P. 5
Antilliaans Dagblad Donderdag 18 januari 2017 ADVERTENTIE 5
Sagicor and Villa
Helena partner to
greenhouse for
Sagicor’s team interacts with clients of Villa Helena on Saturday, December
Willemstad, Curacao, January 15, 2018—During De- 16, 2017. Sagicor was there with its team to help Villa Helena staff and clients
cember, Sagicor Life Inc embodied the season and spirit ¿QLVK WKH JUHHQKRXVH RQ VLWH
of giving by providing support to Villa Helena (Stichting
Monseigneur Verriet) to complete construction of their
greenhouse on Saturday, December 16, 2017.
The Villa Helena guesthouse provides a short-term care
space for persons with mental and/or physical disabili-
ties to spend time away from home which allows their
caretakers a brief respite to catch their breath and reju-
venate their spirits.
Sagicor staff worked with the team at Villa Helena to
Sagicor employees work on a water-resistant wooden table to
install a brick path, as well as construct a water-resistant
be used in the greenhouse of Villa Helena
wooden table, and plant fruits and vegetables. This ties
in with Sagicor’s vision “to be a great company commit-
ted to improving the lives of the people in the communi-
ties in which we operate”.
In addition to completing the greenhouse, the Sagicor
team cleaned the birdcage to house new birds, which
contribute to bring joy to the residents of the guesthouse.
A Sagicor staff member pots soil to begin replanting the A Sagicor staff member helps a Villa Helena client clean the greenhouse
greenhouse at Villa Helena