Page 18 - DESPA
P. 18
Wednesday 27 september 2017 heAlth
Growing Health
By: Dr Carlos Viana
When a new patient comes Like the environment of the The salt water in the cell
to me, I evaluate their med- land, the environment of pushes the cell’s calcium
ical tests, but I begin by ob- your body can grow health and phosphorus out into
serving them the way my or disease. the blood vessels. This loss of
Uncle Julio use to look at Common environmental important minerals from our
his land. Julio was a farmer factors that contribute to bone cells and escaped
who was considered in his disease are unhealthy food or “free” calcium (not
native Portugal, a soil ex- choices, obesity, infec- cholesterol) in the blood
pert. During my childhood tions, radiation, stress, lack builds up inside blood ves-
I had the opportunity to of physical activity, and sels as arteriosclerosis, then
travel with my Uncle as he pollutants. According to heart disease develops.
appraised land. Uncle Ju- medical research, cancers The free calcium can enter
lio showed me there is no are primarily an environ- your joints, producing joint
“bad” land, just land that mental disease with 90- pain and inflammation.
is better suited to grow dif- 95% of cases attributed to With increased calcium in
ferent crops. For example, environmental factors and the blood, heart rhythm
green peppers needed only 5-10% due to genet- becomes irregular and fi-
rich, dark, organic rich soil. ics! All of us are exposed in nally, without adequate
If you try to grow grapes some way to many of these oxygen being pumped by
in this soil, you get mushy, causes, yet one man in two the heart and glucose from
tasteless grapes. Grapes and one woman in three good nutrition to produce
need poor, rocky ground will develop cancer. Why more energy, the cell be- ing lung cancer as a result calcium intake, healthy
to produce wine quality is it then that some people gins to die. of air pollution or radiation, food choices include dark
grapes. I learned that all get cancer while others do Cells die every day. How- then there is a tiny chance green vegetables, sardines,
soil can be good for grow- not? ever, if too many cells die that the smoker’s lung can- brown rice or quinoa.
ing; however different soil All lifestyle choices change too fast, organs and mus- cer actually developed Have your free calcium and
produces different plants. the environment of your cles deteriorate. because of air pollution or phosphorus tested to see if
Now, just like Uncle Julio, body. It may not be easy In some cases, poor en- radiation. you are losing bone min-
I check to see what your to change our entire en- vironment together with Whatever outside environ- erals and risking calcium
body is good for growing, vironment. Toxins seem poor lifestyle habits will mental problems we come deposits on arteries, veins
healthy cells or diseased to be everywhere these “turn off” you cell’s natural into contact with daily, if and in joints. Supplement
cells. days, but most of us are switch witch tells it to die we want to be as healthy with magnesium and boron
In conventional medicine lucky enough to be able when it is not healthy. If as possible, we need to do not calcium! Of course my
we have different theo- to choose clean water and your cell’s switch is turned our best to create an inside other basic supplements
ries about how we get or good food to support our off, it changes your cell, so environment that promotes for good health always in-
“grow” diseased cells. Louis body. What happens if that it eats more and grows good health. Starting with clude vitamin C, zinc and
Pasteur, known for the food your food choices are less rapidly. drinking clean water daily lecithin. A hair analysis,
Pasteurization process, de- than healthy though? Cancer cells do not wait to cleans and hydrate our available at our clinic can
veloped the medical Germ Our cells need clean water for glucose to naturally body. Next, choose foods detect toxic heavy metal
Theory. The Germ Theory and good nutrition to pro- get in the cell, but eat the good for your metabolic build up which needs to be
says that something out- duce energy to grow and glucose right out of your or blood type. Everyone safely cleaned from your
side the body, bacteria, reproduce more healthy blood, which drains energy should stay away from body.
virus, and pollution causes cells. Without proper wa- from the body. It is nearly heavily processed, unnatu- Get The Point! Louis Pas-
disease. ter and food, a cell can- impossible to prove exactly ral foods. Eat as many fresh teur’s on his deathbed is
Another biologist, Antoine not produce an adequate what caused cancer in any fruits and vegetables as alleged to have said - “Ber-
Béchamp, disagreed with amount of energy. Without individual, because most possible. Cook with a small nard was right; the patho-
Pasteur; Béchamp main- this energy, water that has cancers have many poten- amount of healthy fats, like gen is nothing; the terrain
tained that bacteria are become salty from collect- tial causes. For example, if olive oil or clarified butter. is everything.” When you
not the cause of, but the ing waste from the body a person who uses tobac- Avoid cow’s milk and milk nourish your body with
result of disease. This has enters the cell causing co heavily develops lung products. Too much cal- what it needs to rebuild
also been called the Cel- swelling. This swelling often cancer, then it was proba- cium in the blood is made and clean itself you are
lular Disease Theory, and of legs and feet is known as bly caused by the tobacco worse by milk, milk products making your body a host
is the premise of Natural edema. Edema is an indi- use maybe together with and calcium medications with for growing health.
Medicine. Natural Medi- cation that an unhealthy other environmental prob- and even natural supple- Make an appointment to
cine states that disease body environment is devel- lems. Since everyone has a ments. For a more “cell have an expert assess your
starts in an unhealthy cell. oping. small chance of develop- friendly” easily processed inner environment.q