Page 6 - aruba-today-20240829
P. 6

                  Thursday 29 augusT 2024
            Maduro opponents take to streets to revive protests disputing

            Venezuelan election results

            By   JOSHUA     GOODMAN                                                                                             sure  on  Maduro  is  unlikely
            and JORGE RUEDA                                                                                                     to  cease  any  time  soon
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and pointed out that not a
            CARACAS,        Venezuela                                                                                           single  Western  democracy
            (AP) — Opponents of Ven-                                                                                            has  recognized  what  she
            ezuelan  President  Nicolás                                                                                         called Maduro’s “fraud.”
            Maduro took to the streets                                                                                          “Those  who  say  the  pas-
            Wednesday  in  an  attempt                                                                                          sage  of  time  favors  Mad-
            to  revive  protests  against                                                                                       uro  are  wrong,”  Machado
            him  as  he  tightens  his  grip                                                                                    said  to  throngs  of  support-
            on  power  following  last                                                                                          ers who filled an avenue in
            month’s disputed election.                                                                                          Caracas.  “Every  day  he’s
            The  demonstration  in  the                                                                                         more isolated, more toxic.”
            capital,  Caracas,  comes                                                                                           Not to be outdone, Madu-
            exactly  a  month  after                                                                                            ro’s supporters also planned
            the  fraught  July  28  vote                                                                                        to  hold  rallies  Wednesday,
            in  which  Maduro  was  de-                                                                                         vowing  to  “defend”  Mad-
            clared  the  winner  despite                                                                                        uro’s  victory  against  what
            strong evidence that oppo-                                                                                          they claim is an attempt to
            sition  candidate  Edmundo                                                                                          sow  unrest  throughout  the
            González  won  by  a  nearly                                                                                        South American country.
            2-to-1  margin,  which  drew                                                                                        Amid  the  ongoing  crisis,
            international   condemna-                                                                                           Maduro  has  leaned  heav-
            tion  that  the  vote  lacked   Maria Corina Machado leads a protest against the reelection of President Nicolás Maduro one   ily on security forces to pre-
            transparency.                month after the disputed presidential vote which she claims the opposition won by a landslide, in   serve  his  power.  On  Tues-
                                         Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024.
            In  weeks  of  on-again,  off-                                                                     Associated Press  day, he appointed a hard-
            again  demonstrations,  the                                                                                         line  ruling  party  boss  as
            opposition’s rallying cry has  of  tally  sheets  it  collected  Opposition  leader  Maria  conservative   politician  interior  minister,  with  over-
            been constant but so far in-  and  posted  online  that  Corina    Machado,     who  crisscrossed    the   nation  sight of police forces. Dios-
            effective. Opponents have  contradict  a  recent  sen-    along  with  González  went  for  weeks  to  help  elect  dado  Cabello  has  vowed
            demanded  that  officials  tence written by the loyal-    into  hiding  following  the  González,  a  previously  un-  to  show  no  mercy  against
            publish  results  from  each  ist Supreme Court certifying  election,  re-emerged  to  known former diplomat.       government opponents.
            polling station that they say  Maduro’s  purported  vic-  attend  Wednesday’s  rally,  Acknowledging  the  steep  Cabello’s      appointment
            would  expose  Maduro’s  tory.                            waving  a  Venezuelan  flag  challenge  of  forcing  Mad-  stoked  fears  that  a  crack-
            attempts to steal the elec-  Wednesday’s  protest  was  and hugging small children  uro  from  power,  Mach-        down that has already led
            tion.                        smaller than previous dem-   from the back of a truck as  ado  said  the  movement  to  more  than  2,000  arrests
            “Voting  records  kill  sen-  onstrations.  Tiny  groups  of  supporters  shouted  “Free-  she  leads  will  be  strategic  of   journalists,   politicians
            tence,” is how the opposi-   Venezuelans also gathered  dom!”                          about  calling  for  addition-  and  students    is  likely  to
            tion billed the latest protest,  in other Latin America cap-  Banned   from   running  al  demonstrations.  But  she  intensify.q
            referring  to  the  thousands  itals.                     against    Maduro,     the  said the international pres-

             Spain’s leader starts West Africa tour with agreements to combat

             people smuggling

            By RENATA BRITO              Spain’s  prime  minister  an-  nation  of  Mauritania  on  “It  is  a  need  that  involves  people  land  on  its  shores
            Associated Press             nounced a series of agree-   Tuesday to stem a surge in  certain  problems,  and  for  since  January,  more  than
            BARCELONA, Spain (AP) —  ments with the West African  migrants  making  the  dan-      this we must push formulas  double  the  number  of  ir-
                                                                      gerous  Atlantic  journey  to  that  allow  us  to  manage  regular arrivals for the same
                                                                      the Canary Islands.          the phenomenon of migra-     period last year, according
                                                                      Speaking  alongside  Mauri-  tion in a humane, safe and  to Spain’s Interior Ministry.
                                                                      tanian President Mohamed  orderly way, to benefit our  “Until  not  long  ago  Spain
                                                                      Ould Ghazouani in Nouak-     respective societies.”       was  also  a  country  of  mi-
                                                                      chott, Prime Minister Pedro  Sánchez  is  on  a  three-day  grants  ...  they  aspired  to
                                                                      Sánchez said Spain will ex-  tour of West Africa to rein-  better lives, much like those
                                                                      pand  its  circular  migration  force bilateral relations with  who  take  great  risks  and
                                                                      program  to  Mauritanians  Mauritania,  Gambia  and  take on this dangerous ad-
                                                                      and  renew  cooperation  Senegal, where the major-        venture,” Sánchez said.
                                                                      between  the  two  nations’  ity of migrant boats reach-  Among  those  making  it  to
                                                                      security  forces  to  combat  ing the Canary Islands are  the Canaries are thousands
                                                                      people smuggling and traf-   being launched from.         of  Malian  refugees  flee-
                                                                      ficking  networks.  “Despite  The  Spanish  archipelago  ing violence and instability

                                                                      the  rhetoric  that  is  grow-  located  close  to  the  Afri-  in  the  Sahelian  nation  as
                                                                      ing  in  Europe,  migration  is  can  coast  and  used  as  a  well as youth from Senegal,
             Migrants disembark at the port of on “La Estaca” in Valverde   not  a  problem,”  Sánchez  stepping stone for migrants  Mauritania and other West
             at  the  Canary  island  of  El  Hierro,  Spain,  Monday,  Aug.  26,   said,  openly  recognizing  and  refugees  trying  to  African  countries  who  are
             2024. Migrants arrived by boat after a thirteen-day voyage from

             the coast of Senegal.                                    the need for migrant work-   reach  continental  Europe  seeking better job opportu-
                                                     Associated Press  ers in Spain’s aging society.  has seen more than 22,000  nities abroad.q
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