Page 31 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 31


LOCALSaturday 30 January 2016

St Maarten Mountain Bike Racers Take Top Honors in CMB
& Tri-Bike Team 3 Day 10th Annual Mountainbike Event

ORANJESTAD - The 1st race  courses on the Island last   9 categories stood fired    a very challenging short         The whole caravan
of the year organized by   weekend.                     up on the start ramp on a   track course with natural        including all the volunteers
Tri-Bike team Aruba took   157 participants divided in  cool Friday evening inside  and manmade obstacles            left the park for a short night
place on 3 different race  8 Kids categories &Adult     MSK Savaneta to race on     designed by the team of          sleep to get together 12
                                                                                    course builders and made         hours later at Balashi where
                                                                                    by Wipa construction. It         the gun blasted again for
                                                                                    got really spectacular after     the 3rd and final races to
                                                                                    dark when the Bohama             decide who would come
                                                                                    lights shined on all the riders  out as the overall winner in
                                                                                    who were blasting out of         their category.
                                                                                    the dark racing for the 1st      This time a small stadium
                                                                                    10 points they could earn        was built with Fata Morgana
                                                                                    that night. A total of 30        barriers inside the old Drive
                                                                                    heats were ridden within 2       inn Cinema. The riders were
                                                                                    hours .                          cheered on throughout
                                                                                    Saturday afternoon at            the morning by spectators
                                                                                    exactly 3 pm the 1st kids        and fellow mountain-bikers
                                                                                    category , 4 sleek looking 5     while giving everything on
                                                                                    / 6 /7 /8 year old boys and      this high speed 3 km course
                                                                                    girls on their little mountain   around the Balashi gold
                                                                                    bikes were racing for 25         mine area.
                                                                                    points over rocks and dirt       Results were figured out
                                                                                    around and through the           by the jury and 15 minutes
                                                                                    beautiful area of Fontein.       after the finish of the last
                                                                                    Just before dark all adult       competitor the 1stwinners,
                                                                                    categories went past the         recovered by an ice-cold
                                                                                    Palm Tours banner finishing      Powerade were already on
                                                                                    their respective race            the podium to receive their
                                                                                    distances on a 10 km hilly       medals & prizes donated
                                                                                    loop through the Arikok          by CMB, PWC and Tri-bike
                                                                                    national park.                   Aruba.q
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