Page 5 - ATA
P. 5
Saturday 4 November 2017
Aruba says Masha Danki to Kenneth Faeth
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, The symbolic honorary ti-
Ms. Darline S. de Cuba had tle is presented on behalf
the great pleasure to honor of the Minister of Tourism,
a Loyal and friendly visi- Transportation, as a to-
tor of Aruba as a Goodwill ken of appreciation to the
Ambassador at his home- guests who visit Aruba for
away-from-home. 20-to-34 consecutive years.
The honor was Mr. Kenneth
Faeth, honored as a Good- “Twenty year ago, I had disappointed me.
will Ambassador. the opportunity to go with Each year I visit, I love it
The certificate was present- friends to Aruba. here even more. Besides
ed to Kenneth by the rep- It was not a place I had being such a paradise
resentative of Aruba Tour- even considered going to. here, the people at Costa
ism Authority Ms. Darline S. However, I arrived at Costa Linda are wonderful, the
de Cuba in the presence of Linda and suddenly real- service is fabulous and the
family and associates from ized I had found ‘Paradise.’ restaurants on Aruba are
Costa Linda. Twenty years later, I contin- unsurpassed.
At the ceremony, Kenneth ue to count the days until I Happy vacationing at my
tells us why he keeps com- can come back home to second home.”
ing back to Aruba. Aruba. This island has never -Sincerely, Ken Faeth.q