribbean Palm Village          EMERGENCIA 911
                                                                      right  and  on  behalf  of  a   Week 7 $ 6,500.00
                                                                      newly  formed  company,      Week 26 $ 2,000.00
                                                                      Profectus  Group  Inc.,  cre-  all are 2 bedroom all are
                                                                      ated  by  ex-Ohio  State     Garden View
                                                                      wrestling  standout  Mike    Email: or
                                                                      DiSbato,  representing  for-  Call: 609 775 3836          POLICE            100
                                                                                                                                ORANJESTAD     527-3140
                                                                      mer  college  athletes.  Grif-  _________________________________207577  NOORD       527-3200
                                                                      fin is also affiliated with the   HOUSE FOR SALE          STA. CRUZ         527-2900
                                                                      company, Duncan said.        This beautiful family home   SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
                                                                      The filing comes after eight   Features 3 bedrooms, 2 bath-  POLICE TIPLINE    11141
                                                                      months of unsuccessful ne-   rooms, kitchen fully fenced   FIRE DEPT.       115
                                                                      gotiations  with  the  univer-  backyard, pool entertainment   FIRE DEPT.      582-1108
                                                                      sity, Duncan said.           areas. Property land $247,000  DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
                                                                      Spielman said he’ll donate   For info call 00297 594 1496  AMBULANCE        582-1234
                                                                      any  money  he  receives      IMSAN             524-8833
                                                                      from  the  lawsuit  directly   ________________________________207737  RED CROSS      582-2219
            In this May 1, 2015, file photo, Chris Spielman speaks at the 2015   to  the  university’s  athletic   TIME SHARE FOR  SALE RENT  Women in Difficulties
            NFL Football Draft, in Chicago.                           department. He called the    Complete renovated
                                                     Associated Press  ability to negotiate corpo-  Divi Dutch Village               PHARMACY
                                                                      rate  use  of  his  name  and                             Oranjestad:
            By  ANDREW  WELSH-HUG-       dants  and  names  Honda     image  “a  basic  human      wk 27, pool floor studio unit   Paradera Tel. 588 6638
            GINS                         and  Nike  as  co-conspir-   right.” “Ohio State is more   13, all special  asessment pd,   San Lucas
            Associated Press             ators.  Nike  is  targeted  for   than  welcome  to  always   $4200 week 26 divi Villa and   Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
            COLUMBUS,  Ohio  (AP)  —  its  “Legends  of  the  Scarlet   use  my  name  and  image   golf unit 5509, 1 br 6/25 start
            One  of  Ohio  State’s  most  and  Gray”  vintage  jersey   in  any  way  they  want  to   $3900 and week 29 unit 5503,   INFORMATION   118
            famous  football  stars  sued  licensing program and oth-  use  it,”  Spielman  told  610   July 16 to 23 $3900 sale ,   TAXI-TAS   587-5900
            the university Friday over a  er  apparel  contracts  with   WTVN Radio on Friday.     rent $650                    PROF. TAXI     588-0035
            marketing program he says  Ohio State. The lawsuit ac-    “The  problem  comes  in        TAXI D.T.S.    587-2300
            used athletes’ images with-  cuses the university and the   when  they  slap  a  corpo-  508 651 0016               SERVICE AUA   583-3232
            out permission and robbed  companies  of  “unjust  and    rate  sponsor  on  my  name   ________________________________207549  A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            them of compensation.        monopolistic    behaviors”   and image without my per-    TIME SHARE FOR  SALE RENT                        280-2828
            Linebacker  Chris  Spielman  and asks for compensation    mission,  or  without  giving   Divi Phoenix                  CRuISE SHIP
            filed  the  class-action  law-  above $75,000, as is typical   me the ability to negotiate   1 br 1 1/2 baths tower suite
            suit  in  federal  court  in  Co-  in  such  complaints,  while   — or any of our ex-players   1205, wk 26 7/1 to 8, $4500
            lumbus  on  behalf  of  cur-  noting  Ohio  State  makes   to  negotiate  —  with  that   divi dutch Village three rm suite
            rent and former Ohio State  millions  in  revenue  from   corporation,” he said.       unit 92 to 96, 2 1/2 baths wk 26,
            football players.            merchandising    programs    Spielman also said attach-   July 1 to 8 $5700                      July 16
            The antitrust complaint tar-  involving  ex-athletes.  “For-  ing his name to Honda puts   Mill Marriott Resort 2 br suite   Freewinds
                                                                                                                                          July 18
            gets  Ohio  State  marketing  mer  OSU  student-athletes   him  in  a  difficult  situation   unit 234 b/c wk 28 7/15 to 7/22   Carnival Magic
            programs  and  contracts  do  not  share  in  these  rev-  given  a  separate  sponsor-  $3900                      Aruba Airport   524-2424
            that  promote  the  univer-  enues  even  though  they    ship deal he has with a lo-        American Airlines 582-2700
            sity using likenesses of ath-  have never given informed   cal Mazda dealership.q      508 651 0016                 Avianca        588-0059
            letes,  including  a  Honda-  consent to the widespread                                ________________________________207594  Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            sponsored  program  of  64  and  continued  commer-                                                                 Jet Blue       588-2244
            banners hung around Ohio  cial exploitation of their im-                                                            Surinam        582-7896
            Stadium  featuring  photos  ages,” the lawsuit said.                                                                Aruba Foundation
            of former players.           The  university  is  aware  of                                                         For those Visually Incapasitated
            In  addition  to  Spielman,  the lawsuit and is reviewing                                                           Tel. 582-5051
            some  of  the  other  Ohio  it,  athletic  director  Gene                                                           AL-ANON group
            State  greats  whose  pic-   Smith said Friday.                                                                     Sabana Liber #8, Noord
            tures appear on those ban-   “We  immensely  value  our                                                             Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
            ners  include  running  back  relationships with all of our                                                         FUNDACIONS
            Archie  Griffin,  who  won  former  student  athletes,”                                                             Respetami
            the Heisman Trophy in 1974  Smith said in a statement.                                                              Tel. 582-4433
            and 1975; lineman Jim Still-  A  message  seeking  com-
            wagon, who played on the  ment  was  left  with  New                                                                Centro Diabetic Arubano
            1968  national  champion-    York-based    IMG.    Brian                                                            Tel. 524-8888
            ship team; and Mike Doss,  Strong,  a  spokesman  for                                                               Narcotics Anonymous
            a safety who played on the  Beaverton,  Oregon-based                                                                Tel. 583-8989
            2002  national  champion-    Nike  Inc.,  said  Friday  the                                                         QUOTA Club
            ship team.                   company  is  aware  of  the                                                            Tel. 525-2672
            All are among the athletes  lawsuit  but  doesn’t  com-
            Spielman  is  suing  on  be-  ment on pending litigation.                                                           Women in Difficulties
            half of, said Brian Duncan,  Honda said it has a three-                                                             Foundation
            a  Columbus  attorney  who  decade-old      relationship                                                            Tel. 583-5400
            represents Spielman.         with  Ohio  State,  and  “we                                                           Bloodbank Aruba
            The  lawsuit  names  Ohio  hope this matter will be re-                                                             Tel. 587-0002
            State  and  talent  manage-  solved quickly.”
            ment  giant  IMG  as  defen-  Spielman  sued  in  his  own
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