Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11
Wednesday 17 april 2024 locAl
Fake identity Episode CCLIII - 253
Each week, Island Insight shares a story of Aruba that has been growing over the years To combat vandalism, it is necessary
through the eyes of Etnia Nativa, involving you with around the world. These acts origi- to invest in integration, education,
the mystical aspects of the island, its ethnic as well nated in popular revolts that sought to awareness, and monitoring actions. To
as colonial heritage, sharing ancestors’ histories and reach the “state” through the depre- involve the population in the preserva-
their survival challenges, and at the same time, repu- dation of statues, buildings, and urban tion and care of public property and
diating any attack on it. artistic performances. They are human review laws that have strict punish-
actions based upon dissatisfaction ment for those who commit this type
During this episode, we focus on some photos cap- within democratic and ethical behav- of crime. Periodic inspections by quali-
tured by the lens of Andrew Supera and labeled on- ior. fied personnel are essential all around
line as fake petroglyphs. His post caught our attention In general, the causes of vandalism the island to raise awareness of the
and sparked our subsequent outrage. This represents are related to communication diffi- situation by acting as soon as possible
significant damage to our cultural identity and a culties and feelings of exclusion and in such events of damage.
clear attack on the geological as well as the archae- injustice; the individual practices it
ological heritage of the island. This type of damage as a “defense” against the feeling of It is necessary to value our history and
must be treated with great care and know-how in or- frustration and helplessness. It is obvi- culture forged by our ancestors, take
der to recover the affected area’s original state. It is ous that Aruba is being overexploited care of the iconic places that repre-
the primary obligation of local officials to protect the without considering the negative con- sent identity and collective memory,
area in question in order to preserve our heritage. We sequences that may result from prac- promote the care of public spaces,
believe that this attack has been premeditated since tices that damage the ecosystem, the and value our existence. It is urgent to
the vandalism occurred in a tourism-representative demographics, and the attitude of our promote civility towards collective en-
area such as Casibari. population. The negative impact is be- joyment
ing expressed through passive vandal-
Art, in its oldest expression, was essential as a form ism that gives voice to the desperate While rock art is expressed through
of communication. Rock art depicted everyday life, cry of our citizens through expressions simple symbols like lines, open-hand
from hunting to belief systems, and was a way to doc- like NO MORE HOTELS, a cry that can palm expressions, or more complex
ument history and communicate culture; however, it be erased with a little paint, but that scenes with animals and objects, this
was not to be compared with what later became does not change the regrettable re- continues to represent the daily reality
street art or graffiti, which initially was considered a ality that many locals feel when they of primitive man and its mystical motifs.
vandalic act. justify the unjustifiable through a van- Graffiti, although positioned as an ele-
Vandalism of public property is a criminal activity dalistic expression. ment of urban decoration, contributes
a parallel artistic outcry to the unfortu-
nate reality that Aruba experiences,
becoming a silent scream in response
to the deterioration of the moral, ethi-
cal, and civic conduct of a democrat-
ic society that we once lived in as an
island nation.
Let’s create awareness that rock art
is our heritage. Contrary to popular
belief, it was not created by some un-
derdeveloped cannibal inhabitants of
the mythical epoch, and it does not
reflect buried treasure maps. What
rock art does provide is a means of un-
derstanding the sacred and mundane
perspectives of life.
If knowing more about Aruba is on
your itinerary, Etnia Nativa is your only
choice—a unique native gem! Let
Anthony, our acclaimed cultural col-
umnist, guide and lecture you regard-
ing the most interesting and revealing
stories regarding Aruba’s uncovering
knowledge acquired through gen-
erations of native ethnic presence, an
beyond beaches learning adventure.
Visit his magnificent dwelling that in-
tegrates reused materials with nature,
bursting with culture and island heri-
tage! Whats App +297 592 2702 etni-