Page 19 - MIN.ECEM
P. 19
Saturday 28 OctOber 2017
Dino Jump, Face Painting & More!
Halloween Fun for Kids at Renaissance Marketplace
ORANJESTAD – Halloween is a popular fes-
tivity in Aruba, although it is a typical Ameri-
can tradition. However, the new generation
Arubans embraced this celebration and
show their creativity in full. Restaurants and
bars dress up the places with orange orna-
ments and Halloween themed pieces. The
pumpkin is of course a symbol that is over-
all present and Renaissance Marketplace
takes the opportunity to ‘pumpkin up’ the
day. The wonderful marketplace will wel-
come families to enjoy a great day full of
The restaurants will offer special ‘spooky’
menus and local children will go around
to sing. Casa Tua, cafe The Plaza, Side Bar
Bistro, The Dutch Pancake House and Le
Garage are among others part of the fes-
tivities. Take a goofy bite with the ‘spooky
pumpkin pizza’, or ‘monster eyeball pasta’.
The poisoned party starts already this week-
end with face painting for kids, Dino Jump
and of course music. The shops will all be
open and the restaurants and bars ready to
serve your inner you. Renaissance Market-
place will welcome you today and tomor-
row between 10 am to 9 pm. Come and
Loyal Guests Honored at the Marriott Surf Club
PALM BEACH - Recently at
the Marriott Surf Club, Aru-
ba vacationers were pre-
Paradise in the Caribbean sented with honorary titles
created by the Ministry of
Tourism as a token of ap-
preciation to guest visiting
Aruba for 10 and 20 con-
secutive years.
Special friends of Aruba,
enjoying ten or more annu-
al vacations here, are giv-
en the Distinguished Visitor
certificate and those with
twenty consecutive years
are given the Goodwill Am-
bassador certificate. The home away from home. Present for the ceremony
certificates were presented Honorees are Benjamin was Executive Administra-
by Aruba Tourism Authority and Carmella Watkins as tive Assistant to the Gen-
representative Marouska Distinguished Visitors and eral Manager Ms. Jenny
SALES OFFICE +297 2801005 Heyliger at the Marriott Surf Frank and Janet Pichirallo Boekhoudt from the Marri-
MOBILE +297 5927275 Club, which they call their as Goodwill Ambassadors. ott Surf Club.q