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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 18 september 2021

                            New York tosses jail time for most minor parole violations

            (AP) — New Yorkers will  Hochul  and  lawmakers  to  “They shouldn’t have to wait
            be able to avoid jail time  make  it  effective  immedi-  until  the  enactment  date,”
            for  most  nonviolent  pa-   ately.                       Hochul said.
            role  violations  under  a
            new law signed Friday by  That  would  “stop  the  un-    She  said  she’s  working  with
            Gov. Kathy Hochul.           necessary  suffering,”  said  corrections  officials  to  start
                                         Shaun  Whitaker,  a  member  transferring   incarcerated
            The  “Less  is  More”  law  of  the  Katal  Center  for  Eq-  people from Rikers Island to
            largely   eliminates   New  uity,  Health,  and  Justice,  an  state corrections facilities.
            York’s  practice  of  incarcer-  advocacy  group.  “This  bill
            ating  people  for  technical  passing  will  eliminate  the  Lt.  Gov.  Brian  Benjamin
            parole  violations,  including  fear of missing a call from my  sponsored  the  legislation,
            being late to an appointment  parole  officer,  or  being  late  which  allows  people  on  pa-
            with a parole officer, missing  to  a  meeting.  I  won’t  have  role  to  receive  “earned  time
            curfew, or failing to pay fees  to fear asking for help when  credits” to encourage positive
            or to inform a parole officer  it  comes  to  substance  abuse  behavior and grants them the
            of a change in employment.   counseling.”                 right to counsel at parole re-  The  new  law  speeds  up  the  “conduct related to cannabis”
                                                                      vocation hearings.           hearing  timeline.  Courts  that is legal under state law.
            Starting in March, people on  And the move means an esti-                              must  use  “least  restrictive”  Republicans,  a  minority  in
            parole will land back behind  mated 5,000 people who are  “When you get to understand  means  to  ensure  people  ap-  the Legislature, have accused
            bars only for drug or alcohol  behind bars in New York for  the  complications  ...  around  pear,  though  they  could  Democrats of focusing more
            use if they were convicted of  technical  parole  violations  how  technical  parole  viola-  detain  people  with  proven  on  perpetrators  of  crimes
            driving  under  the  influence  could  eventually  be  eligible  tions  can  lead  to  more  in-  “substantial risk” of refusing  than victims.
            of those substances.         for  release.  New  York  City  carceration then the original  to show up.
                                         Mayor Bill de Blasio said the  crime in some cases, you say                            Benjamin  stressed  the  issue
            Supporters of the law say that  city  will  be  releasing  “hun-  to  yourself:  ‘Was  this  done  Courts  could  direct  people  isn’t  simply  about  “letting
            New York has one of the the  dreds  and  hundreds  of  peo-  particularly  to  harm  poor  who  violate  most  technical  people out” of prison.
            nation’s  highest  rates  of  in-  ple the right way.”    Black and brown communi-     rules  to  receive  reentry  ser-
            carcerating people for techni-                            ties, or was this done to keep  vices  from  nonprofit  com-  “If  someone  has  a  mental
            cal parole violations, and that  The  governor  said  she’s  go-  us  safe?’”  Benjamin,  a  Har-  munity  groups,  rather  than  health issue, is someone has
            the practice is costly and fuels  ing to sign off Friday on the  lem Democrat, said.   jail.  The  law  caps  how  long  drug  addiction,  the  answer
            the  cycle  of  people  landing  release  of  191  eligible  in-                       people  can  be  imprisoned  should not be prison,” Ben-
            behind bars again after serv-  mates from New York City’s  Currently, people suspecting  again for other violations.  jamin  said.  “Prison  is  not  a
            ing their time.              notorious  Rikers  Island  jail  of violating parole can be im-                        drug  treatment  facility,  it’s
                                         complex, troubled by years of  mediately jailed for up to 105  Parole rules will no longer in-  not  a  mental  health  facility.
            Criminal  justice  advocates  neglect.                    days while awaiting hearings.  clude  fraternizing  with  oth-  We  should  be  driving  them
            applauded the law but urged                                                            ers with a criminal record, or  toward the help they need.

                       Thousands of Haitian migrants converge on Texas border town

            (AP) — Thousands of Haitian migrants have  for as long as six days.                             administration  ended  its  practice  of  admitting
            assembled  under  and  around  a  bridge  in                                                    asylum-seeking migrants daily who were deemed
            a  small  Texas  border  town,  presenting  the  Some migrants built cave-like shelters within the  especially vulnerable.
            Biden administration with a new and chaotic  reeds along the river, Owens said. Trash piles were
            challenge  Friday  as  it  tries  to  manage  large  10 feet (3.1 meters) wide and at least two women  “People are panicking on how they seek refuge,”
            numbers  of  asylum-seekers  who  have  been  have given birth, including one who tested positive  Phillips said.
            reaching U.S. soil.                             for COVID-19 after being taken to a hospital, he
                                                            said.                                           Edgar Rodríguez, lawyer for the Casa del Migrante
            Haitians  crossed  the  Rio  Grande  freely  and  in  a                                         migrant  shelter  in  Piedras  Negras,  north  of  Del
            steady stream, going back and forth between the  Haitians have been migrating to the U.S. in large  Rio, noticed an increase of Haitians in the area two
            U.S.  and  Mexico  through  knee-deep  water  with  numbers  from  South  America  for  several  years,  or three weeks ago and believes that misinforma-
            some  parents  carrying  small  children  on  their  many  of  them  having  left  the  Caribbean  nation  tion may have played a part. Migrants often make
            shoulders. Unable to buy supplies in the U.S., they  after a devastating earthquake in 2010. After jobs  decisions on false rumors that policies are about to
            returned briefly to Mexico for food and cardboard  dried up from the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio  change and that enforcement policies vary by city.
            to  settle,  temporarily  at  least,  under  or  near  the  de Janeiro, many made the dangerous trek by foot,
            bridge in Del Rio, a city of 35,000 that has been se-  bus and car to the U.S. border, including through  U.S.  authorities  are  being  severely  tested  after
            verely strained by migrant flows in recent months.  the infamous Darien Gap, a Panamanian jungle.  President Joe Biden quickly dismantled Trump ad-
                                                                                                            ministration  policies  that  Biden  considered  cruel
            The vast majority of the estimated 12,000 migrants  It is unclear how such a large number amassed so  or inhumane, most notably one requiring asylum-
            at the bridge on Friday were Haitian, said Val Verde  quickly, though many Haitians have been assem-  seekers to remain in Mexico while waiting for U.S.
            County Judge Lewis Owens, who is the county’s  bling in camps on the Mexican side of the border,  immigration  court  hearings.  Such  migrants  have
            top elected official and whose jurisdiction includes  including  in  Tijuana,  across  from  San  Diego,  to  been exposed to extreme violence in Mexico and
            Del Rio. Some families have been under the bridge  wait  while  deciding  whether  to  attempt  to  enter  faced extraordinary difficulty in finding attorneys.
                                                            the United States.
                                                                                                            The  U.S  Supreme  Court  last  month  let  stand  a
                                                            The U.S. Department of Homeland Security did  judge’s order to reinstate the policy, though Mexi-
                                                            not  immediately  respond  to  a  request  for  com-  co must agree to its terms. The Justice Department
                                                            ment. “We will address it accordingly,” Homeland  said in a court filing this week that discussions with
                                                            Security Alejandro Mayorkas said on MSNBC.      the Mexican government were ongoing.

                                                            Some Haitians at the camp have lived in Mexican  A  pandemic-related  order  to  immediately  expel
                                                            cities on the U.S. border for some time, moving  migrants without giving them the opportunity to
                                                            often between them, while others arrived recently  seek asylum that was introduced in March 2020 re-
                                                            after  being  stuck  near  Mexico’s  southern  border  mains in effect, but unaccompanied children and
                                                            with  Guatemala,  said  Nicole  Phillips,  the  legal  many families have been exempt. During his first
                                                            director  for  advocacy  group  Haitian  Bridge  Alli-  month in office, Biden chose to exempt children
                                                            ance. A sense of desperation spread after the Biden  traveling alone on humanitarian grounds.
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