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                                                                                            TECHNOLOGY Friday 15 May 2020
            Faxes and email: Old technology slows COVID-19 response

            By FRANK BAJAK                                                                                                      million  Palantir  system.  On
            AP Technology Writer                                                                                                April  10,  Health  and  Hu-
            On  April  1,  a  researcher                                                                                        man  Services  Secretary
            at  the  Centers  for  Disease                                                                                      Alex Azar added more re-
            Control  and  Prevention                                                                                            porting  requirements  for
            emailed  Nevada  public                                                                                             hospitals.
            health counterparts for lab                                                                                         Those mandates sparked a
            reports  on  two  travelers                                                                                         backlash  among  stressed
            who had tested positive for                                                                                         hospitals  already  report-
            the coronavirus. She asked                                                                                          ing data to state and local
            Nevada  to  send  those  re-                                                                                        health  departments.  Pro-
            cords via a secure network                                                                                          ducing additional cumber-
            or  a  "password  protected                                                                                         some spreadsheets for the
            encrypted  file"  to  protect                                                                                       federal government "is just
            the travelers' privacy.                                                                                             not sustainable," said Janet
            The Nevada response: Can                                                                                            Hamilton,  executive  direc-
            we just fax them over?                                                                                              tor of the Council of State
            You'd hardly know the U.S.                                                                                          and  Territorial  Epidemiolo-
            invented  the  internet  by                                                                                         gists. q
            the  way  its  public  health
            workers  are  collecting  vi-
            tal  pandemic  data.  While
            health-care  industry  re-
            cord-keeping is now mostly   In this Feb. 13, 2020, file photo, Jay Butler, deputy director for infectious diseases at the Centers for
            electronic,  cash-strapped   Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), speaks to the media in regards to the novel coronavirus,
                                         while standing in front of a map marked with areas having reported cases, inside the Emergency
            state and local health de-   Operations Center in Atlanta.
            partments  still  rely  heavily                                                                    Associated Press
            on faxes, email and spread-
            sheets  to  gather  infectious   None of this is news to the  cal  data  on  coronavirus  heart  and  respiratory  dis-
            disease  data  and  share  it   CDC  or  other  health  ex-  cases,  largely  because  it  ease — for 6% of reported
            with federal authorities.    perts. "We are woefully be-  would have to be manually  cases.  Missing  from  daily
            This  data  dysfunction  is   hind," the CDC's No. 2 offi-  extracted  from  electronic  indicators that CDC makes
            hamstringing  the  nation's   cial, Anne Schuchat, wrote  records,  then  sent  by  fax  public  is  data  such  as  na-
            coronavirus  response  by,   in  a  September  report  on  or  email,  said  Johns  Hop-  tionwide   hospitalizations
            among  other  things,  slow-  public health data technol-  kins  epidemiologist  Jenni-  over  the  previous  24  hours
            ing  the  tracing  of  people   ogy.  She  likened  the  state  fer  Nuzzo.  It's  not  unusual  and  numbers  of  tests  or-
            potentially   exposed    to   of  U.S.  public  health  tech-  for  public  health  workers  dered  and  completed  —
            the  virus.  In  response,  the   nology  to  "puttering  along  to  have  to  track  patients  information vital to guiding
            Trump administration set up   the  data  superhighway  in  down on social media, use  the  federal  response,  said
            a parallel reporting system   our Model T Ford."          the  phone  book  or  scav-  Dr.  Ashish  Jha,  director  of
            run  by  the  Silicon  Valley   HOLES IN THE DATA         enge  through  other  pub-   the Harvard Global Health
            data-wrangling firm Palan-   This  information  technol-  lic-health  databases  that  Institute.
            tir.  Duplicating  many  data   ogy  gap  might  seem  puz-  may have that information,  "The CDC during this entire
            requests, it has placed new   zling given that most hospi-  said  Rachelle  Boulton,  the  pandemic  has  been  two
            burdens on front-line work-  tals and other health care  Utah  health  department  steps  behind  the  disease,"
            ers  at  hospitals,  labs  and   providers  have  long  since  official  responsible  for  epi-  Jha said.
            other  health  care  centers   ditched paper files for elec-  demiological   reporting.  REINVENTING THE WHEEL
            who  already  report  case   tronic health records. Inside  Even  when  hospitals  and  Instead of accelerating ex-
            and testing data to public   the  industry,  they're  eas-  labs report that information  isting  efforts  to  modernize
            health agencies.             ily  shared,  often  automati-  electronically,  it's  often  in-  U.S.  disease  reporting,  the
            There's  little  evidence  so   cally.                    complete.  Deficiencies  in  White House asked Palantir,
            far that the Palantir system   But  data  collection  for  in-  CDC collection have been  whose founder Peter Thiel is
            has  measurably  improved    fectious-disease  reports  is  especially glaring.        a major backer of President
            federal or state response to   another  story,  particularly  In  75%  of  COVID-19  cases  Donald  Trump,  to  hastily
            COVID-19.                    in  comparison  to  other  in-  compiled in April, data on  build out a data collection
            Emails   exchanged     be-   dustrialized  nations.  Coun-  the  race  and  ethnicity  of  platform  called  HHS  Pro-
            tween  the  CDC  and  Ne-    tries  like  Germany,  Britain  victims  was  missing.  A  re-  tect. It has not gone well.
            vada officials in March and   and  South  Korea  —  and  port  on  children  affected  On  March  29,  Vice  Presi-
            early April, obtained by The   U.S. states such as New York  by the virus only had symp-  dent  Mike  Pence,  who
            Associated  Press  in  a  pub-  and  Colorado —  are able  tom  data  for  9%of  labora-  chairs the task force, sent a
            lic records request, illustrate   to  populate  online  dash-  tory-confirmed  cases  for  letter  asking 4,700 hospitals
            the scope of the problem.    boards  far  richer  in  real-  which  age  was  known.  A  to  collect  daily  numbers
            It sometimes takes multiple   time  data  and  analysis.  In  study on virus-stricken  U.S.  on virus test results, patient
            days  to  track  down  such   Germany, a map populat-     health  care  workers  could  loads  and  hospital  bed
            basic  information  as  pa-  ed  with  public  data  gath-  not tally the number affect-  and   intensive   care-unit
            tient addresses and phone    ered  by  an  emergency-     ed because the applicable  capacity.  That  informa-
            numbers.  One  disease  de-  care  doctors'  association  boxes  were  only  checked  tion, the letter said, should
            tective  consults  Google  to   even  shows    hospital  bed  on  16%  of  received  case  be  compiled  into  spread-
            fill a gap. Data vital to case   availability.            forms. In another study, the  sheets and emailed to the
            investigations  such  as  pa-  In  the  U.S.,  many  hospitals  CDC only had data on pre-  Federal  Emergency  Man-
            tient  travel  and  medical   and doctors are often fail-  existing  conditions  —  risk  agement  Agency,  which
            histories is missing.        ing to report detailed clini-  factors  such  as  diabetes,  would  feed  it  into  the  $25
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