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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 17 augusT 2017

               Aruba Airport Authority, Vision-Box to Further Evolve Aruba Happy Flow

            (By Justin Lee)                                                                        benefit  further  from  our  design  of  the  Gateway
            ORANJESTAD  -  Aruba  Air-                                                             game-changing  technol-      2030  project  should  have
            port  Authority,  manager                                                              ogy for the Gateway 2030  the  benefits  of  the  Aruba
            and  operator  of  Queen                                                               project,”  Miguel  Leitmann,  Happy  Flow  platform  as  a
            Beatrix  International  Air-                                                           Vision-Box  CEO.  “We  are  terminal-wide solution.
            port,  and  Vision-Box  have                                                           convinced  that  this  part-  CoE at Aruba Airport is de-
            partnered to further evolve                                                            nership  will  be  the  ground  signed  to  combine  Aruba
            the Aruba Happy Flow bio-                                                              base  for  the  next  genera-  Airport’s role of a facilitator
            metrics-based  passenger                                                               tion  of  Happy  Flow,  reaf-  for  innovation  with  Vision-
            processing system.                                                                     firming Aruba Airport as an  Box’s  technological  inno-
                                                                                                   innovation  center  for  pas-  vations.
            “The  Aruba  Happy  Flow                                                               senger facilitation and pro-  Finally,  Aruba  Airport  and
            Proof  of  Concept  has  ex-                                                           jecting Aruba with a highly  Vision-Box  will  work  to  en-
            ceeded  our  expectations                                                              recognizable    worldwide  sure  a  high  quality  and
            during  these  two  years,                                                             airport.”                    continuous  showcase  for
            paving the way for a new                                                               The Strategic Partnership is  the Happy Flow solution.
            direction  for  the  airport,”                                                         built  on  the  pillars  of  inno-  Aruba Happy Flow is the re-
            said  James  Fazio,  CEO  of                                                           vation, Gateway 2030 (first  sult of a cooperative con-
            the Aruba Airport Authority.                                                           airport designed for Happy  sortium  composed  of  the
             “On the other hand, with    another  milestone  in  the  development  for  Aruban     Flow), the Centre of Excel-  governments of Aruba and
            this  new  partnership  with   development of the future  and  international  students   lence  (CoE),  and  show-  the  Netherlands,  Schiphol
            Vision-Box,  we  are  now    airport.”                    through   the    Vision-Box   case.                       Group, KLM, Aruba Airport
            very  excited  to  get  the   The  partnership  will  repre-  Centre of Excellence, while   Innovation  comprises  of  Authority and Vision-Box.
            opportunity  to  establish  a   sent  Aruba  Airport  as  an  developing  a  strong  foun-  both  partners  being  com-  Last year, the Aruba Airport
            pioneering Centre of Excel-  airport  that  drives  change  dation  for  sustainable  air-  mitted  to  invest  in  evolv-  Authority (AAA) expanded
            lence, where we aim to un-   with  passenger  centric  fo-  port solutions.            ing the Aruba Happy Flow  the  Vision-Box  developed
            derstand  tendencies,  de-   cus,  generating  value  for  “This is indeed a great part-  platform,  while  new  func-  biometrics-based  passen-
            velop  new  products  and    their  stakeholders  and  a  nership.                     tional solutions will be (co-)  ger  processing  system  at
            technologies  in  a  real-life   seamless passenger experi-    Aruba  airport  has  al-  created  and  assessed  at  both  the  arrivals  and  de-
            environment  and  support    ence.                        ready  embraced  the  new    Aruba Airport.               partures  gates  of  Queen
            local  economy.  This  com-  In  addition,  the  partner-  era  of  the  digital  airport   Aruba  Airport  and  Vision-  Beatrix   International
            bined effort will surely mark   ship  should  provide  skills  concept  and  it  will  soon   Box  both  believe  that  the  Airport.q
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