Page 15 - HOH OCT 24 2020
P. 15

A30     world news
                 Diasabra 24 OctOber 2020

                         Puerto Rico shutters 911 call centers amid coronavirus cases

            (AP)  —  Both  of  Puerto                                                                                           ber.
            Rico’s  911  call  centers
            were  shut  down  Wednes-                                                                                           “It’s  an  option  that’s  being
            day night after several em-                                                                                         evaluated,” she said.
            ployees tested positive for                                                                                         She also said she didn’t know
            the  coronavirus,  officials                                                                                        why officials decided to close
            announced.                                                                                                          both  911  centers  before  en-
                                                                                                                                suring  that  such  alternatives
            Public Safety Secretary Pedro                                                                                       were in place.
            Janer said people should call
            the island’s emergency man-                                                                                         It is the first time Puerto Rico
            agement  agency  at  787-724-                                                                                       has shut down its primary and
            0124  or  police  at  787-343-                                                                                      secondary  911  call  centers.
            2020  in  an  emergency.  He                                                                                        Janer  said  the  buildings  will
            said both agencies are operat-                                                                                      be  thoroughly  cleaned  and
            ing 24 hours a day.                                                                                                 that  he  will  soon  announce
                                                                                                                                when  operations  at  the  911
            However,  people  calling  the                                                                                      call centers will resume.
            first number that Janer pro-
            vided get a  recording  asking                                                                                      It was unclear how many em-
            them to call 911 for an emer-  cy Managers, told The Asso-  lay  911  calls  through  to  an-                       ployees tested positive.
            gency.  Then  the  recording  ciated Press. He said he was  other  number,  rather  than  Kiara  Hernández,  a  spokes-  Puerto  Rico  has  reported
            provided callers with a direc-  shocked at the government's  forcing people to call a long  woman for the Public Safety  more than 29,700 confirmed
            tory.                        temporary  plan  to  handle  number that they would have  Department,  said  she  could  cases  of  coronavirus  infec-
                                         emergencies in the U.S. ter-  to read or hear about on the  not  immediately  comment  tions.  It  has  had  more  than
            “This  is  serious,"  Nazario  ritory of 3.2 million people.  news.                    on why officials were unable  770 deaths from COVID-19,
            Lugo, president of Puerto Ri-                             “Response  times  will  defi-  to automatically route emer-  the disease that can be caused
            co’s Association of Emergen-  Lugo said officials should re-  nitely be affected," he said.  gency calls to another num-  by the virus.

                             Nigeria says 'many lives have been lost' in days of unrest

            (AP)  —  “Many  lives  have  been  liganism,"  a  statement  said.  Soldiers  our dreams to build the future.” The  the Lagos state government on Friday
            lost”  in  Nigeria's  unrest,  the  remained in parts of Lagos, Nigeria's  group  said  it  had  stopped  collecting  shared a list of ongoing prosecution
            president's office announced Fri-   largest  city,  as  a  24-hour  curfew  re-  donations for the protests.  against police officers accused of hu-
            day, as the government said days  mained in place.                      Others disagreed. If the protests have  man rights abuses.
            of  peaceful  protests  over  po-                                       been hijacked by hoodlums, then Ni-  “Today seems like a good day to get
            lice abuses had been hijacked by  A  witness  of  Tuesday  night's  deadly  gerian youth should not give up the  on  to  the  work  of  rebuilding  Lagos
            thugs.                              shooting,  33-year-old  Isaiah  Abor,  struggle and instead should “go back  and  ending  police  brutality,”  Gov.
                                                ventured  out  anyway  to  visit  the  and re-strategize,” said Seriki Muri-  Babajide Sanwo-Olu said.
            President  Muhammadu  Buhari's  scene where solders had opened fire.  tala  with  the  National  Youth  Parlia-
            comments  came  during  a  meeting  He managed to escape the chaos.     ment.                               An angry crowd shouted at him over
            with former heads of state on how to  “When  (the  soldiers)  were  making                                  the unrest as officials toured burned-
            address some of Nigeria's worst un-  comments  that  the  flag  is  not  bul-  This  week’s  scenes  have  touched  a  out vehicles and the sacked palace of a
            rest in years. The government has not  letproof, that’s when I knew this was  chord  with  Black  Lives  Matter  sup-  Lagos ceremonial leader. The leader,
            said how many people died, though  going to go out of hand,” Abor said.  porters  in  the  United  States,  while  or oba, isn’t popular with some Nige-
            Amnesty  International  says  soldiers  Empty  ammunition  shells  still  lit-  the  U.S.  government  has  strongly  rians who see him as a product of the
            killed  at  least  12  when  they  fired  tered the ground.             condemned  the  “use  of  excessive  country’s often corrupt politics.
            without warning into a crowd of pro-  The president's speech annoyed him.  force by military forces who fired on
            testers Tuesday night as they sang the  “The blood that stained a whole Ni-  unarmed  demonstrators  in  Lagos,  Opulence and grinding poverty are in
            national anthem.                    gerian  flag,  those  youths  were  not  causing death and injury.”     close contact in Lagos, a city of some
            Buhari in a national address Thurs-  even  mentioned,”  Abor  said.  He  The protests turned violent Wednes-  20 million, and the inequality sharp-
            day night didn't mention the shoot-  added: “We are not cowards. We will  day  after  the  military's  shooting  as  ens  grievances  in  Nigeria,  Africa’s
            ings  that  sparked  international  out-  always come to this ground, and we  mobs  vandalized  and  burned  police  most populous country.
            rage,  and  resentment  lingered  with  will  always  feel  for  those  that  are  stations, courthouses, TV stations and  After  touring  the  battered  city  the
            the  smell  of  charred  tires  Friday  in  gone.”                      a  hotel.  Police  battled  angry  crowds  governor told reporters he was “very
            Nigeria's relatively calm streets.                                      with tear gas and gunfire. The looting  traumatized” and that “we lost people
                                                Another  protester,  Olatunde  Josh-  and gunfire continued Thursday.   in several parts of the city.” He didn't
            The  president  instead  warned  pro-  ua  Oluwanifemi,  said  simply:  “The                                give details.
            testers  against  being  used  by  “sub-  speech killed our spirit.”    The demonstrations began early this
            versive elements” and “undermining  Okechukwu  Nwanguma  with  the  month  with  calls  for  Nigeria’s  gov-  “Enough  is  enough,”  he  said.  “We
            national security and law and order.”  Rule of Law and Accountability Ad-  ernment  to  shut  down  the  Special  need to heal ourselves.” He said the
            He reiterated that Friday, saying the  vocacy  Center  said  the  president's  Anti-Robbery  Squad,  a  police  unit  curfew would begin easing Saturday
            government  “will  not  fold  its  arms  comments,“devoid  of  sympathy,”  known  as  SARS.  The  squad  was  morning and a panel looking into the
            and  allow  miscreants  and  criminals  were  worrying.  Shielding  those  be-  launched to fight crime, but it carried  unrest  would  begin  receiving  peti-
            continue  to  perpetrate  acts  of  hoo-  hind  the  deadly  shootings  will  only  out torture and killings, according to  tions on Monday.
                                                lead to abuses by the police and mili-  Amnesty International.
                                                tary, he said: “If those who carried out                                And  yet  tensions  remained  high.
                                                the killings did so and nothing hap-  The  #EndSARS  campaign  spread  Near the scene of Tuesday's shooting,
                                                pens, it will encourage them and oth-  across the country and Buhari’s gov-  police shouted, then fired into the air,
                                                ers to do the same thing next time.”  ernment  announced  that  it  would  to stop a convoy carrying the body of
                                                                                    disband the SARS unit. The protest  a  Muslim  who  had  died  overnight;
                                                But  citing  the  president’s  com-  persisted  with  demonstrators  calling  the cause of death was not clear.
                                                ments, one influential group behind  for more widespread reforms of the
                                                the protests, the Feminist Coalition,  police and an end to corruption.  After  questioning  by  police,  the
                                                urged youth to stay at home, saying                                     mourners were allowed to continue,
                                                that “we need to stay alive to pursue  In  one  attempt  at  calming  tensions,  to go on and bury the dead.
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