Page 22 - AHATA
P. 22

                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 15 January 2020

            Bohemian Restaurant: Live Violinist Angela

            PALM  BEACH  —  Avant-       tra magic: the live Violinist  connect to the Caribbean.
            garde  from  France,  non-   Angela performs! From tra-   Waiters  with  French  bar-
            conformist in style and eth-  ditional  French  and  Italian  rettes and pant suspenders
            nic  in  cuisine.  That  is  what  famous  melodies  to  more  service  you  with  a  happy
            the new kid in town is about.  upbeat pop and rock and  and loose style with on the
            Bohemian Restaurant is dif-  roll. A taste for everyone.   background the sounds of
            ferent, unconventional and                                underground  chill  music
            a  rebel  with  a  cause.  The  A garden full of strong trees  varied with French classics.
            cause  is  to  make  you  feel  and  dressed  up  in  New
            king  in  this  hidden  garden  York-style   industrial-look  ONLY  French  owned  Res-
            with  outstanding  dishes  elements  creates  a  cos-     taurant
            that connect you to the Eu-  mopolitan  vibe  while  at  The  French  are  famous  for
            ropean  liaisons  of  Aruba.  the same time the tropical  their culinary art. Bohemain
            Thurday  nights  has  an  ex-  breeze  and  outside  dining  is the ONLY French owned
                                                                      restaurant  on  Aruba  and
                                                                      offers  you  Grande  gas-
                                                                      tronomy  in  a  hip  decor.
                                                                      French  classics  like  Coq-
                                                                      au-Vin, Beef tartare, Escar-
                                                                      got, Duck Foie Gras Terrine,
                                                                      Bouillabaisse   Fish   Soup,
                                                                      Tuna-Tartare,  Quinoa-Sal-
                                                                      ad,  Rib-Eye  Butter  Maître-
                                                                      D,  Crème  Brulee,  Choco-
                                                                      late  Lava  Cake  and  Pine-  Catch are other finger lick-  Free  Parking  available  at
                                                                      apple  Carpaccio  are  on  ing options. Directly import-  the  parking  lot  in  front  of
                                                                      the  menu.  Mediterranean  ed  wines  from  wineries  in  Barcelo Resort.
                                                                      inspired  dishes  like  Ras  el  Europe make up for a per-  Make   your   reservations
                                                                      Hanout  Fish  Kebbab,  Hon-  fect  pairing.  You  are  wel-  through   their   website:
                                                                      ey  and  Rosemary  Lamb  come  to  enjoy  the  Happy  https://bohemianaruba.
                                                                      Shank,  Moroccan  Lamb  Hours  and  Daily  Early  Birds  com.  Call  them  at  00  297
                                                                      sausages,  Mediterranean  from 5 to 7 PM. Bon appe-       280 8448. Facebook: Bohe-
                                                                      Sea Bass and Grilled Local  tite!                         mian. q
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