P. 23
Anuncio di MORTO A19
Diamars 14 APRIL 2015
Gradicimento y Invitacion Our Father, Who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in
Na nomber di famia nos kier gradici tur esnan cu di un heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us
manera of otro a mustra nan atencion y a duna nos sos- our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against
ten durante fallecimento y entiero di nos defunto stima: us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. Amen
With deep sympathy we announce the death of:
Revelation 21: 3-4 Andre Eusene Solagnier Wilfred Alexander van
3 And I heard a great Heningen
voice out of heaven say- Nos kier a gradici tur personanan cu a haci jamada, man-
ing, Behold, the taberna- da mensaje ariba facebook, e-mail, manda flor y krans y better known as: “Pupha”
cle of God is with men, cu a brinda nan apoyo. Un danki grandi ta bai na Cuerpo Sunrise: November 2nd, 1947
and he will dwell with Policial Aruba y tur coleganan pa e honor cu nan a rindi
them, and they shall be na Andre. Na tur famia, amigo y conocirnan un danki Sunset: April 12th, 2015
his people, and God him- special pa boso sosten. Boso atencion y presencia tabata
self shall be with them, un gran consuelo pa nos. Date and place for condolences and funeral will be an-
and be their God.4 And Alavez nos ta invita tur famia, amigo y conocirnan pa nounced later.
God shall wipe away all compaña nos na un santo sacrificio di misa cual lo tuma
tears from their eyes; and lugar Diadomingo 19 April 2015 pa 9'or di mainta na Ca-
there shall be no more pel Monte Calvario na Tanki Leendert. Boso presencia
death, neither sorrow, lo ta altamente aprecia.
nor crying, neither shall Familia Solagnier.
there be any more pain:
for the former things are
passed away.
With deep sympathy we
announce the passing of:
Jester Met diep leedwezen maken Bestuur, Directie en
Claudius docenten van de Stichting Avondonderwijs Aruba
Alexander (Avondhavo/vwo) het overlijden bekend van:
Better known as: “Nicky” Dhr. Jan Faustinus Werleman, beter bekend als
Sunrise: 06-04-1964 “ Papa Janchi ”.
Sunset: 12-04-2015
Schoonvader van ons bestuurslid,
Date, time and place of dhr. Edgar Croes.
the funeral will be an-
Wij wensen de nabestaanden veel sterkte toe.
nounced later.
Moge “ Papa Janchi ” in vrede rusten.
Diamars 14 APRIL 2015
Gradicimento y Invitacion Our Father, Who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in
Na nomber di famia nos kier gradici tur esnan cu di un heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us
manera of otro a mustra nan atencion y a duna nos sos- our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against
ten durante fallecimento y entiero di nos defunto stima: us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. Amen
With deep sympathy we announce the death of:
Revelation 21: 3-4 Andre Eusene Solagnier Wilfred Alexander van
3 And I heard a great Heningen
voice out of heaven say- Nos kier a gradici tur personanan cu a haci jamada, man-
ing, Behold, the taberna- da mensaje ariba facebook, e-mail, manda flor y krans y better known as: “Pupha”
cle of God is with men, cu a brinda nan apoyo. Un danki grandi ta bai na Cuerpo Sunrise: November 2nd, 1947
and he will dwell with Policial Aruba y tur coleganan pa e honor cu nan a rindi
them, and they shall be na Andre. Na tur famia, amigo y conocirnan un danki Sunset: April 12th, 2015
his people, and God him- special pa boso sosten. Boso atencion y presencia tabata
self shall be with them, un gran consuelo pa nos. Date and place for condolences and funeral will be an-
and be their God.4 And Alavez nos ta invita tur famia, amigo y conocirnan pa nounced later.
God shall wipe away all compaña nos na un santo sacrificio di misa cual lo tuma
tears from their eyes; and lugar Diadomingo 19 April 2015 pa 9'or di mainta na Ca-
there shall be no more pel Monte Calvario na Tanki Leendert. Boso presencia
death, neither sorrow, lo ta altamente aprecia.
nor crying, neither shall Familia Solagnier.
there be any more pain:
for the former things are
passed away.
With deep sympathy we
announce the passing of:
Jester Met diep leedwezen maken Bestuur, Directie en
Claudius docenten van de Stichting Avondonderwijs Aruba
Alexander (Avondhavo/vwo) het overlijden bekend van:
Better known as: “Nicky” Dhr. Jan Faustinus Werleman, beter bekend als
Sunrise: 06-04-1964 “ Papa Janchi ”.
Sunset: 12-04-2015
Schoonvader van ons bestuurslid,
Date, time and place of dhr. Edgar Croes.
the funeral will be an-
Wij wensen de nabestaanden veel sterkte toe.
nounced later.
Moge “ Papa Janchi ” in vrede rusten.