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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Friday 20 November 2020

            Court upholds nuisance verdicts against hog-production giant

            By GARY D. ROBERTSON                                                                                                wrong for Britt to allow jurors
            Associated Press                                                                                                    to consider the same infor-
            RALEIGH,  N.C.  (AP)  —  A                                                                                          mation  in  determining  the
            federal  appeals  court  on                                                                                         size  of  punitive  damages,
            Thursday upheld a 2018 jury                                                                                         citing "the particular ability
            verdict  that  led  to  award-                                                                                      of potentially inflammatory
            ing  monetary  damages  to                                                                                          evidence  to  sway  a  jury's
            neighbors of a North Caroli-                                                                                        calculation."  The  court  va-
            na industrial hog operation                                                                                         cated  the  punitive  award
            for  smells  and  noise  they                                                                                       and will return the case to
            said  made  living  nearby                                                                                          the trial court to determine
            unbearable.                                                                                                         appropriate damages.
            But  judges  ruled  the  jurors'                                                                                    An  attorney  representing
            massive  multimillion-dollar                                                                                        the plaintiffs and a spokes-
            awards — intended to pe-                                                                                            person  for  Smithfield  didn't
            nalize  a  subsidiary  of  the                                                                                      immediately  respond  to
            world's largest pork produc-                                                                                        requests  for  comment  on
            er for wrongdoing — were                                                                                            Thursday.
            unfairly  weighed  against                                                                                          Circuit  Judge  G.  Steven
            the its corporate assets and                                                                                        Agee  wrote  separately  to
            must be reconsidered. The    In this July 21, 2017, file photo, young hogs owned by Smithfield Foods gather around a water   say  he  would  have  given
                                         source at a farm in Farmville, N.C.
            decision  by  the  4th  U.S.                                                                       Associated Press  Murphy-Brown  a  new  trial.
            Circuit Court of Appeals in                                                                                         The  plaintiffs,  Agee  wrote,
            Richmond,  Virginia,  could  North  Carolina  that  raised  plus $50 million in damages  farming  practices  despite  used   "overtly   irrelevant,
            affect similar nuisance cas-  15,000 hogs annually for the  designed  to  punish  Smith-  its knowledge of the harms  prejudicial  and  unreliable
            es  filed  by  North  Carolina  company  and  disposed  field and WH Group. North  to its neighbors." She men-      evidence"  that  made  the
            rural  residents  already  on  of  massive  amounts  of  fe-  Carolina  state  law  forced  tioned piles of hog carcass-  verdict invalid.
            appeal  that  went  against  ces  and  urine  there.  The  U.S.  District  Judge  Earl  Britt  es in dumpsters on the farm,  The  case  was  the  first  that
            Smithfield Foods or haven't  neighbors  of  Kinlaw  Farms  to  cut  the  punitive  dam-  extensive summer spraying  went to trial among dozens
            gone to trial.               had  filed  suit,  complaining  ages to $2.5 million.     of hog waste from lagoons  of  lawsuits  filed  by  more
            A  majority  on  the  three-  they had suffered for years  Writing the prevailing opin-  onto fields, and trucks run-  than  500  neighbors  com-
            judge  panel  rejected  the  from  intense,  putrid  smells  ion,  U.S.  Circuit  Judge  ning at all hours. Smithfield  plaining about hog opera-
            arguments    of   attorneys  coming from open-air hog  Stephanie  Thacker  reject-     ultimately removed its hogs  tions.  A  handful  that  went
            for  Murphy-Brown  LLC  that  waste  lagoons.  They  al-  ed several arguments from  from Kinlaw Farms.             to trial went against Smith-
            a  new  trial  should  be  or-  leged that Smithfield Foods  Smithfield's  lawyers  where  It was appropriate for jurors  field,  leading  to  hundreds
            dered.  Murphy-Brown  is  refused to spend money on  they said Britt erred, includ-    to consider the large bank  of  millions  of  dollars  in  pu-
            a  subsidiary  of  Smithfield,  technology that could ad-  ing  whether  the  issue  of  accounts annd executives'  nitive  damages  that  were
            which  in  turn  is  owned  by  dress these problems.     punitive  damages  should  salaries  at  Smithfield  and  later reduced.
            Hong     Kong-based     WH  The jurors declared Murphy-   even have been put to the  WH  Group  in  determin-       Early litigation losses led the
            Group Limited.               Brown  interfered  with  the  jury.                       ing  whether  it  could  have  state legislature to approve
            The  jurors  found  the  com-  enjoyment of the residents'  Thacker  said  there  was  paid  to  improve  technol-  a law that placed tougher
            pany  liable  for  the  nui-  property.  The  10  neigh-  ample  evidence  for  jurors  ogy  and  other  conditions  restrictions  upon  neighbors
            sance conditions at a Blad-  bors  received  a  total  of  to  conclude  the  compa-   at  Kinlaw  Farms,  Thacker  of hog farms seeking to sue
            en  County  farm  in  eastern  $750,000  in  compensation,  ny  "persisted  in  its  chosen  wrote.  But  she  said  it  was  for damages. q

            Police: Steam ‘pressure event’ killed workers at VA hospital

                                                                      said Thursday.               on a leaky pipe when they  hospital's labor shops, such
                                                                      The investigation continues,  died.                       as  carpentry  and  plumb-
                                                                      and state police did not of-   He said the accident hap-  ing,  a  hospital  spokesper-
                                                                      fer  an  explanation  for  the  pened as the pipe was be-  son said.
                                                                      cause  of  the  accident  at  ing refilled with steam.    The  state  police  Fire  &  Ex-
                                                                      the VA campus in West Ha-    In   releasing   preliminary  plosion  Investigative  Unit  is
                                                                      ven on Nov. 13.              findings  of  the  investiga-  leading  the  investigation,
                                                                      The  accident  killed  a  VA  tion,  state  police  said  the  with  help  from  the  federal
                                                                      maintenance  worker,  Euel  episode  initially  described  Bureau  of  Alcohol,  Tobac-
                                                                      Sims,  60,  a  Navy  veteran  as  an  explosion  was  a  co, Explosives and Firearms.
                                                                      from  Milford,  and  a  pri-  "pressure  event"  within  the  U.S.  Sens.  Richard  Blumen-
                                                                      vate  contractor,  Joseph  steam system.                  thal and Chris Murphy, both
                                                                      O'Donnell,  36,  of  Danbury.  "This  event  caused  super-  Connecticut   Democrats,
                                                                      Three  other  workers  were  heated  water  vapor  to  are among those calling for
                                                                      injured, officials said.     rapidly  fill  the  room  and  the federal government to
            Veterans  Affairs  Police  guard  the  entrance  to  a  maintenance   Alfred  Montoya  Jr.,  direc-  building,"  police  said.  "The  approve major renovations
            facility  after  an  apparent  steam  explosion  in  a  maintenance   tor  of  the  VA  Connecticut  two occupants working on  to the VA campus.
            building  at  a  Veterans  Affairs  hospital  in  West  Haven,  Conn.,   Healthcare  System,  said  the  system  were  not  able  Officials  said  the  hospital
            Friday, Nov. 13, 2020.                                    last  week  that  Sims  and  to evacuate the room and  was  built  in  the  1950s  and
                                                     Associated Press  O'Donnell,  a  welder  and  suffered fatal injuries. There  underwent a renovation in
            WEST HAVEN, Conn. (AP) —  killed  by  the  rapid  release  pipefitter, were in the base-  was  no  apparent  criminal  the 1990s, but has decaying
            Two workers who died at a  of  hot  water  vapor  during  ment  of  the  small  outer  aspect."                     infrastructure and is on a list
            Connecticut  Veterans  Af-   maintenance  work  on  the  building  and  had  just  fin-    The  building  where  the  of  aging  VA  facilities  that
            fairs hospital last week were  steam system, state police  ished routine maintenance  men were killed houses the  need to be replaced.q
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