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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 6 January 2018

            Through The ‘Season Of Giving Event’:

            Marriott Hotels on Aruba Help Hurricane Impacted Communities

            PALM BEACH - Inspired by Marriott’s core  sino.  Simultaneously,  a  silent  auction  was
            values of Putting People First and Serving  held  during  the  charity  event.  The  pro-
            The World, the Aruba Marriott Resort & Stel-  ceeds  of  both  the  event  and  the  silent
            laris Casino, The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba, Mar-  auction went to the Marriott Disaster Relief
            riott’s  Aruba  Ocean  Club  and  Marriott’s  Fund,  which  was  established  by  Marriott
            Aruba  Surf  Club  came  together  recently  International in order to support the com-
            to raise funds for the communities recently  pany’s  efforts  to  assist  those  families  and
            impacted by the hurricanes, by organizing  communities struck by disaster.
            a very special dinner and dance fundrais-  A  hundred  percent  of  the  funds  raised
            ing event called ‘Season of Giving Event’.  during this event will go directly to this or-
                                                       ganization  and  to  the  destinations  in  the
            The event was held at the Grand Ballroom  Caribbean that have been impacted by
            of the Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Ca-  the Hurricanes.q
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