Page 16 - MIN TTC 21 SEPT 2015
P. 16

                                                                                                                                                                        Monday 21 September 2015

“One Happy Island “

 Philips and Maya: A Wedding Dream Comes True on Aruba

ORANJESTAD - 10 years        the soccer match of Borus-       the bet, so Philips invited  about it. They tell us, “Ev-  forward to coming back in
ago Philips and Maya met     sia Dortmund and Schalke         Maya to a sushi dinner.      erything is great on the is-  a few years with our kids!”
each other through the       ’04. Philips was there to visit  They fell in love and be-    land – really awesome! We     We wish the couple all
brother of Philips - Maya    the game and Maya was            came a couple, and have      are enjoying our honey-       the best, Maya and Philips
at that time was a best      working there.                   been together since then.    moon, and we are looking      Zahn. Congratulations!q
friend of Philips brother’s  They teased each other           After that day things
girlfriend.                  over which team would            moved real fast. The
They liked each other at     win. And between those           moved in together and
the first moment and be-     teams the rivalry is big, so     Philips ask Maya to marry
came friends, some years     the two made a bet who           him, and choose Aruba for
later they met again at      would win, and Maya won          their wedding. Why Aru-
                                                              ba? Maya told us 6 years
                                                              ago her sister Marisa also
                                                              got married on Aruba, the
                                                              “One Happy Island.”
                                                              Marisa and her husband
                                                              Bastians was so impressed
                                                              about the island, the peo-
                                                              ple and the hotels that
                                                              they recommend Maya
                                                              and Philips, and they con-
                                                              tact Rita Morrozow for the
                                                              wedding planning and the
                                                              rest is history: The lovely
                                                              couple married on Aruba
                                                              on September 18,2015.
                                                              And they are very happy
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