Page 41 - MIN JUS
P. 41
LOCAL Thursday 17 augusT 2017
Aruba Airport Authority, Vision-Box to Further Evolve Aruba Happy Flow
(By Justin Lee) benefit further from our design of the Gateway
ORANJESTAD - Aruba Air- game-changing technol- 2030 project should have
port Authority, manager ogy for the Gateway 2030 the benefits of the Aruba
and operator of Queen project,” Miguel Leitmann, Happy Flow platform as a
Beatrix International Air- Vision-Box CEO. “We are terminal-wide solution.
port, and Vision-Box have convinced that this part- CoE at Aruba Airport is de-
partnered to further evolve nership will be the ground signed to combine Aruba
the Aruba Happy Flow bio- base for the next genera- Airport’s role of a facilitator
metrics-based passenger tion of Happy Flow, reaf- for innovation with Vision-
processing system. firming Aruba Airport as an Box’s technological inno-
innovation center for pas- vations.
“The Aruba Happy Flow senger facilitation and pro- Finally, Aruba Airport and
Proof of Concept has ex- jecting Aruba with a highly Vision-Box will work to en-
ceeded our expectations recognizable worldwide sure a high quality and
during these two years, airport.” continuous showcase for
paving the way for a new The Strategic Partnership is the Happy Flow solution.
direction for the airport,” built on the pillars of inno- Aruba Happy Flow is the re-
said James Fazio, CEO of vation, Gateway 2030 (first sult of a cooperative con-
the Aruba Airport Authority. airport designed for Happy sortium composed of the
“On the other hand, with another milestone in the development for Aruban Flow), the Centre of Excel- governments of Aruba and
this new partnership with development of the future and international students lence (CoE), and show- the Netherlands, Schiphol
Vision-Box, we are now airport.” through the Vision-Box case. Group, KLM, Aruba Airport
very excited to get the The partnership will repre- Centre of Excellence, while Innovation comprises of Authority and Vision-Box.
opportunity to establish a sent Aruba Airport as an developing a strong foun- both partners being com- Last year, the Aruba Airport
pioneering Centre of Excel- airport that drives change dation for sustainable air- mitted to invest in evolv- Authority (AAA) expanded
lence, where we aim to un- with passenger centric fo- port solutions. ing the Aruba Happy Flow the Vision-Box developed
derstand tendencies, de- cus, generating value for “This is indeed a great part- platform, while new func- biometrics-based passen-
velop new products and their stakeholders and a nership. tional solutions will be (co-) ger processing system at
technologies in a real-life seamless passenger experi- Aruba airport has al- created and assessed at both the arrivals and de-
environment and support ence. ready embraced the new Aruba Airport. partures gates of Queen
local economy. This com- In addition, the partner- era of the digital airport Aruba Airport and Vision- Beatrix International
bined effort will surely mark ship should provide skills concept and it will soon Box both believe that the Airport.q