Page 25 - Min.On 28 July,2015
P. 25

Art Rules Aruba,                                                                      teach our local students. Some              will teach the History of Culinary Arts;
                                                                                      of them are famous in their                 Chef Ervin Husken, of Screaming Eagle
MASTER EDITION                                                                        industry, for example Lemon                 Restaurant will present the Principals and
                                                                                      Andersen a Master in Creative               Practices of Ice cream making, covering
is in full swing                                                                      Writing, he is an Emmy Winner               both ice creams and sorbets; Chef Matt
                                                                                      and the 2010 New York Times                 Boland, of Divi Resorts will discuss
                                                                                      writer, director, poet and                  healthy Cooking Principals and help kids
                                                                                      presenter. He is also known                 make their most common every days
                                                                                      for his presentations in Russell            dishes, super healthy. Chef Urvin Croes
                                                                                      Simons’ Def Poetry Jam.                     of the Kitchen Table and White Modern
                                                                                                                                  Cuisine will introduce Vegetarian and
ART Rules Aruba, Aruba’s number one         Wilhelminastraat.                                    Another highly experienced       Vegan Cooking Principals; Chef Stephen
art program has returned for another        Art Rules Aruba has provided art                     and well known educator is       Toevs of the Ritz Carlton Aruba will
two weeks. The program started on July      education to more than 600 kids since it             Mater DJ Young Guru, known       demonstrate Fish & Meat Butchery and
20, 2015 and is the platform for artistic   initiated in 2010.                                   as one of the most famous audio  the basics skills necessary to tackle beef
Aruban youth to explore and develop         Art Rules has contributed to our youth’s  engineers and record producers in the       and seafood, while Chef Dora Wang of
their artistic talents during the summer    development and has motivated and         world.                                      the Ritz Carlton will elaborate on Pastry
vacation. There are 7 art workshops         supported many young Aruban students      Young Guru is the number DJ from            Baking and Pastry Principals.
about different art disciplines including:  to achieve their artistic dreams.         the Jay Z Rap Mogul and Beyonce’s
Creative writing, Creative media,                                                     Producer.                                   The program selected the most ambitious
Dance, Theater, Music & Presentation,       Art Rules was a Master Edition this year                                              and passionate applicants who really
DJ and Culinary Arts. Art Rules Aruba       because a team of Master Educators         The culinary arts program has recruited    want to continue their education and art
is being held at Rietveld Art Academy in    were recruited from abroad to come        the island’s top chefs who will be          career.
                                                                                      sharing their valuable time and valuable
                                                                                      knowledge with students.  Chef Miguel       Art Rules will conclude with a final show
                                                                                      Garcia, of the Aruba Marriott Resort        taking place August 1st.

4 LOCAL                                                                                                                           Tuesday, July 28 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
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