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a30    feature
                         Friday 3 July 2020
            Not so random acts: Science finds that being kind pays off

            By SETH BORENSTEIN                                                                                                  being kind, scientists said.
            AP Science Writer                                                                                                   "Doing kindness makes you
            Acts  of  kindness  may  not                                                                                        happier and being happier
            be  that  random  after  all.                                                                                       makes  you  do  kind  acts,"
            Science  says  being  kind                                                                                          said labor economist Rich-
            pays off.                                                                                                           ard  Layard,  who  studies
            Research  shows  that  acts                                                                                         happiness  at  the  London
            of  kindness  make  us  feel                                                                                        School  of  Economics  and
            better  and  healthier.  Kind-                                                                                      wrote  the  new  book  "Can
            ness is also key to how we                                                                                          We Be Happier?"
            evolved and survived as a                                                                                           University  of  California  Riv-
            species,  scientists  say.  We                                                                                      erside  psychology  profes-
            are hard-wired to be kind.                                                                                          sor  Sonja  Lyubomirsky  has
            Kindness  "is  as  bred  in  our                                                                                    put that concept to the test
            bones  as  our  anger  or  our                                                                                      in  numerous  experiments
            lust or our grief or as our de-                                                                                     over  20  years  and  repeat-
            sire  for  revenge,"  said  Uni-                                                                                    edly  found  that  people
            versity of California San Di-                                                                                       feel  better  when  they  are
            ego  psychologist  Michael                                                                                          kind  to  others,  even  more
            McCullough, author of the                                                                                           than when they are kind to
            forthcoming  book  "Kind-                                                                                           themselves.
            ness  of  Strangers."  It's  also,                                                                                  "Acts  of  kindness  are  very
            he  said,  "the  main  feature                                                                                      powerful,"    Lyubomirsky
            we take for granted."        In  this  Wednesday,  May  27,  2020  file  photo,  medical  worker  Kenza,  center  and  Nassima,  left,   said.
            Scientific research is boom-  attend  a  training  session  with  boxer  Hassan  N'Dam  at  the  Villeneuve-Saint-Georges  hospital,   In  one  experiment,  she
                                         outside Paris.
            ing  into  human  kindness                                                                         Associated Press  asked  subjects  to  do  an
            and  what  scientists  have                                                                                         extra  three  acts  of  kind-
            found so far speaks well of  successful  you  are,  Hare                                                            ness  for  other  people  a
            us.                          said.                                                                                  week and asked a different
            "Kindness  is  much  older  For  example,  Hare,  who                                                               group  to  do  three  acts  of
            than religion. It does seem  studies bonobos and other                                                              self-kindness. They could be
            to  be  universal,"  said  Uni-  primates,  compares  ag-                                                           small,  like  opening  a  door
            versity of Oxford anthropol-  gressive    chimpanzees,                                                              for  someone,  or  big.  But
            ogist Oliver Curry, research  which  attack  outsiders,  to                                                         the people who were kind
            director  at  Kindlab.  "The  bonobos  where  the  ani-                                                             to others became happier
            basic  reason  why  people  mals don't kill but help out                                                            and  felt  more  connected
            are kind is that we are so-  strangers.  Male  bonobos                                                              to the world.
            cial animals."               are  far  more  successful                                                             The  same  occurred  with
            We prize kindness over any  at  mating  than  their  male                                                           money, using it to help oth-
            other value. When psychol-   chimp  counterparts,  Hare                                                             ers  versus  helping  yourself.
            ogists  lumped  values  into  said.                                                                                 Lyubomirsky said she thinks
            ten  categories  and  asked  McCullough  sees  bonobos                                                              it is because people spend
            people  what  was  more  as  more  the  exceptions.                                                                 too much time thinking and
            important,    benevolence  Most  animals  aren't  kind                                                              worrying about themselves
            or  kindness,  comes  out  on  or  helpful  to  strangers,  just                                                    and when they think of oth-
            top,  beating  hedonism,  close  relatives  so  in  that                                                            ers while doing acts of kind-
            having an exciting life, cre-  way  it  is  one  of  the  traits                                                    ness, it redirects them away
            ativity,  ambition,  tradition,  that separate us from other   In this Friday, April 24, 2020 file photo, Dennis Ruhnke holds two   from their own problems.
            security,  obedience,  seek-  species, he said. And that,   of his remaining N-95 masks as he stands with his wife, Sharon at   Oxford's  Curry  analyzed
                                                                      their home near Troy, Kan.
            ing social justice and seek-  he  said,  is  because  of  the                                      Associated Press   peer-reviewed   research
            ing power, said University of  human ability to reason.                                                             like   Lyubomirsky's   and
            London  psychologist  Anat  Humans realize that there's  studies  point  to  certain  ar-  places. The same bear be-  found  at  least  27  studies
            Bardi,  who  studies  value  not  much  difference  be-   eas of the brain, the medial  comes  its  most  aggressive  showing  the  same  thing:
            systems.                     tween  our  close  relatives  prefrontal cortex, temporal  and dangerous.              Being  kind  makes  people
            "We're kind because under  and  strangers  and  that  parietal junction and other  Hare said he sees this in hu-    feel better emotionally.
            the right circumstances we  someday  strangers  can  spots as either activated or  mans.  Some  of  the  same  But  it's  not  just  emotional.
            all  benefit  from  kindness,"  help  us  if  we  are  kind  to  dampened  by  emotional  people  who  are  generous  It's physical.
            Oxford's Curry said.         them, McCullough said.       activity.  The  same  places  to family and close friends,  Lyubomirsky said a study of
            When  it  comes  to  a  spe-  Reasoning "is the secret in-  give  us  the  ability  to  nur-  when they feel threatened  people with multiple sclero-
            cies' survival "kindness pays,  gredient,  which  is  why  we  ture and love, but also de-  by outsiders become angri-  sis and found they felt bet-
            friendliness pays," said Duke  donate  blood  when  there  humanize and exclude, he  er. He points to the current  ter physically when helping
            University  evolutionary  an-  are disasters" and why most  said.                      polarization of the world.   others. She also found that
            thropologist Brian Hare, au-  industrialized nations spend  When  mother  bears  are  "More     isolated   groups  in people doing more acts
            thor of the new book "Sur-   at least 20% of their money  feeding and nurturing their  are  more  likely  to  be  feel  of kindness that the genes
            vival of the Friendliest."   on  social  programs,  such  cubs,  these  areas  in  the  threatened  by  others  and  that  trigger  inflammation
            Kindness  and  coopera-      as housing and education,  brain  are  activated  and  it  they are more likely to mor-  were  turned  down  more
            tion work for many species,  McCullough said.             allows them to be generous  ally exclude, dehumanize,"  than in people who don't.
            whether  it's  bacteria,  flow-  Duke's  Hare  also  points  to  and loving, Hare said. But if  Hare said. "And that opens  And  she  said  in  upcoming
            ers  or  our  fellow  primate  mama bears to understand  someone  comes  near  the  the door to cruelty."           studies,  she's  found  more
            bonobos. The more friends  the  evolution  and  biology  mother  bear  at  that  time,  But  overall  our  bodies  antiviral  genes  in  people
            you  have,  the  more  indi-  of kindness and its aggres-  it  sets  of  the  brain's  threat  aren't  just  programmed  to  who  performed  acts  of
            viduals you help, the more  sive nasty flip side. He said  mechanisms  in  the  same  be nice, they reward us for  kindness.q
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