Page 8 - HOH_Neat
P. 8

                  Monday 4 deceMber 2023

            Strong earthquake that sparked a tsunami warning leaves 1 dead

            amid widespread panic in Philippines

            By Jim Gomez                                                                                                        ing  on  a  grassy  lot,  said
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Isidoro,  who  was  at  his
            MANILA, Philippines (AP) —                                                                                          home  when  the  ground
            A powerful earthquake that                                                                                          started to shake.
            shook  the  southern  Philip-                                                                                       "Initially  the  swaying  was
            pines killed at least one vil-                                                                                      weak.
            lager  and  injured  several                                                                                        Then  it  quickly  became
            others as thousands scram-                                                                                          stronger and I could hardly
            bled  out  of  their  homes  in                                                                                     stand.  My  perfume  bottles
            panic  and  jammed  roads                                                                                           fell  off  a  table,  pictures
            to  higher  grounds  after  a                                                                                       on  my  wall  swung  and  I
            tsunami  warning  was  is-                                                                                          heard  people  screaming
            sued, officials said Sunday.                                                                                        outside:  'Get  out,  get  out,
            The U.S. Geological Survey                                                                                          earthquake, earthquake!”’
            reported  that  the  quake                                                                                          Isidoro said.
            Saturday night had a mag-                                                                                           While  he  feared  the  roof
            nitude of 7.6 and struck at                                                                                         of  his  house  would  col-
            a depth of 32 kilometers (20                                                                                        lapse  on  him,  Isidoro  said
            miles).  The  Pacific  Tsunami                                                                                      he  was  more  worried  that
            Warning  Center  said  it  ex-                                                                                      there  could  be  many  ca-
            pected  tsunami  waves  to                                                                                          sualties  in  Tagum,  a  city
            hit  the  southern  Philippines                                                                                     of  about  300,000  people,
            and parts of Indonesia, Pa-  Patients at Manuel J. Santos Hospital in Butuan City, southern Philippines, are evacuated after an   where  he  had  led  regular
            lau and Malaysia, but later   earthquake, Saturday evening, Dec. 2, 2023.            (AP Photo/Ivy Marie Mangadlao)  earthquake  drills  that  he
            dropped  its  tsunami  warn-                                                                                        thought  helped  prevent
            ing. The USGS recorded fur-  nawa prefecture, including  crete wall that collapsed in  told The Associated Press.   more deaths and injuries.
            ther  earthquakes  Sunday  for the entire coastal area,  their  neighborhood  as  the  Her  husband  and  daugh-    Hundreds  of  patients  were
            with magnitudes of 6.6 and  affecting    thousands    of  ground shook and prompt-     ter were injured. Two other  evacuated  from  a  Tagum
            6.9  but  but  there  were  no  people.                   ed  them  to  flee  from  their  children  and  their  parents  hospital  but  later  were  es-
            tsunami alerts.              A  pregnant  woman  died  house  in  Tagum  city  in  jumped  from  a  second-         corted  back  after  an  in-
            In Japan, authorities issued  after  she,  her  husband  Davao del Norte province,  floor  window  in  panic  as  spection showed no major
            evacuation orders late Sat-  and  daughter  were  hit  by  the  city’s  disaster-mitiga-  their  house  swayed  but  damage  to  the  building,
            urday in various parts of Oki-  a  15-feet  (4.5-meter)  con-  tion chief, Shieldon Isidoro,  were not injured after land-  officials said.q

            Venezuelans vote in a referendum to claim sovereignty of a large

            territory under dispute with Guyana

                                                                      support establishing a state  not specifically ban officials  thirds  of  Guyana  and  also
                                                                      in  the  disputed  territory,  from carrying out Sunday's  borders  Brazil,  whose  De-
                                                                      known as Essequibo, grant-   five-question  referendum.  fense  Ministry  earlier  this
                                                                      ing  citizenship  to  current  Guyana  had  asked  the  week in a statement said it
                                                                      and  future  area  residents  court to order Venezuela to  has  “intensified  its  defense
                                                                      and  rejecting  the  jurisdic-  halt parts of the vote.   actions"  and  boosted  its
                                                                      tion  of  the  United  Nations'  Although the practical and  military presence in the re-
                                                                      top court in settling the dis-  legal implications of the ref-  gion  as  a  result  of  the  dis-
                                                                      agreement  between  the  erendum  remain  unclear,  pute.
                                                                      two South American coun-     in comments explaining Fri-  Essequibo  is  larger  than
                                                                      tries.                       day's  verdict,  international  Greece  and  rich  in  miner-
                                                                        “We  are  solving  through  court  president  Joan  E.  als.
                                                                      constitutional,   peaceful  Donoghue said statements  It  also  gives  access  to  an
                                                                      and democratic means an  from  Venezuela's  govern-       area of the Atlantic where
                                                                      imperial  dispossession  of  ment  suggest  it  “is  taking  energy   giant   ExxonMo-
            President  Nicolas  Maduro  votes  in  a  referendum  regarding   150 years,” President Nico-  steps  with  a  view  toward  bil  discovered  oil  in  com-
            Venezuela’s claim to the Essequibo, a region administered and   lás  Maduro  said  after  vot-  acquiring control over and  mercial  quantities  in  2015,
            controlled by Guyana in Caracas, Venezuela, Sunday, Dec. 3,   ing in a military complex in  administering the territory in  drawing  the  attention  of
            2023.                                                     Caracas,  the  capital.  He  dispute.”                    Maduro's government.
                                           (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix)
                                                                      and  other  government  of-   “Furthermore, Venezuelan  Venezuela's     government
            By  Regina  Garcia  Cano  ing  Guyana,  arguing  the  ficials  have  not  explained  military officials announced  promoted  the  referendum
            and Jorge rueda              oil- and mineral-rich territo-  the  exact  steps  they  will  that  Venezuela  is  taking  for  weeks,  framing  partici-
            Associated Press             ry was stolen when the bor-  take  to  enforce  the  refer-  concrete measures to build  pation as an act of patrio-
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)  der  was  drawn  more  than  endum's results.                 an airstrip to serve as a ‘lo-  tism, and often conflating it
            —  Venezuelans  are  voting  a century ago.               The  International  Court  of  gistical  support  point  for  with  a  show  of  support  for
            in  a  referendum  Sunday  Guyana  considers  the  ref-   Justice  on  Friday  ordered  the  integral  development  Maduro.  His  government
            called  by  the  government  erendum a step toward an-    Venezuela not to take any  of the Essequibo,’” she said.  held  a  mock  referendum
            of President Nicolás Madu-   nexation, and the vote has  action  that  would  alter  The       61,600-square-mile  last month, but it did not re-
            ro to claim sovereignty over  its residents on edge. It asks  Guyana’s  control  over  Es-  (159,500-square-kilometer)  lease  participation  figures
            a large swath of neighbor-   Venezuelans  whether  they  sequibo, but the judges did  territory  accounts  for  two-  or results.q
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