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                  Thursday 4 January 2024
            Iran says at least 103 were killed in blasts at a ceremony honoring

            slain general

            By JON GAMBRELL                                                                                                    While  Israel  has  carried
            Associated Press                                                                                                   out  attacks  in  Iran  over  its
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-                                                                                        nuclear  program,  it  has
            ates (AP) — Two bombs ex-                                                                                          conducted targeted assas-
            ploded  and  killed  at  least                                                                                     sinations, not mass casualty
            103 people Wednesday at                                                                                            bombings. A U.S. State De-
            a  commemoration  for  a                                                                                           partment spokesman, Mat-
            prominent  Iranian  general                                                                                        thew  Miller,  said  American
            slain  by  the  U.S.  in  a  2020                                                                                  officials had “no reason” to
            drone strike, Iranian officials                                                                                    believe Israel was involved
            said, as the Middle East re-                                                                                       in  Wednesday’s  attack  in
            mains on edge over Israel’s                                                                                        Iran.
            war with Hamas in Gaza.                                                                                            Sunni  extremist  groups  in-
            No     one     immediately                                                                                         cluding  the  Islamic  State
            claimed  responsibility  for                                                                                       group  have  conducted
            what  appeared  to  be  the                                                                                        large-scale  attacks  in  the
            deadliest  militant  attack                                                                                        past  that  killed  civilians  in
            to target Iran since its 1979                                                                                      Shiite-majority  Iran,  though
            Islamic  Revolution.  Iran’s                                                                                       not  in  relatively  peaceful
            leaders  vowed  to  punish                                                                                         Kerman.
            those  responsible  for  the                                                                                       Iran  also  has  seen  mass
            blasts,  which  wounded  at                                                                                        protests  in  recent  years,
            least 211 people.            Injured people get aid after an explosion in Kerman, Iran, Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2024.   including  those  over  the
            The  blasts  were  minutes                                                                         Associated Press   death of 22-year-old Mah-
            apart  and  shook  the  city                                                                                       sa Amini in 2022. The coun-
            of Kerman, about 820 kilo-   immediately  giving  clear  counts of officials, who said  cy  officials  for  the  casu-  try also has been targeted
            meters  (510  miles)  south-  details of what happened.  the  first  blast  happened  alty figures. Authorities said  by  exile  groups  in  attacks
            east of the capital, Tehran.  The  attacks  came  a  day  about  700  meters  (765  Thursday  would  be  a  na-    dating back to the turmoil
            The  second  blast  sprayed  after a deputy head of the  yards)   from    Soleimani’s  tional day of mourning.     surrounding its 1979 Islamic
            shrapnel  into  a  screaming  Palestinian  militant  group  grave  in  the  Kerman  Mar-  Iran’s   Supreme   Leader  Revolution.
            crowd  fleeing  the  first  ex-  Hamas  was  killed  in  a  sus-  tyrs Cemetery near a park-  Ayatollah  Ali  Khamenei  Iran  itself  has  been  arm-
            plosion.                     pected  Israeli  strike  in  Bei-  ing  lot.  The  crowd  then  said the attackers will face  ing  militant  groups  over
            The  gathering  marked  the  rut.                         rushed  west  along  Shoha-  “a harsh response,” though  the  decades,  including
            fourth  anniversary  of  the  The first bomb Wednesday  da  Street,  where  the  sec-  he  didn’t  name  any  pos-  Hamas,  the  Lebanese  Shi-
            killing  of  Gen.  Qassem  So-  was  detonated  around  3  ond  blast  struck  about  1  sible  suspect.  Iranian  Presi-  ite  militia  Hezbollah  and
            leimani,  the  head  of  the  p.m.,  and  the  other  went  kilometer  (0.62  miles)  from  dent Ebrahim Raisi added:  Yemen’s   Houthi   rebels.
            Revolutionary Guard’s elite  off  some  20  minutes  later,  the grave.                “Undoubtedly,  the  perpe-  As  Israel  wages  its  devas-
            Quds Force, in a U.S. drone  the  Iranian  interior  minis-  A  delayed  second  explo-  trators  and  leaders  of  this  tating  war  in  Gaza  after
            strike in Iraq. The explosions  ter,  Ahmad  Vahidi,  told  sion  is  often  used  by  mili-  cowardly  act  will  soon  be  Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks that
            occurred  near  his  grave  state  television.  He  said  tants to inflict more casual-  identified and punished.”  killed  1,200  people,  both
            site as long lines of people  the second blast killed and  ties by targeting emergen-  Iran  has  multiple  foes  who  Hezbollah  and  the  Houthis
            gathered for the event.      wounded the most people.     cy  personnel  responding  could  be  behind  the  as-   have  launched  attacks
            Iranian state television and  Images  and  video  shared  to  an  attack.  Iranian  state  sault,   including   exile  targeting  Israel  that  they
            officials  described  the  at-  on social media appeared  TV and state-run IRNA news  groups,  militant  organiza-  say come on behalf of the
            tacks as bombings, without  to correspond with the ac-    agency  quoted  emergen-     tions and state actors.     Palestinians.q

             Puerto Rico official says governor’s office must stop using slogan

             that looks like electioneering

                                                                      SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)  Party  has  challenged  the  last  year  by  the  Popular
                                                                      —  The  Puerto  Rico  gover-  administration’s  use  of  the  Democratic  Party  alleges
                                                                      nor’s office must stop using  phrase.                     that  more  than  $3  million
                                                                      the  slogan  “Making  things  Walter Vélez, who oversees  in public funds have been
                                                                      happen”  to  promote  the  the  election  comptroller’s  used  to  promote  the  slo-
                                                                      administration’s  work  be-  office,  told  reporters  that  gan, and the case is pend-
                                                                      cause  it  looks  like  election  the slogan could allude to  ing in court.
                                                                      campaigning,  election  of-  achievements  and  goals,  Jesús  Manuel  Ortiz,  the
                                                                      ficials said Wednesday.      both  of  which  are  barred  party’s president, said in a
                                                                      The  phrase  can  no  longer  under  laws  restricting  the  statement  that  it’s  regret-
                                                                      appear  on  ads  launched  use of public funds for elec-  table  the  slogan  wasn’t
                                                                      with  public  money  by  the  tion-related advertising.   struck down until this year,
                                                                      administration  of  Gov.  Pe-  Sheila  Angleró,  a  spokes-  adding  that  the  funds
                                                                      dro Pierluisi, who is seeking  woman for Pierluisi, said the  should not be used “to de-
             Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Pierluisi gives a press conference in San   a second term in an elec-  governor’s  office  is  evalu-  velop  campaigns  to  high-
             Juan, Puerto Rico, Aug. 6, 2019.                         tion  this  year.  The  opposi-  ating the decision.      light anyone’s image.”q
                                                     Associated Press  tion  Popular  Democratic  A  lawsuit  filed  in  October
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