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Saturday 16 december 2017
Snorkel Tips from Experts at Jolly Pirates:
Snorkel Over a WWII Shipwreck and View Underwater Landscapes!
your nose. Your mask fits
perfectly, if it can stay in
place without holding it.
Once you have the proper
fit, you can adjust the strap
to fit snug at the widest
area of your head. Pulling
your hair back, will keep
the seal tight and the water
from leaking in. If you have
a moustache you can try
putting some lip balm or
Vaseline below your nose
for a better seal.
Before you get in the
ocean, try some simple,
relaxed breathing through
your snorkel. Once you’re
in the ocean you will feel
that there’s enough pres-
sure to seal the mask. This
makes it unnecessary to
MALMOK - Jolly Pirates those that are given to you pull your strap overly tight
Snorkeling cruises are the by experts. And the key to and uncomfortable.
perfect way to appreciate enjoy a day of snorkeling is As a rule, you should al-
the beauty of Aruba’s un- to be relaxed and comfort- ways put your fins on, when
derwater environment, the able. Always start with ad- you’re in the water. Once
island’s pristine ocean and justing your mask correctly. your feet are wet, your fins
gain a sense of discovery. The secret is to simply hold become easier to slide on.
your mask against your Small flutter kicks will propel
The best snorkeling tips are face and breath in through you through our underwa-
ter playground as you glide
comfortably in the water.
You’ll see a lot of really
cool things under the wa-
ter, and this will help you afford snorkelers incred- make it easy for you. Pro-
focus. The Jolly Pirates will ible visibility at the shallow vided with a proper mask,
tell you that a relaxed snor- colorful reef areas which snorkel, fins and floatation
keler will get more pleasure hug the rugged coastline. device you will be under
out of snorkeling. Home to lots of colorful fish, the watchful eyes, of Jolly
The Jolly Pirates crew en- flora and fauna, with a little Pirates experts, to point out
courages all snorkelers, re- practice, you will soon swim to you the most interesting,
gardless of their swimming confidently along with ma- colorful sites with ideal con-
abilities to wear a proper rine life- yes, up close. ditions.
flotation device in the wa- If you’ve never tried snor-
ter. Aruba’s clear waters keling, the Jolly Pirates Continued on Page 15
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