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                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 30 March 2023
            NFL hits highs in diverse executives, lacks in head coaches

            By ROB MAADDI                                                                                                       es.  Flores  was  an  assistant
            AP Pro Football Writer                                                                                              with the Pittsburgh Steelers
            PHOENIX  (AP)  —  The  NFL                                                                                          last season and is the new
            took  another  step  at  the                                                                                        defensive  coordinator  for
            owners  meetings  to  in-                                                                                           the Minnesota Vikings.
            crease diversity throughout                                                                                         “I  will  acknowledge  our
            the  league  while  continu-                                                                                        representation  of  diverse
            ing  to  face  criticism  and                                                                                       head  coaches,  in  particu-
            a  lawsuit  for  lack  of  rep-                                                                                     lar Black head coaches, is
            resentation  among  head                                                                                            certainly below our expec-
            coaches.                                                                                                            tation and is not where any-
            Each team is now required                                                                                           one wants it to be or knows
            to have a person in charge                                                                                          it needs to be,” said Beane,
            of  diversity,  equity  and  in-                                                                                    the  senior  vice  president,
            clusion.  Currently,  15  clubs                                                                                     chief diversity and inclusion
            have a DEI head and two                                                                                             officer for the NFL.
            others have someone lead-                                                                                           “We  have  way  too  much
            ing  that  department  and                                                                                          talent  out  there  to  have
            another one.                                                                                                        the  representation  among
            “They  actually  have  to                                                                                           the head coaches that we
            have specific roles and de-                                                                                         have.  However,  I  think  it’s
            liverables  that  are  in  their   Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin speaks during the AFC head coaches availability at   really,  really  important  to
            job description so that is a   the NFL meetings, Monday, March 27, 2023, in Phoenix.                                look at other areas that are
            big  thing,”  NFL  executive                                                                       Associated Press   CEO-type  positions,  that
            Jonathan  Beane  said  in                                                                                           are critical positions to the
            an  interview  with  The  As-  in diverse hirings in the front  Buccaneers) and DeMeco  versity  of  its  players  and  success or failure.”

            sociated  Press.  “The  rea-  office,  but  critics  point  to  Ryans  (Houston  Texans)  that  of  its  coaching  staff  The  number  of  minor-
            son  why  that’s  so  impor-  the  sidelines  where  there  give the league three Black  the  largest  among  men’s  ity presidents and GMs are
            tant is we have to have a  are  only  three  Black  head  head  coaches  entering  a  major  leagues    and  this  the most in NFL history. The
            single point of accountabil-  coaches in a sport that had  season  for  the  fifth  year  in  has not changed despite a  league didn’t even have its
            ity at the clubs where they  56.4% Black players in 2022.  a row.                      large pool of diverse former  first Black president until the
            are  focused  on  driving  it  The NFL now has seven mi-  “While  increased  diversity  players  that  could  meet  a  Washington   Command-
            throughout  their  organiza-  nority  team  presidents,  in-  in  executive  roles  could  demand  for  coaching  tal-  ers  hired  Jason  Wright  in
            tion,  in  football  operations  cluding five who are Black  lead  to  increased  diversity  ent.”                  August  2020.  Kevin  War-
            and  coaching,  in  business  and  three  women,  and  on  the  sidelines,  progress  Brian Flores, the former Mi-  ren  (Chicago  Bears),  Sashi
            operations,  engaging  with  nine general managers, in-   on  this  front  has  remained  ami Dolphins head coach,  Brown  (Baltimore  Ravens),
            ownership  to  make  sure  cluding eight Black men.       stagnant  for  years,”  said  sued the league and three  Sandra  Douglass  Morgan
            that this is a priority through-  But  there  are  six  minority  Devan Rawlings, the author  teams last year, saying the  (Las  Vegas  Raiders)  and
            out  the  whole  ecosystem  head coaches overall. Mike  of Revelio Labs’ NFL report.  NFL  was  “rife  with  racism,”  Damani  Leech  (Denver
            of a club.” The league has  Tomlin (Pittsburgh Steelers),  “The  NFL  has  a  significant  particularly in its hiring and  Broncos) have joined him in
            reached  milestone  points  Todd  Bowles  (Tampa  Bay  disparity  between  the  di-    promotion of Black coach-    the past two years. q

            NBA, players still talking about new deal as deadline looms

            By TIM REYNOLDS              “I  hope  we  do  get  one  immediately since the sides
            AP Basketball Writer         done,”  Silver  said  at  the  still  will  have  three  months
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  NBA  conclusion  of  a  two-day  to  get  something  done
            Commissioner  Adam  Sil-     meeting  of  the  league’s  before the current CBA ex-
            ver  said  Wednesday  he  is  Board  of  Governors.  “Be-  pires.
            hopeful that a new collec-   cause,  honestly,  I’m  only  “There’s   just   something
            tive bargaining agreement  one side of the negotiation,  about  collective  bargain-
            between  the  league  and  it’s difficult for me to place  ing  where  deadlines  are
            its  players  can  get  done  odds  on  whether  or  not  necessary  and  seemingly
            by  the  end  of  this  week,  that’s going to happen.”   sides  tend  to  hold  their
            though  he  stopped  short  The  NBPA  did  not  have  best positions until the very
            of  predicting  that  a  deal  any  immediate  reaction  end,”  Silver  said.  “So  my
            would actually get struck.   to  Silver’s  comments.  Both  sense is this will go down to
            The league and the Nation-   sides have said throughout  the very end.”
            al  Basketball  Players  Asso-  this  process    and  past  la-  The  current  CBA,  which
            ciation face a Friday dead-  bor talks  that they do not  took  effect  July  1,  2017,
            line for either side to decide  intend  to  negotiate  or  dis-  came  with  a  mutual  op-
            that they will opt out of the  cuss specifics publicly.   tion  for  either  the  NBA  or   NBA  commissioner  Adam  Silver,  left,  and  Charlotte  Hornets
            deal  and  end  the  current  The sides have been talking  the  NBPA  to  opt  out  after   owner Michael Jordan, right, pose for a photo during a news
            CBA on June 30. That opt-    about a new CBA for more  six seasons  June 30 of this    conference to announce Charlotte, N.C., as the site of the 2017
            out  deadline  already  has  than a year, and Silver said  year.                       NBA All-Star basketball game, June 23, 2015.   Associated Press
            been extended twice, and  he  expected  negotiations  The  sides  originally  had  a
            Silver said the NBA’s current  to   resume   Wednesday  Dec.  15  deadline  to  an-    then to Friday.              how a league that is com-
            plan is to exercise that op-  night.                      nounce  an  intention  to  A  lockout  would  be  dam-    ing  off  a  season  of  record
            tion if there is no deal by Fri-  And if Friday passes without  exercise  the  opt-out,  then  aging  on  many  levels  well  revenue  would  see  that
            day night.                   a deal, it wouldn’t be dire  pushed  it  back  to  Feb.  8,  beyond the obvious part of  momentum interrupted.q
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