Page 14 - IVA
P. 14
Monday 30 october 2017
Trump comes ahead with fresh
criticism of Russia inquiry
By DARLENE SUPERVILLE pouring out” about links to nal investigation into Russia
Associated Press Russia by his former presi- ties led by special counsel
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- dential opponent, Hillary Robert Mueller.
dent Donald Trump ex- Clinton. “DO SOMETHING!” The Associated Press has
pressed renewed frustra- Trump urged in one of five not confirmed the CNN re-
tion Sunday over the inves- morning tweets. port. Ty Cobb, a member
tigations into alleged ties Trump’s tweets followed of Trump’s legal team, said
between his campaign as- a CNN report late Friday the president was not re-
In this Monday, Oct. 23, 2017, file photo, President Donald Trump sociates and Russian gov- that a federal grand jury in ferring to CNN’s reporting.
speaks during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House ernment officials, saying on Washington has approved “Contrary to what many
in Washington.
Associated Press Twitter that the “facts are the first charges in a crimi- have suggested, the presi-
dent’s comments today
are unrelated to the activi-
ties of the special counsel,
with whom he continues to
cooperate,” Cobb said in
a statement.
Trump and the White
House insist there was no
collusion between his presi-
dential campaign and Rus-
sia. Both have pointed a
finger at Clinton and have
suggested that the real
story of collusion with Rus-
sia is the sale of uranium to
Moscow when Clinton was
secretary of state. U.S. in-
telligence agencies have
concluded that Russia in-
terfered with the election
to benefit Trump, a finding
that Trump has not fully ac-
cepted. Mueller and Con-
gress are looking into al-
legations of ties between
Trump associates and Rus-
sia. In the tweets, Trump
referenced the fact that
Clinton’s presidential cam-
paign helped fund political
research into Trump that ul-
timately produced a dos-
sier of allegations about his
ties to Russia. He also point-
ed to the uranium sale,
the tens of thousands of
emails from Clinton’s time
at the State Department
that she later deleted from
a private email server,
and the decision by then-
FBI Director Jim Comey to
not bring criminal charges
against Clinton for possible
mishandling of classified