Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210524
P. 29
world news Dialuna 24 Mei 2021
Italian cable car plunges to the ground, killing at least 14
(AP) — A cable car taking scene,” Severino told Italy’s
visitors to a mountaintop SkyTG24.
view of some of northern
Italy’s most picturesque The plunge on the the Stre-
lakes plummeted to the sa-Mottarone line happened
ground Sunday and then about 100 meters (yards)
tumbled down the slope, before the final pylon, said
killing 14 people. A young Walter Milan, spokesman for
child was hospitalized in Italy’s Alpine rescue service.
serious condition with
broken bones, authorities By Sunday evening, the death
said. toll had risen to 14 dead af-
ter one of two children taken
Stresa Mayor Marcella Sev- to Turin’s Regina Margherita
erino said it appeared that a children’s hospital died. The
cable broke, sending the car child died after several at-
careening until it hit a pylon tempts to restart his heart
and then fell to the ground. failed and “there was nothing
At that point, the car over- more we could do,” said hos-
turned “two or three times pital spokesman Pier Paolo
before hitting some trees,” Berra. The other young
she said. Some of those who child, who arrived at the hos-
died were thrown from the pital conscious, remained in
cabin. serious condition, authorities
The Italian government an- picturesque lakes and the disaster since 1998 when a Italy’s transport infrastruc-
nounced a commission to in- Milan noted that the cable surrounding Alps of Italy’s low-flying U.S. military jet ture. In 2018, the Morandi
vestigate the disaster, which line had been renovated in Piedmont region. cut through the cable of a ski bridge in Genoa collapsed
is likely to renew questions 2016 and had only recently lift in Cavalese, in the Dolo- after years of neglect, killing
about the quality and safety reopened after coronavirus The mountain hosts a small mites, killing 20 people. 43 people.
of Italy’s transport infrastruc- lockdowns in Italy curtailed amusement park, Alpyland,
ture. travel and forced the suspen- that has a children’s roller- Italy’s transport minister, En- In 2009, a freight train carry-
sion of many leisure activi- coaster, and the area also has rico Giovannini, announced ing gas derailed at the Viare-
Images from the site showed ties. Milan suggested many mountain bike paths and hik- a commission to look into ggio station, near Lucca, and
the crumpled car in a clearing families may have flocked ing trails. the tragedy and said he had exploded, killing 32 people.
of a thick patch of pine trees to the mountain on a sunny already requested data on the Poorly maintained axels of
near the summit of the Mot- Sunday after months of re- Premier Mario Draghi of- maintenance work and in- the train were blamed.
tarone peak overlooking Lake strictions. fered his condolences to the spections done on the line in
Maggiore. The car was be- families of the victims “with the past. He planned to visit President Sergio Mattarella,
lieved to have fallen around The line is popular with tour- a particular thought about the site Monday. in offering his condolences,
15 meters (50 feet), accord- ists and locals alike to scale the seriously injured children called for the “rigorous re-
ing to Italian media. Mottarone, which reaches a and their families.” While the cause hasn’t been spect of all security norms”
height of 1,491 meters (4,900 Sunday’s tragedy appeared determined, the disaster was in transportation.
“It was a terrible, terrible feet) and overlooks several to be Italy’s worst cable car likely to raise questions about
Congo volcano's lava flows short of Goma; 5 dead in crash
(AP) — Congo’s Mount that it didn’t appear the lava burned and that’s why we
Nyiragongo unleashed was flowing toward Goma are asking all the provincial
lava that destroyed more based on reconnaissance authorities and authorities at
than 500 homes on the flights, but untold thou- the national level as well as
outskirts of Goma, but sands still set off fearing the all the partners, all the people
witnesses said Sunday that worst. Some boarded boats of good faith in the world, to
the city of 2 million had onto Lake Kivu while others come to the aid of this popu-
been mostly spared after attempted to reach Mount lation.”
the volcano erupted at Goma, the highest elevation
night and sent thousands point. Elsewhere witnesses said lava
fleeing in panic. had engulfed one highway
Thousands of others fled connecting Goma with the
Authorities said at least five across the nearby border to city of Beni. However, the
people had died in a road Rwanda, where the national airport appeared to be spared
crash while trying to leave broadcaster reported that one the same fate as 2002 when
Goma, but cautioned it was Congolese woman had given lava flowed onto the run-
too early to give a death toll birth on her way into Rwanda ways.
in the hardest hit communi- fleeing the volcanic eruption.
ties. On Sunday, residents ven- Goma is a regional hub for
tured out to assess the dam- many humanitarian agen-
Residents said there was little age after a night of panic. cies in the region, as well as
warning before the dark sky Smoke rose from smoldering the U.N. peacekeeping mis-
turned a fiery red, leading to heaps of lava in the Buhene sion. While Goma is home
fears that the eruption could area near the city. to many U.N. peacekeepers
cause the same kind of devas- and aid workers, much of
tation as the last time in 2002 “We have seen the loss of surrounding eastern Congo
when hundreds died. almost an entire neighbor- is under threat from a myriad
hood,” said Innocent Bahala of armed groups vying for
The U.N. peacekeeping mis- Shamavu. “All the houses in control of the region’s min-
sion had said late Saturday Buhene neighborhood were eral resources.