P. 9

AWEMainta Diaranson, 5 Juli 2017                                                                                                             9

                             SMALL                                                                  Ministerio di Asuntonan Economico y Comunicacion




              SMALL                                                                                                          ENTRANCE

              BUSINESS EVENT                                                                                                   Registration
                                                                                                                        starts at 8:00 AM
              Saturday July 8 , 2017                                                                       EVENT 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

                    1              9:00 - 9:15                                          BREAKOUT SESSION 1

                                   OPPORTUNITIES AHEAD
                                                                                        11:00 - 11:45
                                   Minister Economic Affairs -
                                   mr. drs. Richard Arends                              1.  New Way of Financing Your Business, by Qredits
                                                                                        2.  Tax Workshop for Small Business, by PwC Aruba
                    2              9:15 - 9:35                                              Strategy, by Deloitte Digital
                                                                                        3.  Creating an Effective Web and Social Media

                                   •  Winner Hackathon
                                     Oranjestad - MONUMNT                               BREAKOUT SESSION 2
                                   •  Winner Guardian Group Best Business               12:00 - 12:45
                                     Award 2017                                         1.  How to Minimize Your Insurance Risks as an
                    3              9:30 - 10:45                                         2.  Excellent Customer Service = More Sales,
                                                                                            Entrepeneur, by Guardian Group Fatum

                                   LEARN WHERE TO INVEST AND
                                                                                            by Gianni’s Group
                                   HOW TO DOMINATE YOUR MAR-                            3.  Start and Expand Your Business Right,

                                   KET THE RIGHT WAY                                        by MGM Source
                                   c  The Ingredients to Success, by Gianni’s
                                     Group                                       To register call 582 1181 ext. 439
                                   •  Technology Advisory and New                or email                  idea-aruba
                                     Opportunities, by Ace Engineering
                                   •  Logistics that Matters: Fast, Iterative    Location:
                                     and Smart, by Interport Logistics Aruba     Renaissance Convention Center
                                   •  Make Data Work for Your Business,
                                     by  Setar N.V.                    
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