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business Thursday 22 OcTOber 2020
If Google's a monopoly, who is harmed by its market power?
By MATT O'BRIEN about." Google's business
AP Technology Writer works by scooping up per-
Google has long defend- sonal data from billions of
ed itself against charges people who are searching
of monopoly by stressing online, watching YouTube
that its products are free videos, following digital
and that no one has to map routes, talking to its
use them. And it's avoided voice assistant or using its
tough government scru- phone software. That data
tiny for years based in part helps feed the advertising
on the idea that people machine that has turned
searching the internet are Google into a behemoth.
not Google's true custom- The company has long de-
ers. We're its product. Ad- nied claims of unfair com-
vertisers are its real custom- petition and is expected
ers. That complicates the to fiercely oppose any at-
question of who, if anyone, tempt to force it to spin off
is hurt by Google's domi- its services into separate
nance in selling ads off businesses. Google argues
the world's search queries that although its businesses
and through its array of af- are large, they are useful
filiated businesses, from its and beneficial to consum-
Android phone software to ers. "People use Google
its YouTube video platform because they choose to
and digital maps. In this Monday, Nov. 5, 2018 file photo, a woman walks past the logo for Google at the China -- not because they're
International Import Expo in Shanghai.
The U.S. Justice Depart- Associated Press forced to or because they
ment's new antitrust law- can't find alternatives," the
suit against Google argues forced to accept Google's expense of its rivals, the argument we can expect company said in a Tuesday
that both advertisers and policies, privacy practices, complaint alleges. Google to make a lot and tweet that called the law-
regular people are harmed and use of personal data; Google's critics have been make it loudly, that its cus- suit "deeply flawed." But the
by the tech giant's position and new companies with making similar arguments tomers are the advertisers," Justice Department argues
as "the unchallenged gate- innovative business mod- for years in calls to break up said Rebecca Allensworth, that Google "deprives rivals
way to the internet for bil- els cannot emerge from the tech giant or curtail its a law professor at Vander- of the quality, reach, and
lions of users worldwide." Google's long shadow." behavior, but U.S. antitrust bilt University. financial position necessary
"As a consequence, count- The government argues enforcers have long relied "But there are a lot of an- to mount any meaningful
less advertisers must pay that Google has abused its on a traditional standard titrust law professors who competition to Google's
a toll to Google's search monopoly power through of judging a monopoly by would say that consumers longstanding monopolies,"
advertising and general agreements with other whether it's making con- pay a real price for some- and that foreclosing com-
search text advertising mo- companies that promote sumers pay too high a price thing like a search engine," petition has reduced the
nopolies," the government Google's apps and place for its products. Allensworth said. "There's quality of search services.
wrote in Tuesday's land- its "search access points" Google controls about 90% a real cost to us, in terms The complaint mentions
mark complaint, which asks as a default on browsers, of global web searches, of privacy, attention and loss of privacy and the use
a federal court to intervene phones and other devic- but it holds a smaller share data. It may not be dollars of consumers' data as qual-
to protect competition. es. All of this drives more of the overall digital ad- and cents. But it's that price ity issues, although without
"American consumers are searches of Google at the vertising market. "This is an we should be concerned elaborating. q
After explosive growth at Square, Chase launches own version
By The Associated Press Chase Business account, identical to Square's and
NEW YORK (AP) — After the bank said Wednesday. others — 2.6% plus 10 cents
watching the explosive Chase has more than 3 mil- for tap, dip, swipe transac-
growth at electronic pay- lion small business clients. tions and 3.5% plus 10 cents
ment start-ups like Jack Square charges 1.5% plus for manual transactions
Dorsey's Square, JPMor- processing fees for same through the mobile app.
gan Chase has launched day funding, according to Mobile payment platforms
its own version to lure small its website. from Square and others
business owners increas- Chase for Business, a divi- had already become ubiq-
ingly relying on technology sion of JPMorgan Chase, uitous at small businesses,
during the pandemic. said the new tool can be from restaurants to farmer's
Chase Business Complete activated immediately for markets. The pandemic has
Banking with QuickAccept U.S. sales through the Chase accelerated that trend,
will allow businesses to pro- Mobile app or contactless with so many small busi-
cess card payments almost mobile card reader, which nesses making transactions This Sept. 13, 2014, file photo, shows the Chase bank logo in New
instantly and have the costs $49.95. There is a through a window or other York.
funds available the same monthly service fee of $15 barriers. Associated Press
day. for the card reader, which Quarterly sales growth at That growth comes after Shares in Square fell 4.6% in
QuickAccept is only avail- can be waived by reach- Square Inc. jumped from the company saw sales tri- afternoon trading Wednes-
able to businesses with ing minimum account bal- an already blockbuster ple from 2018 to 2019, with day. Square was founded
Chase accounts and ances or meeting other re- 40% or more to more than projected revenue for 2020 in 2009 by Dorsey, who is
same-day funding is free quirements. 64% in its most recent quar- expected to jump another also the founder and CEO
if the money goes into a Chase's pricing is almost ter which ended in June. 55%, according to FactSet. of Twitter.q