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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 24 January 2024

            Get ready for an incredible night at Lava Aruba Studios!

                                                            Who’s  Luca  Vidal?  He’s  an  Italian  wizard  of  Phone: +297 280 3230
                                                            glass, making jaw-dropping sculptures with cra-  Address: Caya Harmonia 4, Sasakiweg
                                                            zy colors and cool designs! Born in Venice, he
                                                            started  playing  with  glass  at  14,  learned  from
                                                            the  masters  in  Murano,  and  now,  he’s  one  of
                                                            the coolest glass artists worldwide!

                                                            At Lava Studios, we’re all about making art fun
                                                            and accessible! Watch Luca create pure mag-
                                                            ic, ask him questions, and witness a unique mas-
                                                            terpiece come to life! Plus, the best part - these
                                                            incredible glass creations are up for sale! Take
                                                            home a piece of the magic from our gallery!

                                                            Why Lava Studios? We’re not just a studio; we’re
                                                            an experience! See live demos, take cool class-
                                                            es,  and  grab  a  handmade  glass  art  that  suits
                                                            your style!
            Join  us  on  January  26th,  6:30-8:30  PM,  for  a
            mind-blowing  glass  event  with  the  awesome  Don’t miss this chance to dive into the world of
            Maestro Luca Vidal from Murano!                 glass with Luca Vidal at Lava Aruba Studios!

            Papiamento words and phrases you may want to know!

            (Oranjestad)—Aruba  is  a                                                              the  morning,  up  to  about  ple in Papiamento. Just like
            potting  melt  of  different                                                           noon.  Bon  dia  essentially  Spanish,  our  yeses  are  “si”
            nationalities,  cultures  and                                                          means  good  morning.  The  and our no’s are “no”. Pret-
            languages.  Primarily  for                                                             word “bon” means “good”,  ty  easy  right?  If  you  want
            this  reason,  the  average                                                            and  while  “dia”  does  not  to  gain  some  extra  points
            Aruban  can  understand                                                                directly mean “morning” in  from  younger  locals,  you
            and  speak  Dutch,  Eng-                                                               English, it is used often to re-  can also say “se”, which is
            lish  and  Spanish  relatively                                                         fer to the morning time.     a  more  casual  affirmative
            well. However, as much as                                                              2.     Bon tardi. In the af-  used mostly by the younger
            we  pride  ourselves  in  be-                                                          ternoon  to  early  evening  generation.  However,  do
            ing  able  to  communicate  Hi! Bye!                      are doing.                   hours, we use “bon tardi” to  note:  some  older  genera-
            with  almost  everyone,  we  To be fair, there is no unique                            greet people, which means  tions may find this improper
            cherish  our  native  tongue  way  to  say  “hello”  in  Pa-  When we say goodbye, we  “good  afternoon”.  “Tardi”  and not respectful, so keep
            Papiamento     above    all  piamento. At least, not of-  use the word “ayo” (not like  actually  comes  from  the  that in mind.
            else.  Want  to  learn  some  ficially.  We  often  just  use  the  Ayo  Rock  Formation,  word “atardi”, which direct-
            common words in our lan-     the English “hello” or “hey”,  but also…kinda?). We may  ly translates to “afternoon”.  Thanks man…
            guage? Here are a few ba-    or  Dutch  “hallo”  to  greet  also  use  “te  oro”,  which  However,  the  shortened  Lastly, a word that we can
            sic words and phrases that  someone.  We  do  howev-      means “see you later”.       “tardi” is used to keep the  also say more often is “dan-
            can get you a hat tip from  er, always follow it up with                               rhythm on the phrase. And  ki”,  which  means  literally
            an Aruban.                   “con  bay?”  or  “con  ta?”  Greetings during the day     the same could be said for  “thank you”. “Danki” is de-
                                         Con  bay  is  a  shortened  Most,  if  not  all,  languages  our last greeting of the day.  rived from the Dutch word
            When you arrive at the air-  version  of  “con  ta  bay?”,  have  different  ways  to  3.     Bon    nochi.   You  “bedankt”.    Though    we
            port  in  Aruba,  one  of  the  which  essentially  means  greet according to the time  guessed  it,  “bon  nochi”  don’t really have a transla-
            first  words  in  Papiamento  “how are you?”              of day, and Papiamento is  means  “good  night”.  Just  tion for “I appreciate it” in
            you may encounter is “Bon                                 no  different.  Since  Papia-  like “tardi”, “nochi” is actu-  English, we do use “masha
            bini.” Bon bini in Papiamen-  The  word  “con”  in  Papia-  mento is heavily influences  ally  the  shortened  version  danki” to convey the mes-
            to means welcome, and is  mento        means    “how?”  from Portuguese and Span-      of the word “anochi”.        sage.  “Masha”  means  “a
            probably  the  most  famous  and  is  pronounced  with  a  ish,  some  of  these  phrases                           lot”  or  “very”,  so  “masha
            Papiamento word for tour-    rounder  “o”  sounds,  like  in  may look very familiar.  Yes…no…maybe?                danki”  means  “thank  you
            ists.                        the  English  word  “cone”.                               The  affirmative  and  nega-  very much”.
                                         “Ta bay” refers to how you  1.      Bon  dia  is  used  in  tive  expression  is  very  sim-
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