Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
Tuesday 19 November 2019
Hilton’s Blue Energy
Committee sponsored the
2019 Meal Packaging Event
PALM BEACH —Fundacion “This packaging project
pa Nos Comunidad (FPNC) is very important. It con-
which is Aruba’s official tributes to the fight to end
Food Bank, held it second hunger on our island and
Meal Packing Event which at the same time promotes
took place at the Hilton the foundations goal of
Aruba Caribbean Resort offering healthy and nutri-
& Casino. The space was tious food to local families
filled with tables and teams in need.”says director Gi-
of volunteers empowered naika van der Biezen.
to become heroes of the
community. This year’s community
event was attended by
The project titled “Connect teams of various local
to Impact” had as goal to companies. In order to
prepare 50.000 meal pack- participate the companies
ages in one day. These had to buy a table at the
50.000 meals will be dis- event, form a group of 10
tributed during the com- members and donate a
ing year to families in need sum of 1500 florins to the
that are registered at the foundation. In exchange year. bank has been helping which assists with different
foundation. Each package the groups received all families in need since 2009. social activities felt that the
feeds up to 4 people. This products and materials FPNC is the official Food They are rely on donations FPNC foundation mission
year, the foundation add- necessary. FPNC divided Bank of Aruba. Their goal made by individuals and complies with the com-
ed different types of prod- the work into 4 hours shifts is to prevent and fight hun- organizations. pany’s philosophy of more
ucts such as; Spanish rice, of 4 hours each. Their goal ger, social exclusion and than 100-years of giving
mac &cheese, oatmeal, was reached: 50.000 boxes promote care and wellbe- The Blue Energy Commit- back to the community to
rice and beans and a few packed and ready to be ing to the persons in need tee of the Hilton Aruba Ca- insure sustainable growth
more. distributed throughout the on our island. The food ribbean Resort &Casino, for everyone.q