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CLASSIFIED Thursday 28 sepTember 2017
NY village takes choking out of official seal dOCTOR ON dUTY
Dr. Jansen
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week 35 9/2-9/9 1 bedr $4,350 FIRE DEPT. 115
This photo shows the old seal, left, and the new rendering of the seal of the village of Whitesboro, week 36 9/9-9/16 1bdr $3,950 FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
N.Y. The Oneida County village worked with an art student to replace the original 40-year-old seal week 37 9/16-9/23 studio $3,150 HOSPITAL 527-4000
that depicted founder Hugh White wrestling an American Indian that was ridiculed by Comedy phone 508 6510016 (565 9394) DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
Central’s “The Daily Show.” AMBULANCE 582-1234
(Village of Whitesboro, N.Y. via AP) email: IMSAN 524-8833
WHITESBORO, N.Y. (AP) — and established good rela- It wasn’t the first time some- FOR SALE RED CROSS 582-2219
An upstate New York vil- tions with the local Oneida one sought to change the Divi Golf & Beach Women in Difficulties
lage that drew widespread tribe. When one of the In- seal. According to the Ob- week 35 9/2-9/9 studio $3,950 PHARMACY
scrutiny last year for an of- dians challenged him to server-Dispatch, a news- week 35 9/2-9/9 2 room Oranjestad:
ficial seal that appeared to a friendly wrestling match, paper in nearby Utica, the suite $4,600 Eagle Tel. 587 9011
depict a white settler throt- White threw and pinned his village was sued over the week 36 9/9-9/16 2 room suite San Nicolas
tling a Native American opponent.“It was how they seal by a Native American $4,600 Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
has come out with a new became friendly,” Nimey- group in 1977. The village week 40 rm 2213 $4,200
design that takes the hands Olney said. “They want- altered the seal slightly, but phone 5086510016 (565 9394)
away from the throat. ed each other’s respect kept the wrestling image email: INFORMATION 118
Whitesboro’s new seal still through things like this wres- intact.Village officials said _________________________________208065 TAXI-TAS 587-5900
depicts village founder tling match.”Whitesboro last year that they would FOR SALE PROF. TAXI 588-0035
Hugh White going head-to- found itself making nation- work with the Oneida Indi- Renaissance SERVICE AUA 583-3232
head in a wrestling stance al news, including on Com- an Nation to come up with Great Deals!!! A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
with an Oneida Indian, but edy Central’s “The Daily a new design for the seal. Wk18, unit2450 $5000 280-2828
the white man’s hands are Show,” in early 2016 when Oneida spokesman Joel Garden View/4th Floor CruIse shIp
on his opponent’s shoul- an online petition sought Barkin said nation officials Wk19, unit2416 $3500
ders, not near his throat. to change the seal, which had no comment on the Garden View/4th Floor
Asked about the new de- some considered racist new seal.q Wk21, unit2307 $3500 sOLd
sign that sticks with the con- and insensitive. That led Wk23, unit2326 $3750
frontational theme, village to the non-binding vote, pool View/3rd Floor October 1
clerk and registrar Dana which ended with 157 resi- Wk30, unit2531 $4750 Freewinds
Nimey-Olney said Wednes- dents voting to leave the harbor View/5th Floor
day that “we didn’t have a seal alone, out of 212 votes Wk31, unit2531 $4750
problem with the wrestling cast.But after the vote, of- pool View/5th Floor Aruba Airport 524-2424
match.”According to an ficials in the village of 3,600 Wk32, unit2323 $3500 sOLd American Airlines 582-2700
account on the village’s that’s located 80 miles (129 Wk33, unit2139 $3000 Aruba Airlines 583-8300
website, in the late 1700s kilometers) northwest of pool View/Ground Floor Jet Blue 588-2244
White settled the village Albany, said they would Wk33, unit2323 $3500 sOLd Surinam 582-7896
that would bear his name change the seal anyway. Wk34, unit2109 $5000 Venezolana 583-7674
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